Hy A. LUCET . \,tVARB L ES in ca ttle are due to the deve lopment in their system of the larvie of two diptera: hypoderma bovis and hypoderma lin eatum. These pes t s cause an a nrJu al los s in Fra nce a lone of ten million fr a ncs to agricultwe and thetanneries. Affected subj ects present in the sprin g, on the back an d loins, s ubcut a neous nodular swellings each enclos ing a la n 'a and allowing to escape , by a n opening in the skin whi ch covers them, a n a bund a nt 'sero-purulent li quid . 'rhelosses occasioned by thi s pa r as it ~ a re d ue to the hindrance it cau ses to growth , fatte ning , and the produ ction of milk, to· th e deprecia tion of the ca r case as fl es h, and to perforations which cons id erab ly redu ce th e qualities of the skin s. The autho r publishes the re s ult of re searches undertaken sin ce T9I2 at th e laborat ory of comparative pathology of the Museum of the Academie des Sciences, und er the a uspi ces of the Minister of Agric ulture . Hypoderm a bovis h as been the only species, studied. In the climate pl evailin g in a nd a round P a ris , the larvie of hypoderma bovis leave the ~a ttle that they infest in Ma:v, June and July, but, above all in May and June, a nd particu la rly in the morning. Nin'ety-ftve per cent . of thela rvie whi ch h ave mig ra ted from the subjects a ttack ed transfor m themselves into pUpie in fro m 24 t o 36 hour s if oneplaces them on the soil or in the laboratory on wadding, g ras s , or earth. Any modiftcation applied to n a tur al mig ration or to the condition s cited results in f ailure . Their passage to the pupal stage is brou g ht a bou t on thesurface of the soil, contra ry t o the assert ion of German a utho rs . i'ymphos is had a duratio n of from 30 to 35 days on an average . During their existen ce the hypod e rrr,;e have as their e nemies litt le rodents, the birds, and the insects of which a ce rt ain nu mber eat the adults, their larvie a nd their pUpie. Thespores of different inferior fungi spread over the soil can pe netrate their chitinou s coverings, vegetate on their chrysalid es and kill them. Breeding in the laboratory at ordinary temperatures a ppears to give the best results, for it suppresses the causes of
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destr uction arismg on the soil. Hatc hin g t ake s place at all hours of the d ay, and noL, as asserted by the Germ a ns, only in the morning. 1 h e hypoderma bre a ks its enveloping membr