Transverse skeletal and dental asymmetry in adults with unilateral lingual posterior crossbite

Transverse skeletal and dental asymmetry in adults with unilateral lingual posterior crossbite

Langberg, Arai, and Miner 15 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Volume 127, Number 1 7. Ahlgren J, Posselt U. Need of func...

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Langberg, Arai, and Miner 15

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Volume 127, Number 1

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This article reports that mandibular skeletal asymmetry is not evident in a group of adults with posterior unilateral crossbite when compared with an adult control group. Furthermore, the authors claim that posterior crossbite is due to increased width of the mandible and not a result of transverse deficiency of the maxilla. This study makes use of posteroanterior (PA) radiographs, in preference to previously used submental vertex radiographs, as used by Lam et al1 to assess facial asymmetry in adolescents and O’Byrn et al2 to evaluate skeletal asymmetry in adults. According to Cook,3 as little as 5° of side-to-side head rotation for a PA radiograph caused the side of the asymmetry to switch. In addition, PA radiographs could not be used to determine whether the source of the asymmetry was dentoalveolar, skeletal, or both. Furthermore, clarity of mandibular reference points is compromised by the use of PA radiographs. In Table I, one third of the sample of crossbite subjects demonstrate a switch in side of mandibular positional deviation relative to the mandibular midline

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deviation, and an almost equal number show a switch in side relative to the dentoalveolar crossbite side when PA radiographs are used. Furthermore, this method of investigation demonstrated mandibular asymmetry in approximately 50% of the noncrossbite control sample (Table II). The authors acknowledge the weaknesses inherent in the use of PA cephalometric radiographs4,5 but have excluded intraexaminer reliability measurements and stated intraclass correlation statistics. In addition, there is no mention of the standardization techniques used to reduce the margin of error associated with PA radiography. The authors have gone to considerable lengths to describe the novel assessment of dental asymmetry but have not provided much information about the triangulation method and which anatomic regions these various triangles represent. Also, little information is provided in this text about the positional deviation method. They discuss the use of univariate 2-sided Student t tests for analyzing the data. If these statistical assessments are to be used, possibly a Bonferroni adjustment should have been applied based on the set of a priori or planned comparisons designed for this study.6 With this approach, t statistics are computed for only these carefully chosen comparisons. The ␣ for the entire set of comparisons can be selected at .05 and is distributed equally across the entire set of a priori comparisons to arrive at the Bonferroni adjustment for these data. This controls the type I error probabilities in the entire set of planned comparisons so that the maximum probability of type I error is 0.05, according to Bonferroni inequality. The Bonferroni adjustment is more conservative than the independent t tests without the correction.6 The authors might also have considered the use of withingroup and between-group differences by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistics. The ANOVA might have been used to assess condylar position and to describe differences in skeletal pattern, making use of the triangulation method. In the discussion, the authors note, “We found that adults with PUXB malocclusions display more transverse dental-arch asymmetry in both arches.” Table III shows statistical differences only for the mandibular arch; it is not appropriate to infer differences based on trends in nonsignificant variables for maxillary dental variables, especially because only t tests were used. On the basis of a comparison of 15 adult crossbite subjects with 15 noncrossbite subjects, the authors have concluded, “Unilateral posterior crossbite develops as a result of a large mandible rather than a deficient maxilla, as commonly believed.” Possibly a larger

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics January 2005

sample size would have provided a more balanced perspective, as previously published data have shown.7,8 PA radiography and submental vertex imaging might not provide adequate information for determining skeletal asymmetry, especially when area triangulation is used on a 3-dimensional object, such as the skeleton of the face. Localized disturbances seem to lead to distant areas of compensations to ensure adequate form and function of the stomatognathic system. Possibly the truth will be discovered soon with evaluation and assessment of 3-dimensional images of the face. True volumetric evaluation of anatomic regions will provide greater insight into area remodeling. Anatomic planes can be used and converted into 3-dimensional vectors to assess the vector resolution of the developmental effect. Three-dimensional imaging might even be used to determine localized alveolar bone and dental compensations associated with uncorrected posterior crossbites and provide information necessary for treatment planning and treatment execution. Until we have caught up with our current imaging capabilities, many of our questions might remain unanswered or difficult to explain. Brian Nebbe Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada REFERENCES 1. Lam PH, Sadowsky C, Omerza F. Mandibular asymmetry and condylar position in children with unilateral posterior crossbite. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1999;115:569-75. 2. O’Byrn BL, Sadowsky C, Schneider BJ, BeGole E. An evaluation of mandibular asymmetry in adults with unilateral posterior crossbite. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995;107:394-400. 3. Cook J. Asymmetry of the craniofacial complex. Br J Orthod 1980;7:33-8. 4. Major PW, Johnson DE, Hesse KL, Glover KE. Landmark identification error in posterior anterior cephalometrics. Angle Orthod 1994; 64:447-54. 5. Major PW, Johnson DE, Hesse KL, Glover KE. Effect of head orientation on posterior anterior cephalometric landmark identification. Angle Orthod. 1996;66:51-60. 6. Marascuilo LA, Levin JR. Multivariate statistics in the social sciences: a researcher’s guide. Monterey, Calif: Brooks/Cole; 1983. 7. Allen D, Rebellato J, Sheats R, Ceron AM. Skeletal and dental contributions to posterior crossbites. Angle Orthod. 2003;73:515-24. 8. Thilander B, Lennartsson B. A study of children with unilateral posterior crossbite, treated and untreated, in the deciduous dentition— occlusal and skeletal characteristics of significance in predicting the long-term outcome. J Orofac Orthop. 2002;63:371-83. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2005;127:15– 6 0889-5406/$30.00 Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Orthodontists. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2004.08.001