APRIL 1994. VOL 59. NO 4
chapter-by-chapter organization. The appropriate audience for this text is the new learner or the technically or practically trained individual who is new to the OR. This text covers the field of surgical technology from its early history to its present-day role in the OR. The importance of the technologist’s role is discussed. The book also discusses OR personnel, the structure and design aspects of ORs, and the special fields of surgery, including basic procedures. Even though this is a revised edition, not all of the equipment mentioned in the book is current. For example, the book does not discuss the latest model or methods of using the dermatome discussed in the plastic reconstructive chapter, even though a newer model has been available since 1990. This text is a good reference and teaching guide for the basic learner who is new to the operating room. I recommend it as a basic reference for designing adult learning programs for orientees. This book is available from W B Saunders Co, 6277 Sea Harbor Dr. Orlando, FL 32821. JANETCLAMON, RN, CNOR, C STAFFNURSE/OR, TEAMLEADERPLASTIC SERVICE VETERANS AFFAIRS MEDICALCENTER
TRAUMA Trauma Nursing: The Art and Science By Janet A . Neff, Pamela S. Kidd I993 807 p p $49.95 hardcover ~
I enjoyed this book. The authors did an excellent job compiling chapters that trace the evolution of nursing care as it relates to the trauma patient. Not only does this book address the physiological areas that require treatment and care, but it also includes chapters on trauma quality management, trauma prevention, and legal issues salient to trauma. This book examines the nurse’s role in the treatment of trauma patients, rather than just examining the physician’s role. This approach
adds a special dimension to the text. This book is unique because each chapter contains a clinical case and questions that encourage the reader to apply the chapter’s concepts. A list of resources also is included at the end of each chapter. I enjoyed seeing the perioperative nurse’s role addressed in a book about trauma, because I believe the perioperative nursing phase of the patient’s care is an important and usually recurring chapter in the trauma patient’s story. This book is available from Mosby-Year Book, Inc, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, M O 63 146-3318, and I recommend it for any nurse who works or is planning to work in a trauma center. NADINEKOSTYK-MARIOTTI, RN, BSN, CNOR CLINICAL EDUCATOR/OR HARBORVIEW MEDICAL CENTER SEATLE
WRITING Health Professionals Stylebook: Putting Your Language to Work By Shirley H . Fondiller, Barbara .I. Nei-one 1993,128 p p $25.95 paperback This is a writer’s handbook for health care professionals. The material is presented clearly in a format that is easy to use. Common challenges to these writers are addressed, including the proper use of terms related to health care and the interpretation of acronyms and abbreviations used in nursing and health-related fields. Acronyms and abbreviations are listed alphabetically with clear explanations. This book includes writing techniques that are useful for all authors and provides techniques to simplify language and sentences, reduce redundancy, and clarify statements. Common prefixes and suffixes used in medical writing are presented, and words commonly misspelled in professional writing are listed. There also is information regarding computer software that can edit, check spelling, and outline presentations. College students and health care professionals 911