Traumatic variation in the Globorotalia menardii d'Orbigny group in Late Quaernary sediments from

Traumatic variation in the Globorotalia menardii d'Orbigny group in Late Quaernary sediments from

181 OCEANOGRAPHIC ABSTRACTS (1977) 24 (3) This section contains abstracts for a large portion of the references cited in the bibliography beginning ...

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This section contains abstracts for a large portion of the references cited in the bibliography beginning on page 157. The abstracts are arranged alphabetically by authors. The citations were received in the editorial office during the period 1 - 31 December, 1976. See the preface for additional explanatory material.

AABY BENT, 1976. Cyclic climatic variations in climate over the past 5,500 yr reflected in raised bogs. Nature, Lond., 263 (5575): 281-284. Investigations of Danish raised bogs apparently indicate cyclic long term climatic variations with a periodicity of about 260 yr over the past 5,500 yr. The result could be used for modelling future climatic trends. ADEY W.H., TOMITARO MASAKI and HIDETSUGU AKIOKA, 1976. The distribution of crustose corallines in eastern Hokkaido and the biogeographic relationships of the flora. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 26 (4): 303-313. Based on a series of depth-zoned collections taken by SCUBA, the relative abundances of species of crustose coralline algae along the eastern and southern coasts of Hokkaido were examined with regard to the major ocean currents and the resulting temperature patterns. Three geographic groupings of species were found: (a) a cold water group strongly dominating along the east coast from Cape Erimo to Cape Nosappu; (b) a warmer water group occurring to the northeast from Cape Nosappu to Cape Shiretoko; and (c) a third, warm water group occurring in the Tsugaru Strait. The coast from Cape Erimo to Tsugaru Strait is occupied by a transitional complex of species. Based on a graphic study of the amount of contiguous coastline in the northern hemisphere occurring at various combinations of summer and winter surface water temperatures, a physical basis for the delimitation of shallow water coastal biogeographic provinces is derived. The close correlation of these patterns with the actual geographic distribution of crustose corallines in this study, and in those previously undertaken in the North Atlantic, is discussed. The cold water species are shown to be the southernmost extension in the Pacific of the broad subarctic group, most of the species present in Hokkaido also occurring in the North Atlantic. The basis for the North Pacific origin of the subarctic flora is also discussed. The two warm water groups are referred to as cold temperate (northeast Hokkaido) and warm temperate (Tsugaru Strait), and it is postulated that the centers of distribution of these provinces are respectively in the southern Okbotsk and northern Sea of Japan, and the southern Sea of Japan to East China Sea area. AKTORK S. E., 1976. Traumatic variation in the Globorotalia menardii d'Orhigny group in Late Quaternary sediments from the Caribbean. Z foram. Res., 6 (3): 186-192. Late Quaternary assemblages of the GIoborotalia menardii group from Caribbean deep-sea sediments contain abundant specimens with abnormal features including distortion of tests, swelling or contortion of chambers and abnormally shaped diminutive chambers or extremely inflated final chambers. These abnormal modifications represent traumatic variation, mostly resulting from test damage by predators. Scanning electron microscope examination reveals striking evidence of wound-healing or regeneration of danaaged test fragments. Wound-healing is clearly marked by the development of an imperforate ridge or additional calcite tubercles around the injured area. The tests of healed speciments are normally thicker than uninjured specimens due to increased calcite encrustation. In some specimens, regeneration of small test ~'ragments has occurred by the formation of a new wall and aperture demonstrating the large morphological plasticity of the group. Traumatic variation may be significant in ecological-paleoecological interpretations of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. ALLEN D.W., R. B. ALLEN, R. E. BLACK, J. M. FRIEDMAN, L. G. MALLON, R. W. MORSE, S. B. PETERSON and L. J. SMITH, 1976. Effects on commercial fishing of petroleum development off the northeastern United States. I~oods Hole oceanogr. Inst., Rept mar. Policy Ocean Mgmt Progm, WHOI-76-66: 80 pp. This report is the result of a study of the possible effects of future offshore petroleum development on the commercial fishing industry of the New England and Mid-Atlantic states. The study, made by an interdisciplinary group, was based on a variety of sources: two workshops involving fishermen, government officials, and oil industry representatives; visits to the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea; interviews with state coastal zone planning officials and with federal officials responsible for offshore development; interviews with and questionnaires from working fishermen; and finally, the analysis of existing fisheries data and the review of