Stimulierende Wirkung von Penicillin bei Streptothrixinfektionen der Gesichtsweichteile. (Stimulating Effect of Penicillin in Case of Streptothrix Infection of the Face.) H. II. RBmer.
4: 1377,
A 25.year-old woman, before in perfect health, pre,sented a large perimandibular swelling in the region of the right angle of the jaw, which was boardlike and persisted for several weeks without change. At the region of the anterior margin of the masseter muscle an epitheliated fistula was seen from which there was a constant putrescent suppuration. The discharge contained no sulfur granules, tubercle bacilli, but masses of The teeth were in excellent condition, no perigram-positive streptothrix organisms. odontal disease, and all were vital. X-ray examination showed no bone disease. Exploration of the flstulas showed that they led to a soft tissue abscess cavity which It was treated with penicillin pea-der and sulfonamide powder and closed was curetted. by primary suture. After five days the wound opened and a considerable amount of pus was evacuated. Penicillin therapy and local antiseptic treatment caused improvement, but after one month there was recurrence with marked swelling from which streptothrix organisms were obtained. The patient was then treated with x-ray irradiation which Streptothrix, therefore, is penicillin-resistant and penicillin resulted in a permanent cure. serves only to overcome the mixed infection, if present. H. R. M.
Die Behandlung der diffuseri Alveolaratrophie mit Vitamin D. (Treatment of Generalized Alveolar Atrophy With Vitamin D.) W. Simek. Ztschr. f. Stomatol. 1: 31, 1949. The author recommends in cases of generalized alveolar atrophy the use of the highly concentrated Devitol “ gewo, ” which contains per 1 CC. of oil 750,000 units of vitamin D. The dose is 1 to 3 CC. given once or twicae a day. In addition he recommends the daily use of 3 tablets of Decal&t, a calcium phosphorus preparation made by the same firm. The author uses as a criterion for the result of this therapy the improvement in the motility of the teeth, measured in millimeters. If the motility is not more than 2 mm. the vitamin D medication may be successful. Pockets not more than 2 mm. deep also may heal with this medication. E. P. S.
ENDODONTIA Die Apicalregion, das Kernstuck der Wurzelbehandlung. of Root Treatment. G. Fischer. Schweiz. Monatschr.
(The Apical f. Zahnh.
Region, the Nucleus 59:
755, 3949.
“The apex of t,he tooth is embryologically built up by the dental pulp as well as by the periodontal tissue. Apart from the apical ramifications of the root canal, the apex of the human tooth is a complex tissue of protoplasmatic nets with crevices, canals and cell inclusions. They stand for an increased surface of circulation. “Infected, this plasmatic net becomes a large necrotic focus with ideal living COW ditions for microorganisms. Elimination of, and prevention from local foci can only be obtained by surgical root treatment, and by sterile operating conditions. By surgical root. treatment, the author thinks of: (a) vital amputation of the crown part of the pulp, in early cases of pulpitis, (1)) the vital extirpation of the whole pulp in one rooted tooth, (c) the vital amputation of the root pulp in multirooted teeth, (d) the apical resection of gangrenous one rooted teeth, (e) the replantation of gangrenous multirooted teeth. The alkalosis of the pulp of human teeth, which cannot be observed in animal teeth, is a general phenomenon which occurs sooner or later in all human teeth (pH 7.44 with a blood pH of 7.36). It is not a sign of degeneration, on the contrary, it seems to be a protective device of the pulp, a buffering capacity against noeive acidosis of exterior or interior origin. It is found in teeth of all ages. R. H. H.