Vol. 70, Suppl. 1
P 063
TREATHERT OF OBLITERATIVE ARTERIOPATHY OP THi3LOWSR LIHBSUSING IITRARTERIALLY ADHINISTERED DEPIBROTIDE. S.Fedi,*A,P.Cellai,“‘n.Parantelli,”P.Spinelli,Ist. Clinica Nedica 10,University of Plorence, Italy,*U.O.Analisi ChiricoClinicbe,USL 10 D,Plorence,Italy, **U.Angiologia,H.Teresa Clinic,Florence, Italy. Pollowing the clinical results observed using intrarterially adrinistered Defibrotide, it was necessary to verify eventual variations of certain fibrinolytic parameters in S patients (61, 2!, range 65-78 years) affected by obliterative arteriopathy of the lower limbs at the III-IV Fontaine stage,It was assessed Euglobulin Lysis Tire(ELT), t-PA (chrol,leth. and ILISA), PAI (chr0r.neth.j alpha2antiplasmin (chrou.reth.) plasrinogen (chror.reth. I D-D ([LISA). The blood samples were taken before treatrent with Defibrotide (800 1g in femoral arterioclysis) at the end, 10 rin and 30 rin after the end of treatrent. The single parareters regarding both tbe systemic venous hlood,as well as the femoral venous blood were assessed. Fror an analysis of results an increase in t-PA activity (p