TREATnENT OF SPOR4OIC(S) ANC POSTTRANSFUS10NAL(F'T) CHRONlC HEPATITIS (Cl,)NON-A.NON-9 (NANBI WITH RECOWWtANT INTERFERON ALPHAZC. D.Mblle~, U.Hopf, O.KUtkr. H. Lobeck', D.Huhn: Dept. Of ,a. Mea,c,ne an* Inst. of Pathology" Ml".-KLinik"," R"dolf Yircho~, Standort Charlottenbuq. Frae UllYersLtat 9ePlf" (FAG. First cllnlca, obse~vatio"s have dewnstrated that ,,atientswith CH-MU might benefit from tnAfmnt #ith IFN alpha. In the fallowing study we present the pr~eliminary results of an ongoing randcatzed multicrnter trial. The aim of the study :s to investigate the efficacy of a low dose re:!ren of recombinant IFN alpha on sero!ogirsl and hiStolngiis1 ziteria in S-C" and PT-W-NAN9 o"er 12 months durat,on. Patients: 23 patients rich clinical: sevo,ogicAl and histo,ogicaI s!gns of CH-"AHBXi%-6icluded in the study. IS ,?at,e"ts were classified al sporadic and 8 patients as porttransfu$ional. Oiagnosir was Mde on the basis of exclu;lon of other forms of Infectious or atoimnune type of CH. The inltlal dosage of IFN r:psa (Bwnrtnger tngelheim) was 3x5 million units (nU)/ueek 5.5. over 3 mwrhs in the s-n and 3x11NU eia T'Eond dey 5.c. 0°C:' 4 moll?"5 :n I"* DT-C&IWNB group. Pat.a"tr with non~li~ed transaminaser in the L"ltlLL ~elW"t period (respood~:; *er% to be treated for AddltlonaL 3 Tanths with haif the starti~ dosage of IFN a!pha. At the end of treAtrent liver biopsy and cllnl:aI fJilow up haYe to be done. Results: In 9115 patients with S-CH (6021 transaminlrer were nflalized Ii?tke initial pbaSeofatnent. To date patient finlshed the twelve months treatrent wiih normal transaminases. Six patients without Significant reduction of liver enzymts under treatrent were classified as non responder. In two patients trea??ent had to be finlJhsd because of side effects (Thrombocytopenia. tra"SIAi"aSe elevattonl. I" patients with PT-CH no reduction of ,,YBP e",_ymes "As observed. In raspect to the results In S-CH ‘we ape encouraged to continue a randanized multicenter trial with low dose IFN alpha t??atveni.
JJ_bW~fln. J.P.Vlwl’. J.P.Peaal*. M.QwW. J.hhBival. F.Blsm H.Mkb&_G& Quelko. A.Jm& CHU St-EM Montpellkr, et * C!iU Purpan ToukuS3, France. btols!domir~. a vusodllator with atianginal ~m~mtks. m~erkd to dacmase cardiac output thrwghvarws pmllng ot Mmd mainly in ti splanchnk Writay. was shown to &cmaaa ~!atWl pceswre In patlsnts wilt? clrrh~~1.s.This study alnwd at sssesslng the etk3 bl MciskkmlIte and Molsldomitm + Propranolol on pohal blood flow using p1lsad Cv~~lmr flowmby. !&t&z&: 30 paUenk with cinhcais and pMtal hyperte~t~lonwife mthit3mly ssslpned to rearhre orally I/ glac0s0 (n-10). 2/ 4 mg ot MololsMcmlne(n=lO) or. Y 80 mg d PlopratWol thwt. 1 tnur later 4 mg of MokWoml~ (n-1%. Time Avery vekcity (TV) d pwtal blood flaw ‘~5 manswed Wing pulsed Dq#er fkwmeby (Sczx.llne Sl.2 _ Slemens) bwtom, I hour, t&n 2 bows after dnq +slion. Fe?uLwmexPfE3sEdasmemeanolat!%ast6measuras. Bew!!a : TAV mmalned unchanged ow 2 hourn in patkm@ given plarabo. Molaidemin, decmasedTAVfmm 16.6t4.9to 14.9 I LBthmn 12.9 ftX7cmurrt (PrO.Ot vsbaseline). SysWii arterial pnawrm dama.& (mm 11.9 f 1.9 to 10.7 t 2.1 then 10.6 f 1.9 mm Hg (NS). TAV decma!a after proprawki was 10 % (NS). A futthar deerwe was atewad after Mdsidomine by a 21 % drop In lngastlon (-17.6 % - P+;??Z b&i~ll~). Etkctiw 6 blockade was m heart rate W0.01). !GQx&&x: t/ Moisldznine si!Miinti~ dw’eazd wt0! bloDd flow WloCitY