Book Renews
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IS extremely
G A Webb (Ed ), Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, Vol 24, Academic Press, London, 1992 (IS;IS;-2-505324-X) 1x+ 373 pp Price f65 OO/
TrAC-Trends uz Analytrcal ChemMry, Reference Edrtzon 2991, Vol 10, Elsevrer, Amsterdam (ISBN O-444-89583-5) vm + 372 pp Prrce US$311 SO/ Dfl545 00 This volume contams all the screntrfrc articles ongmaliy pubhshed m the monthly edrtrons of TrAC m 1991, prmted on hrgh quahty paper, and bound m hard covers It contams a wealth of short revrew articles covermg most of the growing areas of analytrcal science, as well as the various “computer comer” Items, meetmg reports and feature articles These “trends” provrde excellent mdrcators of the duectrons m which analytical science 1s advancing, supported by extensive mformation on these developments As such, rt wrll be of great value both to practrsmg analytical screntrsts and to students
Irvmg Sunshme (Ed ), Recent Developments m Therapeutic Drug Monltonng and Chucal Tox~ology, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1992 (ISBN O8247-8586-X) xn + 791 pp Pnce US$175 00 (US and Canada), US$20125 (all other countries) This bulky tome 1s a collectron of manuscripts presented at the Second Intemutwnul Conference on TDM-Toxicology, Barcelona, on an unspectfied date There are 113 papers, grouped under Therapeutic Monitoring (25 papers), Pharmacology (17), Lrqurd Chromatographrc Methods (161, Antlleptrcs (121, Substances Subject to abuse (171, Inorgamcs (6) and Mrscellaneous (20) There is a SubJect index
This volume m the long rumnng series reflects “the protean nature of the apphcatrons of NMR” It mcludes sohd state NMR, mcludmg magmg, studies of interfaces, measurements of mtercellular ions m hvmg systems, mercury-199 NMR and apphcatrons m coal research As always, there 1s a good subject mdex.
B Jezowska-Trzebratowska, B Kochel, J Slawrfiskr and W Str9k (Bds ), Bwlogrcal Lummescence, World Saentrfrc, Smgapore, 1990 (ISBN 981-020405-1) x1 + 647 pp Thus book contams 44 papers m camera ready form which were presented at an Intematronal School on Brologrcal Lummescence held m Poland m June 1989 The alfn of the meetmg was to promote mterdrsaplmary drscussron on the lummescence of btosystems and included lecturers on physrcs, chennstry, brology, brocybenetrcs, medrcme and envrromnental protection The presentatrons are categonsed under the headings brophysrcal and bmcybenetrc, brologrcal, bmchemrcal, physrco-chemical, and medical and other apphcatrons The brochemrcal section drscusses the properties of a range of lucrferases, partrcularly bacterral systems, but there 1s very little material that 1s of drrect analytical interest There is also no subject mdex which makes it difficult for the interested non-specmhst to obtain information Thus book IS therefore not of parucular relevance to an analyttcal chemrstry readership