Trlchothecene T-2 toxine (T-2) induces toxlc effects on the developing immune system in rats

Trlchothecene T-2 toxine (T-2) induces toxlc effects on the developing immune system in rats

al pups. 35 per cent pups of the lugher dose group’died during ,he first days after birth. In the prenatal treated pupswe~ght and cellularity dB int...

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pups. 35 per cent pups of the lugher dose group’died during ,he first days after birth. In the prenatal treated pupswe~ght and cellularity

dB inter&v during 1.5.2 or 3 months 15 bows daC; and broad band 40_12MWHrunderS0,9oort00d8in(8nsltyduriinths 4 hours da~lylactes by analogy. Data must be isken in,0 cans~deratlan to evaluate the mumgenes due to anwoumensl iaclors