Tuberculosis Complicated by Echinococcus Cysts in a Horse

Tuberculosis Complicated by Echinococcus Cysts in a Horse

JEquine ~llllicals. TUBERC U LOSIS COMPLI CATED BY ECH I NOCOCCUS CYSTS I N A HORSE . By W. W. GOLDSMITH, M. R.C.V.S. Hilchi". ON June 10 I was aske...

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TUBERC U LOSIS COMPLI CATED BY ECH I NOCOCCUS CYSTS I N A HORSE . By W. W. GOLDSMITH, M. R.C.V.S. Hilchi". ON June 10 I was asked to see a lame co lt. I found the subject to be a fo ur-year-old Clydesdale gelding, a big, lig htbodied, unfurni shed colt . A slight swelling round the coronet was a ll that could be seen. A blister was applied and in about ten days he was so und . I remarked to the owner that b'! was not in such goo d condit ion as his other yo un g horses and that a run at g rass would probably do him good. The owner t old me he had worked him very hard potato planting; that he was rather poor wh en he boug ht him; th at he was a goo d worker. He wou ld turn hi m to grass, with a feed of corn dai ly for a month or two . On July 2 0 I was sent for to attend the horse immediately as he had caught a chill and was breathing badly. I fo und him thinner than when I last saw him. H urried abdominal breathing, looking haggard and anxious. with a soft short cough. Grunted when turned r ound. Eating very little. Temperature 103 0 F. A little frothy di scharge from no se, mucou s membrane slightly injected and a dirty ye ll ow . On a u cultatin a the . chest, a general dulness over the who le of the lungs was found, with absence of s.o und over large areas. N o pleuritic sounds. He'a rt weak. P ul se 75 to 80 and intermitting. I told the owner he had some grave lung troub le, and judg ing from hi s appearance I told him it mig ht be tubercular. The ho'r se got the usual treatment. He rapidly got worse and died in a week. No t being satisfied as to what was the matter with him , I made a post-mortem. I found the lungs one mass of tubercle. There were no tubercle nodules on the pleura. The kidneys were studded outside with nodules . (I made a micro scopic slide from a scrapin g of one of these nodule s and they were teemin g with tubercle bacilli.) On examinin g the liver , to my intense surprise I fo und a number of echinococcus cysts. There were also cysts on the mesentery. During the past twenty-five years I have only found echinococcus cysts in on e horse in this di st rict , that was a four-year-old co,lt . I asked the owner for the hi st ory of this horse . He b oug ht him six m onths previously, in Scotland, from a dealer, and at my reque st found out that the dealer had him fr om a small far mei' on the I sle o,f I slay, off the West C<>-ast of Scotland , where h'e was bred . This .combination of di seases is t o me un ique and I think mu st be rare.