PUBLIC H E A L T H adopted the Harvard system of giving references to scientific literature and both these journals included an explanation of the system in their issues of January 2nd. We propose to follow their example, and prospective contributors to PUBLIC HEALTH are referred to the rtsum6 of the system on p. 152 of this issue. The supplement to the Lancet of January 2nd included also some wise suggestions on the writing of " medical English " which we humbly commend to our readers.
Diet and Dental Caries
FEBRUARY is pointed out that extraneous factors may have influenced the results as the olive oil and treacle additions were made in different institutions and not in the same one. It appears that the cod liver oil additions was also made in another institution and that presumably these extraneous factors may also have been at work; however, the report concludes that the investigations described show conclusively that a relatively high vitamin D content of the food can do much to diminish the incidence of caries.
The final report* of the Committee for the Tuberculosis : Wales and Papworth The report for 1935 of the Welsh National Investigation of Dental Disease has been awaited with interest by all who have followed the con- Memorial Association gives a comprehensive troversies on the problem of the prevention of account of a year's work well done. How well dental caries. The problem of the difference done can only be appreciated by those who underbetween man and animals in the field of nutrition stand the special economic, geographical, and is recognised as of great importance at the present psychological difficulties which complicate what is, time when so much work on nutrition in animals even in its simplest form, one of the most serious has been done and the application of the results problems of public health. The report is planned so as to be at the same of M. Mellanby's experiments on animals are in time both a general survey of all the activities of a the forefront in importance. The aim of the investigations described in the vast organisation and also a detailed account of report was to find whether a daily addition of cod each individual department. There is to be found liver oil or vitamin D to the diet could diminish in its pages something of importance to all who are the incidence of caries. To this end three groups interested in the anti-tuberculosis campaign. The Association may well be proud of its new of children living in different institutions were given a daily additidn of cod liver oil, olive oil hospital at Sully. It is pleasing to observe how and treacle respectively, and their teeth regularly welt the amenities for the staff have been borne in mind when the institution was planned. inspected over a period of three years. The utilisation of specialised staff and equipment The difficulty of carrying out carefully controlled experiments on human beings similar to those for the diagnosis and treatment, medical and carried out by M. Mellanby on dogs were naturally surgical, of pulmonary conditions not considerable. F o r example, although the total tuberculous, is a natural development in any organinumber of children observed was approximately sation whose committee is far-sighted, and whose 1,550, only a small proportion were under observa- personnel is keen. Recognition of this aspect of tion for the whole period of three years. Much the work is evidence of the virility and continued wastage of material occurred on account of sick leadership of the Welsh service. The Papworth Annual Report for 1935 makes leave, the temporary discharge of children, or the therapeutic administration of cod liver oil for other stimulating reading. No sooner has one scheme purposes. It was unfortunately not possible to of development or improvement been completed secure a sufficient number of children in a single than another seems to be already on the way. The age group, and so the total number of children completion of the new surgical unit and the comvarying from 5 to 14 were taken. This caused mencement of a hostel for tuberculous nurses are much difficulty on account of the shedding of the mentioned almost in the same breath. This is indeed a shining example of seeing the need, having temporary dentition during this period. The greatest increase in caries was found in the will, and making the way. In his report the Medical Director lays stress on the group receiving treacle, less in the group receiving olive oil, and least in the group receiving the value of adequate after-care, if tuberculous cod liver oil. In the comments on these results persons are to maintain the improvement in attention is drawn to the onset and spread of caries health brought about by treatment. The recogin the two control groups, that is, those receiving nition of the value of after-care is no new thing, treacle and those receiving olive oil, as it is often but its importance merits reiteration, especially by contended that the prevalence of dental decay is one who has himself built up, and is now beginning due to the excessive consumption of sugar. It to see the fruits of, an after-care organisation second to none. It is refreshing to find so much space *" The Influence of Diet on Caries in Children's Teeth " (Final Report), by The Committee for the devoted to the social Side of institutional life, which Investigation of Dental Disease. H.M. Stationery Office, is so vitally important to the success of a sana1936. 2s. torium and the welfare of all its inhabitants. 144