Tumour markers in gastroenterology

Tumour markers in gastroenterology

Biomed & Phnrmacorher 0 Elscvicr, (1993) 41,283-284 283 Paris Tumor markers: perspectives and state-of-the-art UP DATISC ON TUMOR Z%lAIUiERS...

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& Phnrmacorher

0 Elscvicr,





Tumor markers: perspectives and state-of-the-art




C.C.Torlc.V.Lucchtre Dcp~ ofObs. Gyn.. Ospedalc S.Caona-

PieVaLigurs. I

AAaIheinvodlrlionofAFPrndHCGin~ynlecol~icJoncol~ddilfsrcntrubruncei (NBIIOK.SCC.TATI.~S,UGP.P~)mdv~ourmuciniccpilopcr(CAl25.CA 19.9.CA72.4) havcbandeccribedanducd. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antlpen (SCC) ~ce~visocarcinom~irlawinculyrtagu(l65P.)mdclsv~dinrdv~ccd(~-90%). SCC is corrclatcd to the srrgc, high pre-aeatment lcvcls showed nppuemly poor prognosir.Ihe$funhcrclsvrtionwouldinlica~rtkdirc~.SainlSCCdctsrmin~tiorr permit tocvlllutcthcrcrponrelorhe ther~pymdtopedictthc rsswsncc.SCCisnot suitdleforlhccarlydi~gnorirofce~icoC~;promiringd~~~dicalcSCCure~c~sin mor\iroringvulvucucinom~.Proriarir~dpemligoursc~urcofclevrlionofIhcl~cls

orscc. CA I25 ASTIGEN CAlUituprcssdbynoonrlrndp~~ologicdtir~ue~ofMullcrimaigln.Thehigl~crt suumlcvclsofCA 12s .rcfovnd ing5ckof ovuirnuncn~ndS~ool~~.l;cIport menap~~women.CAl2Sircond~tcwilhLcs~gs.notwilhthcgmde.CA125mcr surunsnuueofclinic~vvlluchmo~~grhcnpy.inIhefollowup.inurlydctecdon ofrdap~s.CAl25b~al lsvclalcneh~venopro~osticinlamstiabut itir prognostic when we evaluIclsvcb “teaswed nf~cr 13.3 coune of chemothcnpy. CA 125 aad hyrtologicsl typsusindipcndcniprokalicf~~ fatherm-+ivaJafta rcl~Pse. ‘llw role of CA 125 in screening for early ruge ovuian cancer ir cuncnlly under investigation. In endomstrial adk CA 125 scam lsvslr m-cclcv;ltcd. relrtcd to tumor



Cianclti A Ospcdalc S. Camillo - Ftmna - Lab. Ccnlr.. a


Scvcial mn~~ut markers are ucd in the study 0r paticnt.s with mlonrW and gait adcnoarcinoma ?lw arc CEA and h&ins (CA 19/9. CA 72/4. CA 1951.None of those is u&l for ulc early diagnosis in‘osyqu&nalic polien(r anh for Ihe aifrcrcntial aiagnosis wilh benign ai-. Howvcr in some prennccroos conditions (adcnomalous mlonic tmlws. atmohic gastritis) may bc us&l lo obscfw the moditicatians of TM in the Co& if tin;. In the clinical managemcnl of the diagnosed mlamctai and gadric atknocacinoma, TM have a well dcIinitc role. COMRECTAL CANCERz scnsitlvity of CEA is bcllcr than Mu&s in all tlu staga. However spxitidty of CA 19/9 ami CA 195 is bc~tcr, bccausc tbcy have a lawr rate of fals positive in knign diocaser. In many usu CEA and CA 19/9 arc non cxprcsscd to@hcr ; hence k’s advisable to assay tic one and the ahcr. The highax is tbx prcopcrativc CEA Iovol. the mom likely is tumour rcartcncc. Ptmpcrativo CEA and Muciw lcvcls corrclalc inwscly with patient swivel. Mcr so&al complc4c rcsaio~ ‘IM lovcls fall to tbc normal range; and a sutabud and pmgrcsslvc rise is strong cvidcncc of rcauronce In sxnc sitwtions the tirst TM tllat riser is no1 the same that was posit& at the diignosis. GASlTtIC CANCER: scnsilivity or CA 72/4. CA l9/9 and CEA assay with increased scnsitivily and good spc&idty. In the follow-up, CA 7Y4 is the bat single predictive marker evaluation of CA 7Y4 and CA l9/9 offers the possibility of monitoring the majority

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