Ullmans Encyklopädie der technischen chemie

Ullmans Encyklopädie der technischen chemie

768 ChemtcaI Engmunng Pergamon Press Ltd Book Revrews Samce Vol 35 p 768 ISJO Prmted m Great Bntun UUmpnns Encykopadk der techmschen Chcm~, Korro...

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768 ChemtcaI Engmunng Pergamon Press Ltd

Book Revrews Samce Vol 35 p 768 ISJO Prmted m Great Bntun

UUmpnns Encykopadk

der techmschen


Korroslon bls Lacke (Corrosion to Vamlshes)

4th Edn , VOI 15

Pubhshed by Verlag Chemle. Wemhelm New York 1978, 726 pages, 508 figures and 157 tables, subscrIptton price DM 404 The Vol IS of “Ullmanns Enzyklopiidte” represents a contmuatton of the precedmg e&t Issues (Vol 7-14) wtth an alphabetrcal order of contents Compared wtth the 3rd Edn. the number of key words m ths volume ISincreased from 24 to 37 In spite of that, the reader wtll find the text better arranged, for the number of the mam headmgs IS reduced by groupmg related subjects under new general headmgs For example, the section “Plastics”, which IS nearly three times longer m the present edltlon, understandably because of rts current mdustnal Importance, 1s grouped mto 13 key words, bke

Chemrrrrl Engurcmng Pergamon Press Lid

hlstoncal aspects, mtroductlon, status of order and propeties, processmg, analysis, utthzation of wastes, etc Other key words treated m deli are corrosion, cresols and xylenols,crystals (crystallography and propertles of crystals, smgle crystal growth), copper (alloys and compounds) and varrushes In all the above-menttoned chapters, the latest sctentic and techmcal developments are taken mto account The references for the ddierent chapters Include the latest mformation up to 1978 Ltke the preceding volumes, thrs volume also offers a qmck and comprehenslve knowledge of dtierent aspectsltoptcs of techmcal chenustry The detzuled references enable the reader to further studres of the fields he 1s rnterested m W RUPPERT

Scuncr Vol 35 p 748 1980 Pnnted m Great Bntam

Ullmans Encyklopadw

der technisehen


Lagerwerkstoffe ba Mdch (Bearmg Mater&

4th Edn , Vol 16 to Mdk)

Pubhshed by Verlag Chemte. Wemhetm-New York 1978. 735 pages, 323 figures and 191 tables, subscrtptton pnce DM 380The new “Ultmann”, Volume 16, Includes 41 keywords compared wth exactly the same number m Volume 11 and I2 of the preceedm8 edtbon of 1960 In particular to be emphasized are the extenstve contnbuttons to the topics such as food (77pp ). leather (69pp ). generation of hght (37pp ), solvents (33pp ), magnesmm (41pp ), magnetic matermls (37pp ), manganese (55pp ). methme dyes and nulk and mtlk products (46pp ) Many contibuhons. hke food, lummescent matenals. generatron of hght, were put mto a more concise form, the keyword medlcmal baths was enttrely cancelled. the sublect separation of illr was transferred to the systematic volume 3 Accordmg to theu growmg

Importance, the keywords laser, magnetic recordmg media. protection of mate&s, membranes, metal complex dyes, methme dyes and mtcrocapsules were Included as new toptcs As m the previous volumes. the presentatron of the various subjects IS excellent As an example, one of the most extenstve keywords, leather, whtch was wrrtten by 6 experts m thts field, IS subdtvlded mto mdustrml leather manufacture, tannmg mater&, dyemg of leather, leather fimshmg. chemtcal auxlllanes in leather manufacture, testmg of leather, uses of leather waste In addition, each keyword 1s followed by numerous references which factbtate the task to get fanubar with detads for a parttcular problem It ISto be hoped. that the remammg 8 volumes of the new edItron wdl appear at the same rate as did the previous volumes, so that a completed set of this standard handbook will soon be avadable agam to every chemtst and chemtcal engmeer G EMIG