computing strategies. Thus many of the chapters require a reasonable degree of mathematical sophistication on the part of the reader. In point of fact, by placing several articles with a rather high formal content at the very beginning of this book, the editors may have unnecessarily discouraged a number of readers who could have otherwise profited from some of the later less mathematical chapters. Although this book does contain multiple typefaces, it is generally well produced with good figures and adequate images. The articles are typically well written and edited. In contrast to far too many proceedings publications, this volume does offer an extensive index. One editorial feature that might have substantially improved the utility of this volume at little added cost would have been an initial abstract for each chapter. Only the most dedicated scholar is likely to read this book from cover to cover. Most readers will be drawn to only a half dozen or so of the chapters that relate directly to their own interests. Initial abstracts would greatly facilitate the cross-fertilization of many of these subspecialties. In any event, this book contains many interesting features (e.g., an analysis of tomographic systems in terms of eigenfunctions and null functions) plus some applications of statistical and analytic theory that are novel in the context of medical imaging [e.g., the use of Markov random fields in reconstruction or estimating the fractal dimension of liver scintigrams from power spectral analysis). The less mathematically inclined can learn how to overcome some common limitations of 3 DFT MR imaging or how to match lumen shape to angiograms. In summary, this book belongs in the library of anyone serious about image reconstruction and analysis. R. JAMES R. KNOWLES, PH.D.
The New York HospitalCornell University Medical New York, N.Y. Ultrasound in Gynecology and Atlas E. Merz and W. Goldhofer. 343 pages.
and Obstetrics:
New York: Thieme,
This text is an English translation of the original 1988 German edition. It is organized into four main sections: General (including history, physics, and safety); Gynecology; Obstetrics; and Endosonography (mainly transvaginal). Each chapter is richly illustrated with high-quality sonograms with clear labelling and succinct
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legends. Many sonograms are compared with corresponding intraoperative, postoperative, or postpartum photographs of clinical and pathological conditions. There are many biometric graphs and tables, both within the text and the appendix. One drawback of this textbook is that it is based on a 1988 publication, and is therefore somewhat outdated in two respects: 1) there is only a very limited discussion of Doppler sonography and no discussion of the application of Doppler for the evaluation of uteroplacental and fetoplacental hemodynamics and 2) many references are relatively old, dating from 1978-1982. With the more recent publication of several textbooks that include obstetrics, gynecology, transvaginal sonography, and Doppler sonography, it is difficult to define a niche for this text. Nevertheless, this volume may be useful for any radiologist or obstetrician involved with pelvic sonography. WILLIAM RUBENSTEIN, M.D.
The New York HospitalCornell University Medical New York, N.Y.
Imaging of the Pelvis: MRI with Correlations to CT and Ultrasound Marcia C. Fishman-Javitt, Harry L. Stein, and John L. Lovecchio (eds.). Boston: Little, Brown, 1990, 292 pages. This is an outstanding text written by an internationally known group of authors. The editors succeed in obtaining their stated aim of providing a comprehensive review of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of diseases of the pelvis, and comparing and contrasting MRI with computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography. Two chapters on normal male and female anatomy describe the MR appearance of the normal pelvis on standard pulse sequences. Detailed treatments of the various organ systems of the pelvis follow. Eight clearly written chapters (“The Vulva and Vagina”; “The Cervix”; “The Uterus”; “The Ovary”; “The Bladder”; “The “The Scrotum”; “The Rectum”; “The Prostate”; Perirectal Region”; etc.) present excellent examples of proven pathology in quality images, along with a differential diagnosis and often with corresponding CT and ultrasound images. A very well-written chapter comparing the efficacy of CT and MRI outlines the relative advantages and disadvantages of each modality, indicating when each technique should be used. Past, current, and future considerations necessary in assessing the