Poster Sessions / Parasitology
International 47 (Suppi.) (1998) 283-389
Duszvnski DW, Upton, SI’, Couch, L Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,New Mexico and *Division of Biological Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A. The phylum Apicomphxa Levine, 1970, is a heterogeneous group of inttace.lIular parasites consisting of 5 lineages, the largest of which, the Eimeriidac, has 20 genera and app. 2,000 named species. It is our intent to bring toge&r the taxonomy and identification of all described coccidia species and to present our work both in permanent hard copy and in an electronic format to be available on the www Many difliculties must be overcome: 1) The Literature is vast, much of it widely s&tered in obscure, regional journals. 2) Species are not cross-referenced by host, parasite, locality, author in any place. 3) The complex life cycle has resulted in various stages of one species being described as different species. 4) Most endogencus stages (99%) are unImown. 5) Preserved wcysts (exogenous stage), upon which most species descriptions are based, are unavailable for study; i.e., our science is nonspecimen based. 6) Ocqsts have few struchuai character states. 7) Oocystsfromonehostcanvarygrcatlyinsizekppeamnce,whereas oocysts from unrelated hosts may appear stmctmally similar. 8) No sta&ud guidelines have been used by those describing new species. In 1995, we.began revising the taxonomy of the Eiriidae. This involved retrieving,translatinginto English, readingand e&acting data (species descriptions, redescriptions, host and geographic reports) frwn all available manuscripts,followed by critical review of all desctipticns in an historical hierarchy.To input, organize and then retrievethese data in multiple formats, we designed a relational database in Micro& ACCESS that consists of 5 major, linked tables Data can be retrieved by parasite and/orhostspeciesaodcanbeviewedinlistsorinabookpageformat (hard copy) for each species. Tables can be combined selectively and sorted or filtertxl using any of the input variables. To date we have entered %oo&&elcesnzprese&g>3oohostgenera,~55ohostspecie&and >9ooparasitespecics.Wealsohavearchived,intotheU.S.Nati~ Pamsite CoIledion, photcpamtypos ofabnost 200 coccidia species.
P-0607 FORHATION OF THE CYST WPLL IN THE PROCESS OF CYSTOFORMATION IN SFIRCOSPORIDI&NSPRCOCYSTIS DISPERSA U.M.Fedoseyenko The Instltute of Zoology and Animals’ Genetic fond of the t!S-PSRepublic of Kazakhstan.Almaty, 460032 Continued researches of the initial phase of the cystoformation in sarcosporidian S.disporxa showed that antecystal memzoit. which penetrated into the muscular cell of the intermediate host,disposes freely not only in the sarcoplasm, but for some time cytoplasms of both cells have no membrane bounds between them in connection with the transformation and loss of the membrain pellicleby means of antecyst merozoit. Pellicle'amembranes under the influence of material of micronem transform in the thin threadlike filaments up to 40 HM long, being a art from eachother at the distance of 16-20 HM, direceed perpendicularly to the surface of the body of the antecyst memzoit. Such a limit at its cut looks like a filament edging. Hembranes of the cyst wall is gathered out of the membrane bubbles into one layer, which is situated under the filament edgin They are produced by Goldji apparatus of the antecys& memzoit. Existing in the scientific literature definition of the tissue cyst of sarcos oridian as capsule, ;c;t$;;;$crJtes, does no! agree with the data of which prove the formation and development of tissue cyst as an independent organism, for which sarcoplasm is ojll,~ a midium of existence.
P-0606 ISOSPOROUS COCCIDIA OF THE FiRTIODACTYLESOF THE IIOUNTPINflANGYSHLF\K VA. Dzershinskiy,U.H.Fedoseynko, K.N Plakhov Institute of Zoology and Genofund of the finimals tlS-IX? of Republic of Kasakhstan,Almaty, 480032 Large territory of the Precaspian lowland (East Coast of the Caspian Sea) remains unknown t+ll now in the plan of the investigations on .theparasltologlcal pmtofaunaof the Flrtiodactyles,in which three new species of/sos&>f%es were found: Isus ord ust.irrr.tis.,?.Oocystsare of ovoidal form, 20 3-24 l xl1 6-15.9 mkm ($2,5x13,71in size.,Thewall of'oocysts is smooth, bilayered, 1.5 mkm,thlck. On one of the poles of the oocyst there are a microsaw and a cap. The form index is 1.63. The period of sporulatlon lasts from 4 to 10 days. The s orulated oocystcont,ains two rounded spomcysts up to P0 mkm in diameter,,with 4 spomzoites 5.6x2.9mkm in size.In,oocyst there is a polar ranule. The host is 17~1s I~I~NHJ af'(:dl. s~s~)o,*~ gafttsisp. The oocysts are of elongated B= _ovoidal form asymmetrical 42-36x24-19 mkm. The wa,llof oocysts is shooth without ornamentation 1,4 mkm thick. Form index is1.9. The polar ca microsaw and residual ter their s~~r;u$a;.;nin body are present in oocysts aP, Eachof two spomcysts of rounded form up diameter contains four spomzoites 17 mkm long and 4 ,mkm wide. The host is Cdzrlld s-crbgrlrti.rrrY~sa. ishlaki sp. n. Oocysts of ovoidal f~ospo~d mw form the size is 40.Q--43,5x29,0-31,9mkm (42.5x30.5). The form index is 1,4.Oocyst's wall is smooth, bilayered 20 mkm. thick. On one of the poles of oocyst one dan see a micmsaw and a cap.,The sporulation period is from 4 to 3 days with the residual body of division.S~rpcvsts of elonrted ovoidal form 14.5-26.1x11.6m m in size,have ex reks;:t Stieda body, contain 4 spomzoites each, 6,7x2, size.The host is home sheep. It is interestin to know that newly discoverefToof Isospn&?-s species %on't differ morphologically Eimt?ria*s species parasitizlng,in t e same hosts, without the process of SporUlatlOn.
Isobe T*, Rahmat S*, Ganesaa S** ‘Natioiiial Institute of Animal Health. Tsukuba. Janan and ‘*ASEAN Poultry Disease Research ’ and Training’ Centre, Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, Malaysia As Leucocytozoon species from chicken (Gallus gallus), L cauliervi. L_ sabrazesi. L schuffneriL schoutedeni. L &Ii. and L ondre& were r&&l. Ult&tru’ctural studies for L&c&fozoon have bean restricted to the stages of L simondi, L smilhi, L ziemwtni and L caulktyi. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the fine structure of gametocyter of L sobrozesi by transmission and scanninn electron microscone (TEM and SEM) to compare the structures w6h other species. - . Blood samples were obtained from village chickens naturally infected with L sobrozesi in Tapah, Perak, Malaysia. Gametocytes were collected from uncoagulated blood by centrifuge with gradient solution (Percolt, 1.06-l.Ofl). For TEM, gametocytcs were pelkted in agarose, fired in 2% glutaraldehyde, osmium tetoroxide, dehydration with alchohol, embedded in epoo and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. For SEM, gametocytes were liltered on the membrane and fued in 2% glutaraldehyde, osmium tetoroxide, dehydration with alchohol and gold coated. Both micro- and macro-gametocytes were surrounded by three distinct pellicle and have mitochondoria, ribosomes and dense spherules in the cytoplasm. Dsmiophilic bodies are lined up along host cell cytoplasmic membrane. Macrogametocytes are distingushed from the microgametocytes by a large number of lipid inclusions and their dark appearance due to the large accumlation of dense material and more numerous cellular organelles. A prominent nucleus is present ia the macrogametocytes. However, in microeametocvtes. the nucleus is diffuse and lareer than that of the mac~ogamet&ytb, and the nuclear membrani was not clear and the nucleoplasm appeared less dense, In the granular cytoplasm of the microgametocytes, canaliculi of unknown function and axoneme are also observed. Scannig electronmicroscopy revealed that typical elongate type gametocytes have cytoplasmic wings of long-horn-like shape in size 4.5 X 29 ~1 m and have a’wavy surface of central part of membrane of host cell. These Rdings of L sobrozesi gametocytes by electron microscopy leads to the conclusion that the structure of L sabrozcsi is closely related to other Leucoqtozoon.