Nuclear Physics B176 (1980) 61-99 © North-Holland Publishing Company
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Mary K. GAILLARD
LAPP, Annecy-le- Vieux, France D.V. NANOPOULOS and Serge RUDAZ
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Received 28 May 1980 We discuss the masses of the leptoquark bosons mx and the proton lifetime in grand unified theories based principally on SU(5). It is emphasized that estimates of mx based on the QCD coupling and the fine structure constant are probably more reliable than those using the experimental value of sin2 0w. Uncertainties in the QCD A parameter and the correct value of a are discussed. We estimate higher-order effects on the evolution of coupling constants in a momentum-space renormalization scheme. It is shown that increasing the number of generations of fermions beyond the minimal three increases mx by almost a factor of 2 per generation. Additional uncertainties exist for each generation of technifermions that may exist. We discuss and discount the possibility that proton decay could be "Cabibbo rotated" away, and a speculation that Lorentz invariance may be violated in proton decay at a detectable level. We estimate that in the absence of any substantial new physics beyond that in the minimal SU(5) model the proton lifetime is 8 × 1030±2 years.
1. Introduction G r a n d unified t h e o r i e s ( G U T s ) [ 1 - 4 ] * are v e r y b e a u t i f u l , but t h e y do n o t m a k e v e r y m a n y t e s t a b l e p r e d i c t i o n s [5]. O f c o u r s e , t h e y do e x p l a i n o n e or two l o n g s t a n d i n g m y s t e r i e s , such as w h y the e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c ch ar g es of the p r o t o n an d e l e c t r o n are e q u a l an d o p p o s i t e , a n d w h y l e p t o n s and q u a r k s h a v e such q u a l i t a t i v e r e s e m b l a n c e s . G U T s a r e also able to string t o g e t h e r p h e n o m e n a which h a v e no a p p a r e n t c o n n e c t i o n . F o r e x a m p l e , g i v e n any o n e of the f o l l o w i n g striking f e a t u r e s of o u r f u n d a m e n t a l world, t h e y are able to p r e d i c t [3, 4] the o t h e r two: that the s t r o n g i n t e r a c t i o n s are s t r o n g on a scale of 1 G e V , that sin 2 0w--~ 0.2 an d that t h e p r o t o n is v e r y stable. G U T s also e n a b l e o n e to i n t e r r e l a t e s o m e q u a r k an d l e p t o n masses [6, 4, 7]. W h a t o n e gets in a specific t h e o r y d e p e n d s , of co u r se, on its H i g g s and f e r m i o n r e p r e s e n t a t i o n c o n t e n t , but the original a n d simplest p r e d i c t i o n m a d e f o r mb in t e r m s of mT b e f o r e [6] th e d i s c o v e r y of the b o t t o m q u a r k s e e m s e x p e r i m e n t a l l y to * While the class of models described in ref. [1] is historically interesting in that these models resurrect the question of proton stability in the context of gauge theories, they are not fashionable at present and our discussion here does not apply to them. 61
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be reasonably valid. A n o t h e r very exciting possibility is that of generating the apparent baryon asymmetry of the universe by grand unified particle interactions violating C, C P and b a r y o n - n u m b e r conservation very early in the big bang [8]. This requires a tremendous extrapolation of our present cosmological knowledge, and recent coiasiderations on grand unified m o n o p o l e production [9] and on thermal equilibration [10] and dissipative p h e n o m e n a [11] in the early universe may require us to complicate the simple picture of the first 10 35 seconds originally used [8]. Furthermore, reliable numerical calculations in specific models are quite tricky [12]. Nevertheless, it seems likely that the qualitative solution to the long-standing astrophysical problem of the origin of matter has now been found. All well and good, but the scale of grand unification is estimated to be of order 1012 GeV, which is rather remote from our present "high-energy" physics laboratories*. What are the practical and significant low-energy tests of G U T s ? The most dramatic testable predictions of G U T s are for the decays of protons and bound neutrons. The very fact of proton decay would be poetic: detailed studies of its decay modes might be our only open window on grand unified interactions. The present limit [13] on the proton lifetime is somewhat model dependent, but of order 1030 years in a class of popular models. It was realized early on that this longevity betokens very massive leptoquark bosons X to violate b a r y o n - n u m b e r conservation, since 4
rprotoo = C
m proton
The first serious estimate of the p a r a m e t e r C was made in ref. [4], and considerable effort has in the past been devoted [14-17] to estimating it more reliably, as well as to estimating the leptoquark mass rex, on which rproto, (1.1) is strongly dependent. In this p a p e r we assess uncertainties in the proton lifetime, mainly but not exclusively concerned with the estimation of rex. Two alternative strategies for calculating rnx have been used. One [4, 18] is to use the disparity between the strong and weak coupling constants at present (low) energy scales, which is related to the leptoquark mass m x by 1 a3(O)
1 a2(O) =
(11 +½NH) in (m2x~ 12~" \~-5],
in a leading logarithmic approximation [3]. Notice the insensitivity to the number of fermions in (1.2), and the sensitivity to the n u m b e r of Higgs fields present at low (<
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
tO eq. (1.2) which are the meat [18] of the calculation of mx in this approach. The alternative approach is to Start [19] from the experimental value of sin 2 0w, in terms of which mx is given in a leading logarithmic approximation [3] by 2 mx
where Nn is the number of complex Higgs doublets in the Weinberg-Salam model at "low" energies. The formula (1.3) is also subject to significant but calculable subleading corrections, but we can already see that it will yield a rather approximate method of estimating mx. Suppose we consider an experimental error A(sin z 0w) in the determination of sin 2 0w. This will correspond approximately to a change A L in In ( m ~ / Q 2) given according to eq. (1.3) by 3
ll09NH )
If we take the present error [20] in the determination of sin 2 0w to be ±0.015, then we find from (1.4) that A L = ±5.2, corresponding to a change in mx by a factor (14)±~! By way of contrast, in the approach starting from the "low" energy strength of the strong interactions and the appropriately sophisticated version of eq. (1.2), we find that rnx is almost proportional to A, the familiar scale parameter of QCD. As is argued in sect. 2 [21]*, this may be known to within a factor 2, and should therefore give a more accurate way of determining rex. To reduce the error in mx to a factor 2 ±1 using eq. (1.4) would require an error of ±0.004 in sin 2 0w, which is not attainable at present. We will therefore use the scale of the strong interactions to set the scale mx of grand unification. Our analysis of uncertainties in the proton lifetime then proceeds in four stages. The first of these is the specification of the input parameters in the calculation of mx. Sect. 2 contains a discussion of the meaning and value of the Q C D A parameter, the appropriate starting value of the electromagnetic fine structure constant a [18, 19], and some further remarks about sin 2 0w. It also sets out two calculationa[ methods for estimating the renormalization effects in grand unified theories and estimating rex. The next stage of the analysis concerns the extrapolation from "low" O 2 ~< 1 0 4 G e V 2 across the conjectured desert to the region of Q2 just less than m2x. Sect. 3 contains a discussion of the accuracy of calculation [22, 23] in the threshold region for massive vector bosons, relevant when S U ( 5 ) ~ S U ( 3 ) x S U ( 2 ) × U(1) or when SU(2) x U(1) --}U(1), and the likely uncertainty due to 3rd-order effects i n , h e desert region between thresholds. Also important are effects due to the possible existence of new physics in the domain of extrapolation. For example, a new generation of fermions would increase mx by almost a factor of 2, changing the proton lifetime estimate by a factor of about 12. A further multiplicative uncertainty of similar order could result from each extra generation of technifermions [24], should they exist. * Ref. [21] is b a s e d o n the s e c o n d two p a p e r s of [33c].
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Notice also that if one removes the conventional low-energy fundamental Higgs doublet to replace it by technicolour, then one loses the factor of 2 reduction in m x which was gained from the NH dependent terms in the evolution equations (1.2), (1.3). Since one requires at least two generations of technifermions, this suggests that mx is increased by a factor of at least 4 to 10 in technicolour models, with a corresponding (1.1) increase in the nucleon lifetime. Sect. 4 is concerned with the third stage of analysis around rex, including uncertainties due to possible superheavy particles with masses O ( m x ) [25] and the possibility [26] of " C a b i b b o rotating away" proton decay, which we argue [27] to be unlikely ifi a wide class of models reproducing the naive SU(5) prediction for the b o t t o m quark mass. We also m a k e an aside about the possibility of observing a breakdown of Lorentz or Poincar6 invariance in proton decay, a logical possibility a p r i o r i because the basic decay mechanism is such a short-distance process ( - 10 -28 cm). Sadly, this possibility seems to be unrealizable in the model [28] of Lorentz invariance breakdown which motivated our interest, though it should still be borne in mind when considering experiments. Finally, in sect. 5 we assess uncertainties in the estimation [4, 14-17] of the quantity C in eq. (1.1), which reflects the calculation of the matrix elements of the effective b a r y o n - n u m b e r violating operator. We then quote the values of m x obtained in the two different calculational procedures introduced earlier, and then quote the nucleon lifetime expected in the minimal SU(5) model, summarize the overall uncertainties in this estimate, and discuss ways in which they might be reduced. While writing this p a p e r we received a new p a p e r [29] by G o l d m a n and Ross which also estimates uncertainties in the proton lifetime, and we c o m m e n t on the relationship to our work wherever appropriate.
2. Low-energy inputs As was mentioned in sect. 1, we believe that the most reliable starting point for estimating m x is to use [4, 18] the value of the strong and electromagnetic coupling constants at "low energies". We therefore need to know the appropriate input values of the strong interaction scale p a r a m e t e r A, and of the fine structure constant a in some renormalization prescription convenient for considerations on unified gauge theories. We study these two problems in the next two subsections, and devote a third subsection to some remarks about sin 2 0w.
2.1. THE VALUE OF A To get the desired precision in the estimation of rnx, we need to go beyond the leading logarithmic approximation of eq. (1.2), which entails considering the evolution of coupling constants at the two-loop order. When this is done, one must specify carefully the renormalization scheme being used and the exact definition of the
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coupling constant, which was not done explicitly in ref. [18]. To different schemes and definitions will correspond different values of A. These are interrelated by simple numerical factors, for example A-~g= 2.66AMs,
A M o M~- 3.6AMs,
where AMs and A M refer to the minimal subtraction scheme and the truncation proposed by Bardeen et al. [30], respectively, and AMor~ refers to a momentumspace renormalization of the qcl gluon vertex evaluated [29] at the symmetric point in the Feynman gauge in a Q2 range where 6 flavours of quark are operational. Note that, as discussed in ref. [31], the numerical factor of 3.6 between AMoM and A~--gin eq. (2.1) should be regarded as being uncertain* by 0 ( 2 0 ) % due to corrections of higher order in as. Similar uncertainties also exist for all the other numerical ratios of A parameters that we quote. There are now many different phenomenological analyses of deep inelastic scattering data which quote widely different values of A, but many of these differences arise because they use different renormalization schemes and hence should get different values of A. Among the favoured definitions of A are those mentioned in (2.1), and parametrizations of the nth moments of deep inelastic structure functions in terms of n dependent A parameters. In these schemes the An are specified in terms of (for example) A~-g by numerical coefficients analogous to those in (2.1). For example, in the An scheme of Para and Sachrajda [32] A2 (for F~ p-en ) = 1.34A-~g = 1.37A2 (for F~ s ) .
It turns out that when one takes account of these different definitions and values of A, and expresses them all in terms of the corresponding values of a "standard" definition such as A ~ , then different sets of data, modes of analysis and analyzers give surprisingly consistent results [21 ]. Shown in table 1 are the results of 7 different analyses [33] determining the varieties of A parameters defined above (2.1), (2.2). They are all remarkably consistent and suggest that A-~g-~ 0.3 to 0.5 G e V .
Some words of caution [34] are in order: most of the analyses cited in table 1 neglected possible violations of scaling due to higher-twist effects. We may include their leading effects on deep inelastic moments in a parametrization -d
One is prejudiced from known higher-twist effects (elastic and quasi-elastic form factors, scattering off diquarks, etc.) and the general falling trends of structure functions at large x to believe that T~ should generally be positive. If so, this means * Note that the factor of 3.6 that we have chosen corresponds to working with ~ 2' as we do subsequently in our analysis of the renormalization group equations (3.4).
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
TABLE 1 Phenomenological estimates of A Type of A estimated
Type of analysis
Corresponding value of A~-~(GeV)
A.F2, A~-g A~-g A~3
F~ p~n m o m e n t s ~)
xF~ N momentsb) xF~ N momentsc) F~ N'"N direct d) F~ (p-") direct e) xF~ N direct f~
xF~ N momentsg) non-singlet momentsh)
AMOM several types
0.53+0.1 0.5 0.45 + 0.1 ? (BEBC- GGM) 0.35 + 0.2? (CDHS) 0.7±0.3 0.52±0.16 0.46±0.21 0.41 0.3 to 1.0
~)-h)The original papers cited are listed in ref. [33]. that the values of An are overestimated by the na'/ve analyses which neglect higher-twist effects, though it is, of course, logically possible that Tn is, in fact, negative so that the values of An are underestimated. If we assume that T - O(A), corresponding to two different measures of the strong interaction scale being comparable, then we find [21] that the preferred values of A are reduced by a factor ~<50%. We therefore conclude that it is reasonable to take AMS = 0.4 GeV and hope to be correct to within a factor of 2. We should make a remark about recent experiments [35] from DESY, quoting values of as(Q 2) and A from analyses of hard gluon bremsstrahlung events in e÷e - ~ qCtg annihilation. Since these experiments are carried out at Q2 _ 1000 GeV 2, they should be relatively insensitive to higher-twist effects. On the other hand, the full Q C D radiative corrections to the e + e - ~ q~lg process have not yet been calculated. Just as in the case of deep inelastic scattering, this must be done before a reliable value of A (whether MS or MS or MOM) can be extracted. There is also a school of thought [36] which holds that A is very small (~< 100 MeV), largely based on an analysis of resonance p h e n o m e n a and especially non-perturbative effects. We feel that this type of analysis is open to considerable question. For example, only in one case [F(1So ~ hadrons)/F(1S0 ~ yy)] have the first-order Q C D radiative corrections to a resonance observable been fully computed [37], and they turned out to be enormous: (1+ 1 6 ~ / ~ - ) times the lowest-order result if the MS prescription is used. This suggests that using resonance effects to estimate A values is a very delicate business. One point that should perhaps have been emphasized earlier is that with any definition the value of A varies with the number of flavours. This is seen clearly from the leading-order formula as(Q2) _
12zr (33 - 2f) In ( O 2 / A } )
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
where f is the number of flavours. If we neglect the effects of finite non-zero quark 2 mass in (2.5) and just assume [38] that ~s(O 2) is continuous at mr+a, the (mass) 2 of the ( f + 1)th quark, then A~+I = tiir)z-2"(33-2f)/(31 2~),tmt+12)-2/(31-2f) .
This approximation is not exact [4, 18, 39], but is sufficient to indicate that the f dependence of A is not negligible. If we use the full second-order formula [31] for as(O 2) and make the same assumption of continuity at Q2 ~ 2m 2 as required in the MS prescription [39] (see also subsect. 3.2), then we find the f dependence of A indicated in table 2. The results quoted in table 1 generally used 4 flavours. We see that when going through quark thresholds to extrapolate to large momenta, A must be progressively decreased. The matching with other coupling constants (in our case we will use a ) can be done in either of two ways. One may either (a) transform c~s from the MS to the M O M prescription and then do the rest of the renormalization analysis using momentum-space couplings and the analysis by Ross [22] of threshold phenomena in gauge theories, or (b) keep as in the MS prescription and transform the other couplings (in our case a ) to an MS prescription also, and then do the rest of the renormalization analysis using the technique of Weinberg [39] for crossing gauge theory thresholds. We will use both techniques in this paper so as to get some better impression of the uncertainties inherent to the analysis. In the case of method (a) we will therefore need to transform from AMs to A~or~ using formula (2.1). There is a problem* of principle in using method (a) in that one should use a running 0 2 dependent gauge parameter, and all Ross' [22] calculations of the weak-electromagnetic and grand unified thresholds were calculated using the same (Feynman) gauge. However, this is unlikely* to have a significant numerical effect on the results, though if one uses the Feynman gauge in the neighbourhood of rex, one should in fact use it n e i t h e r for low-energy Q C D nor at the S U ( 2 ) x U ( 1 ) ~ U(1) threshold. We can estimate the effect of this error by computing the 0 2 variation in the covariant gauge parameter ~: TABLE 2 Decrease of A with increasing f (rob = 4.8 GeV) Number offlavoursf 4 5
15 (mr = 3 0 GeV) 50
Value of A (MeV) 100 62
400 289
600 449
29 27 25
162 149 141
266 245 231
* G.G. Ross and C.H. Llewellyn Smith, private communication.
3". Ell& et al. / Proton lifetime
(~: = 0 in the Landau gauge, ~ = 1 in the F e y n m a n gauge) using the leading order evolution equations 3 g32 ~13 3e 2,el 0 ~-~ ~:(g, Q 2) - - - l 2 - 2g - 3jr, -- 87./.2
for SU(3) (2.7)
g2 { ~ _ ~ _ 2 f } ,
for SU(2)
Setting s¢ = 1 at the grand unification mass m x = 1015 GeV, we find that at low Q2
) = \ a-~-~UM, (3~2(Q2)-lx
for SU(3), (2.8)
(o~2(O)) 1/1° '
Taking representative values of a3(Q 2 ~ 2rn2t ), a 2 ( Q 2 = 4m2w) we find ~3(Q 2 = 2 m ,2) = 0.73,
for SU(3),
$2(O z = 4m~v) = 1.11 ,
for SU(2).
(2.9) While they apparently used a different m o m e n t u m - s p a c e renormalization prescription than G o l d m a n and Ross [29], the work of Celmaster and Gonsalves [31] may give an idea how the variation in ~: from 1 to 0.73 may influence the ratio between AMOM and A~-~. F r o m their results we deduce AMOM(~3 = 0.73) AMOM(~ = 1)
- 1.05.
This implies an alteration in scale which is much less than m a n y other uncertainties in the estimation of mx, and we have not included the factor (2.10) in our subsequent analysis. W e neglect the variation (2.9) in ~:2 since we find it unlikely that the original threshold calculations of Ross [22] would be much affected by changing ~ = 1 to = 1.11. Any resulting error seems unlikely to be larger than that in (2.10), which is already somewhat derisory. 2.2. THE VALUE OF a The value of a = e2/4"n" in the T h o m p s o n limit (aT 1 = 137.04) is, of course, well-established. W h e n following method (a) of subsect. 2.1, the problem is to compute in terms of this definition of a the value at the symmetric renormalization point where contact can be m a d e with the gauge boson threshold analysis of Ross [22]: a - ~ ( - h m ~ v , -hm~v, - h m 2 ) - - a T 1 = ? ,
J. Ellis et al. / Protonlifetime
where A = 4 characterizes the effective position of the threshold in a step-function a p p r o x i m a t i o n ; we will see later that o u r results are relatively insensitive to the exact value of A. T h e a r g u m e n t s of a -1 in (2.11) are the (off-shell) m o m e n t a of the two electrons and the p h o t o n , respectively. In this notation aT = a(rn~, m~, 0). W h e n following m e t h o d (b) of subsect. 2.1, the p r o b l e m is to c o m p u t e the finite difference b e t w e e n a in an MS prescription and the T h o m p s o n limit values: -1
aV~-~(tz)--aT 1 = ? .
W e will see later that it is advisable to m a k e the shift from a m o m e n t u m - s p a c e renormalization scheme to an MS prescription at a scale # considerably larger than the mass of the heaviest quark, assumed to be the t quark. Therefore, we will w o r k with a in m o m e n t u m space for the time being. W e will w o r k to leading non-trivial order in a so that the usual renormalization g r o u p equation, -13g m
Oe 2 Oe(m2'rn2'-Qot 2 ) ~ O 2 -~(rnR'me'-O2)=3--2~2e
becomes d a -__~(m~, me2, _ Q 2 ) = dt
+ O(a).
In this o r d e r fl~r~ is d e t e r m i n e d by the v a c u u m polarization function
7r(Q2): (2.15)
and hence a
2 2 (me, me, - - O 2)-- a
2 2 (me, me, O) = zr(--O2)-- 7r(O) •
It is a natural t e m p t a t i o n [18, 19, 29] to use the free fermion f o r m for 7r(-O2), in which case* a
(rne, r n ~ , - O 2) - a
(me, me, O) 1
=--2ferTonsildxx(1--x) 2
77" f e r m i o n s i
~fl[g In
O 2
m i
+ 0~-~) J
(2.17b) "
H o w e v e r , this p r o c e d u r e is too na'/ve [40] in the case of quarks, for which strong interaction corrections to the free fermion loops (2.17a) are important. Since we * Note that the finite part in (2.17b) differs slightly from that quoted in the preprint version of ref. [29]; the published version has been altered to agree with us.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
must cross low values of Q2, we should take into account all orders of Q C D perturbation theory, and even non-perturbative phenomena. Rather than insert some fudgy values of the quark masses into (2.17) in an attempt to estimate the integral, we prefer to rewrite it as an integral over the total cross section for e+e - --> y -+ hadrons: a
(m~, m ~ , - O 2) - a
2 f~
(m~, m~, 0 ) = - - ~ r J 0
O 2
- 2- + s R ( S ) , 6s Q
where ~ r ( e + e - ~ 3, ~
R(s) -
We then evaluate the integral in (2.18a) numerically to get the results shown in table 3 using the following assumptions: The O is treated as a Breit-Wigner resonance with the parameters listed in table 3.
Contributions to 8 a Parameters Resonances
m o = 7 7 0 M e V , Ftot=(155+25) M e V
(5.5 ± 1.2) X 10 -5
m~ = 7 8 3 M e V , I f ' t o t = 10 M e V Ee÷e = 0 . 7 7 × 1 0 - 6 G e V
m 6 = 1 . 0 2 G e V , / - ' t o t = 4.1 M e V Fe*~ = 1.3 x 10 -6 G e V
3a-1 - 0 . 5 1 ± 0 . 1 1 (Fo = 1 3 0 M e V ) --0.67 ± 0.14 ( Fo = 180 M e V )
mj/to = 3.1 G e V , Ftot = 6 9 k e V /~e+e
4 . 8 x 10 -6 G e V
me, = 3 . 6 9 G e V , / ' t o t = 2 2 8 k e V F e % = 2.1 x 10 6 G e V
m,,, = 3 . 7 7 G e V , / ' t o t = 2 8 M e V F,+¢ = 0 . 3 6 x 10 -6 G e V
m r = 9 . 4 G e V , / ' t o t = 25 k e V
F e % = 1.3 k e V
my, = 1 0 . 0 GeV,/'~tot
25 k e V
Fe+, = 0 . 4 k e V
All resonances except p • • This contribution to a
(-Amw, -hmw,
- A m 2 ) is essentially independent of h for h ~ [1, 7.8].
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
TABLE 3 (continued)
Continuum ~O; - 1
Energy range (GeV)
1 to 1.5 1.5 to4
1 {2 2.5 4 {4 4.3 5.5 {4 4.3 5.5
4 to 10 {10 to 30 30 to co / 10to 100 t.100 to oo
All continuum
-0.09 -0.41; -0.52) -0.77 -0.88; -0.95) -1.22 -1.56; -1.683 -0.29
-0.09 -0.41; -0.52/ -0.78 -0.92"~ -0.99J -1.97 -1.82; -1.95.1 -0.74
-0.09 -0.41; -0.52J -0.78 -0.93]> -1.00J -2.36 -1.88~ -2.02J -1.05
-3.12 to -3.55
-3.83 to -4.35
-4.21 to -4.75
Leptons A= 1
A =4
A = 7.8
e ~z r
-2.36 -1.23 -0.62
-2.51 -1.38 -0.77
-2.58 -1.45 -0.84
Total leptons
A =1
A =4
A =7.8
-7.98 to -8.82
-9.14 to -10.08
-9.74 to -10.68
Overall total
H i g h e r r e s o n a n c e s (w, ~b, J/~O, @', Y , . . . ) are treated in the narrow r e s o n a n c e a p p r o x i m a t i o n , in w h i c h case their contributions to - 1 are
O~ v mv~
/"tot ]v~k(~ + m y ]
M o t i v a t e d by the latest e x p e r i m e n t a l results [41], we a s s u m e that R = 1 for 1 G e V ~< Ecru = ,/s ~< 1.5 G e V , and that R ~ 2 to 2.5 for 1.5 G e V ~< ~/s ~< 4 G e V . W e treat h e a v y quark thresholds as 0 functions in R(s). This is m o t i v a t e d b y the form of the charm threshold and the e x p e c t a t i o n that the nai've formula
Ro(s) =
1 ~---~--]
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
is not applicable to heavy quarks because it neglects strong interaction effects close to threshold which tend to fill in the slow free fermion threshold rise exhibited by (2.20). In lowest non-trivial order of strong interaction perturbation theory, (2.20) becomes [42]
Rt(s) = Ro(s)[1 + 4 ~ s f ( v ) ] ,
4 I_2
The singularity in v in (2,21a) exponentiates in higher orders in perturbation theory, and if one sums all these leading singularities one obtains
R~(s) --~27ro~.
This formula is perhaps reliable when one is a few hundred MeV beyond threshold, above important non-perturbative resonance effects. Putting reasonable values of as into (2.22) one finds that even close to threshold Roo(s) is essentially the same as its asymptotic value for large s. On the basis of the results in table 3 we conclude that 2 a - I (me, m 2e , - m w2 )x- a -1
c~ (me, m e , - 4 m w ) - a a
1 (rne, 2
tree, me, 0 ) = - 8 . 4 0 ± 0 . 4 2 ,
(me, me, 0) = - 9 . 6 1 + 0.47 ,
2 _7.8m2w)_ a -1 (me, 2 me, 2 0)=-10.21±0.47 . me,
(2.23a) (2.23b) (2.23c)
We quote the value (2.23) of a * at several different values of A = 1, 4 and 7.8 because they are each useful for calculating mx in different renormalization schemes. Working in m o m e n t u m space, it will be convenient to replace the slow turn-on of the weak interaction effects on the evolution of a by assuming a 0-function threshold at Q2 = Am 2. The appropriate numerical value of A can in principle be deduced from the threshold calculations of Ross [22]. Unfortunately, he does not give explicit formulae for the Q2 dependent/3-function for electromagnetism in his paper, and his graph of it (his fig. 6) is difficult to use* because the vertical scale is plotted inappropriately. From his graph one would have deduced A = 7.8: we will take this and the naive value A = 4 as limiting cases of where the appropriate replacement 0-function threshold should be. The uncertainty engendered by varying A between 4 and 7.8 is not substantial compared with the other uncertainties we encounter. The value of a -1 at A = 1 is convenient for use in the modified minimal subtraction scheme for calculating mx which is discussed later. * W e m a y n o t e in passing that t h e t o p p a r t of t h e v e r t i c a l scale on his fig. 9 s e e m s to be m i s l a b e l l e d , but w e do n o t use this g r a p h in o u r analysis.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
We may compare, e.g., eq. (2.23a) with the result we would have obtained from na'/vely using the free fermion form for all quarks as well as leptons: -1 2 O~ ( m e ,
2 ~ -li 2 2 me,2 --mw)--ce, me,
0) = --7.23,
for mu = md = 300 M e V , m~ = 500 M e V , mt=
= -9.22,
for rnu =
4 MeV,
rnd =
6 MeV,
rn~ = 125 M e V , mt =
15 GeV.
In order to the symmetric m o m e n t u m space point at which Ross [22] defines his couplings, an additional finite electromagnetic renormalization must be made, which is found [29] to be (note that this does not include the weak boson diagrams included in the threshold calculation of Ross [22]):
a-l(-4mZ,-4m~v,-'~mw)-a " 2,
-lrtme,2me,2 _4m2w) = 0.60.
On the basis of (2.23) and (2.25) we finally conclude that
a-l(-4m 2, -4m 2,
-4m~v) = 128.03 ± 0.47,
a - ' ( - 7 . g m ~ v , - 7 . 8 m 2, - 7 . 8 m 2 ) = 1 2 7 . 4 3 ± 0 . 4 7 .
For orientation purposes, note that an error of ±0.5 in a-l(-4m 2, -4m 2, corresponds to an error in mx of the order of about 13%. Computation of mx using method (a) of subsect. 2.1 can now proceed using (2.26) and a value for AMOM. In order to use method (b) we must transform a to an MS prescription. We choose to do this at a m o m e n t u m obeying the conditions 2mr<
-4m~v) directly instead scale/x
so as to be able to use the analysis given previously in this section to take into account strongly interacting quark thresholds which are not trivially accounted for in the MS prescription. One must then make the finite renormalization* --1
a (--m~,--me,-i.z2)-a~-g(tx)=0.83.
Using (2.28) and the results of table 3 we see that --1
a~--g(/z = row) = 1 2 7 . 8 2 ± 0 . 4 7 ,
which can then be used directly with A~s taken from tables 1 and 2 in an analysis of * P. B i n 4 t r u y a n d T. S c h i i c k e r , to b e p u b l i s h e d in ref. [39].
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
renormalization in the MS prescription using the prescription of Weinberg [39] to deal with gauge thresholds.
2.3. THE EVALUATION OF sin20w We have already mentioned in sect. 1 that the present experimental determination of sin 2 0w is insufficiently precise to compare with as as an input p a r a m e t e r for determining rex. Conversely, sin 2 0w is in principle quite well determined in a grand unified theory such as SU(5). The issue is, however, confused by the fact that present experiments measure neutral currents at m o m e n t u m transfers QE<
(2.30) __
0/2 =
gz/47r, the 2
sin 2 0w(mw) ~ 0/(mw.____~) 0/2(row) '
and the world average value of sin E 0w given by Langacker et al. [45], sin E 0w = 0.229 ± 0.008 (exp) ± 0.006 (theor).
A n o t h e r recent analysis [46] of neutral current data gives a value significantly higher than (2.32): sin e 0w = 0 . 2 3 8 ± 0 . 0 1 1 .
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
The difference between these two values may reflect the uncertainties induced by reasonable differences in assumptions made in theoretical analyses. Most of these analyses rest heavily on two classes of experiment: the deep inelastic uN neutral current experiments, particularly that of the CDHS collaboration, and the SLAC experiment demonstrating parity violation in eD scattering [47]. We have no comments about the uN experiments, except to recall the necessity of making radiative corrections which was mentioned above. As far as the SLAC experiment [47] is concerned, we merely recall that if the results are interpreted with a two-parameter fit of sin: 0w and the ratio 2
mw mE cos 20w
(the values of sin 20w quoted above were for the case p = 1), then one finds sin 2 0w = 0.293-+°:1°33, (2.35) p = 1.74+0.36. The large and correlated errors on these parameters reflect a relatively poor determination of the y dependence of the parity-violation effect due to the experiment's limited acceptance in y. The precise value of sin 2 0w usually quoted from this experiment, sin 2 0w. = 0.224 + 0.020, (2.36) is obtained by fixing p = 1, the value favoured by theory and other experiments. The relatively imprecise results (2.32) indicate that despite the historic achievement of the SLAC experiment [47], there is still information to be gained from a second generation experiment which could make a significant contribution to the determination of neutral current parameters.
3. Uncertainties in extrapolation 3.1. GENERAL REMARKS We now turn to the problem of extrapolating from the inputs discussed in sect. 2 up to the grand unification mx. The extrapolation has several aspects: threshold regions for SU(3) x U(1) ~ SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) or for SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) ~ SU(5), the "desert" region in between the grossly different scales of these two thresholds, and the possible existence of any new physics ( t e c h n i c o l o u r . . . ?) in the "desert". We will discuss individually each of these aspects. The formulae (1.2) and (1.3) suggest [29, 39] that mx can be calculated by expanding tx --- In (m ~/z2) (where # is some low energy scale), in inverse powers of a starting with a - l " A tx=--+B+. Ol
• •.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
This is not in fact strictly valid, since there is also a In ~ term. This can be seen by considering the known form for the evolution of coupling constants when the /3 function is evaluated to O(gS):
a -1 = a t + b l n t + c + . . . ,
A t = - - + / 3 In a + C + . • •. O~
entailing that actually
The coefficients A for different strategies for calculating mx are given in formulae (1.2) and (1.3): the meat of the calculation is now the non-leading logarithms, i.e., (B, C) in formula (3.3). In considering this problem it is useful to consider the evolution of the a/~ where ai =-g2/4~: i = 1, 2, 3 for U(1), SU(2) and SU(3), respectively. To two-loop order (gS) the equations of evolution are [18, 29, 40] da71 =fl~_i E3 fllaiii dt 4"rr i=1 (-4~) 2'
/3Zo= ~(22_4Ng) ,
/31o= 4Ng ,
3 ~" = / o - T136 o
+x~ -lO2
/3o3= 1(33_4Ng) ,
1}!° ~ z#/
where Ng is the number of fermion generations [Ng~>3 because of (udeue), (cs/xv,), (tbrvT)]. The expressions (3.4b) and (3.4c) are valid in all renormalization schemes in desert regions away from any thresholds. In the neighbourhood of a threshold O0 the coefficients /3~ and /3~ depend on ( 0 2 / 0 2 ) in the momentum-space subtraction scheme which has previously been used by Ross [22] and by Goldman and Ross [18, 29], whom we follow here. In the desert regions between thresholds we will use the solutions to the lowest-order renormalization group equations, aiocAJln(OZ/A2), on the right-hand side of (3.4a). The differences between these forms and the exact ones are of 3-loop order, which is below the level of precision which we seek in this paper.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime 3.2. G A U G E
The difference between the threshold and asymptotic values of the coefficients/3; and/3~j vanish as powers of O2/Oz0 above threshold, i.e., as exponentials in Itthl--- [ln (Q2/Q2)I:
/3~)(asymptotic)-/3~)(threshold) oc e -It'hJ ,
ttthl---~ O0 .
(3.5) This means that including threshold effects makes a finite O(c~°) difference between the coupling constants evaluated in the desert region below threshold with and without including threshold effects in the/3 coefficients: --1
c~i (desert)]asymptotic/3=~
-1 O2i
I dt [/31)(asymptotic)-/3[,(threshold)] +~ 1
f dt [/30ii (asymptotic) • -/3oij (threshold)]ai + O(a 2), ~
where the convergence of the t integrals is guaranteed by the e I,,hlfactors (3.5). It is clear from (3.3) that an O(a °) change in a~ t corresponds to a finite change in the coefficient C. How far does one have to go in computing threshold effects in a momentum-space renormalization scheme? It is clear from (3.6) that if one worries about the O(ai) terms on the right-hand side of (3.6) one is getting involved with O(a +1) terms on the right-hand side of (3.3), which are smaller than our present concerns. Another point has recently been made [23], namely that when using a m o m e n t u m space renormalization scheme one should take into account the additional forms of invariant coupling which can occur in massive theories, such as arbitrary quadrupole moments of massive vectors denoted by K. These moments must approach unity in the asymptotic region above a vector threshold, because the gauge theory is renormalizable in the ultraviolet region. Below the threshold they are irrelevant because the massive vector effectively decouples. They are therefore relevant only to the threshold corrections, i.e., to the term B in eq. (3.1). Because K = 1 in the symmetry limit, it follows that K - 1 -- O(c~) is finite in perturbation theory for the broken symmetry. Since these couplings will enter in vector loop contributions to vector propagators, the only logarithms proportional to (K -- 1) that can develop are In (m~/izz), but since/.z ~ m~ in the region where they are relevant, there can be no logarithm large enough to compensate the factor ~. Hence they can only make O(a) corrections to B, and are thus of the generic order of terms that we are neglecting. Gauge threshold effects in the MS prescriptions can easily be taken into account at the required level of accuracy using the formula of Weinberg [39]: ,+g(/z)3rT
~ 2 -.
g~(~t ) = gtlz ) 9--~2"t r I tis_e In (ms/p.)] + 8 Tr [t~v In (42my~Ix)] - 2 1 T r [t2{ln ( m v / ~ ) - 2~}]}.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
The meaning of the symbols in (3.7) is as follows: tis, tiF and t~v are the representation matrices of the heavy particles of masses ms, rnv and my for the subgroups i of the unified high-energy group, while P projects out the Goldstone scalar modes " e a t e n " by the massive vector bosons. The couplings g(/x) and gi(/x) are respectively the coupling constant of the unified theory and the coupling constant associated with the subgroup i after the massive S, F and V degrees of freedom are integrated out. It is trivially seen [39] from (3.7) that in the MS prescription one may take account of an ( [ + l ) t h new fermion threshold mv by demanding that the coupling constant for [ flavours and that for ( [ + 1) flavours join on continuously at Iz = ~/2rnF,
as already used in subsect. 2.1 to construct table 2. Correspondingly, we see from (3.7) that for a vector threshold the continuity of the MS coupling constants occurs at /z = e-1/21mv
which differs by 5% from the naive prescription t~ = mv used in the first paper [39] of Bin6truy and SchiJcker. We should note in passing that the numerical ratios (3.8) and (3.9) are subject to uncertainties of O(m) due to higher-order effects. This uncertainty clearly gives an O(ai) uncertainty to the estimate of tx via eq. (3.1), and so is unimportant at our present level of approximation. 3.3. EFFECT OF A NEW GENERATION THRESHOLD It is well-known that in leading order the estimation of mx is independent of the number of generations of fermions. This is because in a grand unified theory the contributions of a generation to the leading order/3 functions/3~ in (3.4a) have the same contributions (_4) from each generation as can be seen from eq. (3.4b). Therefore, when one computes mx from [0/31 ( Q 2 ) - a ~ l (Q2)] as in eq. (1.2), the fermions cancel out and the rate of approach of the couplings depends only on the differences in the "sizes" of the groups as measured by the vector boson contributions to the B[~ in (3.4b). It is, however, clear from the forms of the higher-order /3~ in (3.4c) that this independence from Ng will not persist when one goes beyond leading order in computing rex. To estimate this sensitivity to Ng we assume that values of a s ( O 2) and 0/2(0 2) for some O just above the SU(3) x U(1)-+ SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) threshold region are fixed by low-energy phenomenology with 3 generations, and that a mass-degenerate generation of fermions is then found. We compute its effect on the length of the desert by observing that the difference between c~31 (O2) and c~21 (0 2) is fixed at either end ( 0 2 and 02) of the desert - at the upper end O] by the integral
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
over the SU(3) x SU(2) × U(1) ~ SU(5) threshold region of the appropriate mass. i dependent lowest-order functions/3o as discussed in subsect. 3.2. We therefore want the quantity [ 0~3(~2)
0(2 (~{2i I -- [ 0 , 3 ( ~ 2 )
O/2 ( ~ 2)"]
to be unchanged by the addition of an extra generation. The invariance of the quantity (3.10) before and after the addition of a fermion generation is easily seen from eq. (3.4) to require - -11 12¢r
( t l _ t o ) +(--~-~) l f t X2dj,t [ ( 1 0 2 0 ( 3 - T136 64 - 6-0(2 89 -I-, go( 1 1)J ,1 0 ( 2 ) . . -. . 1~'g~3-0(3 o
11 1 ~ l'1 136 t X ~--- 12~- (t{ - to) + (-4~)2 J, de [(1020(; - - 3 - 0 ( 2 ) o
where t -- In (02//* 2) for some scale t*- The difference between t{ and tl is the change in the length of the desert required to compensate for the new 8Ng terms on the right-hand side of (3.11), and we have written 0(I on the right-hand side to emphasize that the evolution of the coupling constants changes with the number of generations. It is apparent from the form of (3.11) that the dominant contributions come from the integrals over 0(3. We therefore approximate it by 12rr In ( 0 1 / 0 1 ) -
(4¢r)2[j,,, dt0(~ -
,, dt~3
(4rr) 2 3 I-Jr,,
where we have now specialized to the case Ng = 3, 6Ng = 1 advertized earlier. Identifying Q2 with the scale of the new heavy generation, we observe that it is convenient to redefine the scale of the logarithm of Q2 in the expression for 0(~ so that [cf. (2.6)] 0( 3 is continuous at Qo2: 121r
~3(°2)-gi7--'0(3(° )= 177'
E---ln /x-2
~to. t'o =21
Eq. (3.12) can then be written in the form
~lln (O2/O12)
= 4,, ~7 In ( t ' l / L ) - ~2~14In (h/to),
where 71 -~ln (Q2/~2). Putting in reasonable values of the ends (to, tO of the desert before adding a new generation, we compute from (3.14) that In (Q~/Q]2)= - 1 . 2 ,
from which we deduce that the estimate ofmx increases by a factor of 1.8 if a fourth generation is added. This corresponds via eq. (1.1) to an increase in the proton lifetime by afactorofO(12). This order of magnitude increase is to be expected for each extra
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
generation beyond 3: clearly not m a n y can be tolerated if one wants the proton lifetime to stay observably short. This dramatic increase in rp was not noted previously because of arguments restricting the n u m b e r of generations to 3 or at the most 4 (limits on the helium generated in the big bang [48], the successful calculation of mb in terms of rn, [4, 6, 7]). However, neither of these arguments may apply to the technicolour models [24] recently proposed, in which there is a proliferation of fermion generations beyond 3 (these models do not contain extra massless neutrinos which are disfavoured [48] by the calculations of helium generation, and they invalidate the previous basis for calculating rnb [4, 6, 7]). It is perhaps worth noting that there is a simple way to understand this increase of 0 ( 2 ) in the estimation of mx due to the addition of a fermion generation. We recall that in the analysis of G o l d m a n and Ross [18], the deduced value of m x decreased by a factor of 4 when 2-loop effects in the/3 function were included, while the value of A was not changed. Looking at eq. (3.4c) we see that the most important 2-loop terms, those proportional to ~3 in (3.4b), approximately cancel in (/3213_/3~3) if N g = 5. Thus we might expect that the G o l d m a n - R o s s [18] factor of 4 would be completely undone by adding 2 generations, and by ",/4 ~ 2 if just one generation is added, as we have found. We will return later to uncertainties in the estimation on mx in the presence of technicolour, but first let us c o m m e n t on the modification to the result (3.15) which is to be expected if the pattern of heavy fermion masses is more similar to that of lighter generations: my4 = 0 ,
m e~ = 0 ( 4 0 ) G e V ,
rod4 = O(2)me~,
mu4 = O ( 3 ) m a , .
In this case the effect on the value of aem(rnw) is essentially within the errors quoted in subsect. 2.2, and the order of magnitude of the dominant effect can probably be estimated by assuming that there is a range of a factor of O(10) in 0 2 during which the fermion contributions to/3~ and/33 fail to cancel. Specifically, we might expect that between the d4 and u4 thresholds the fourth generation contributions to/3~ and /3 ~ would be A/32 = _ 1 ,
A/33 = - } ,
resulting in an additional contribution - ( 1 / 1 2 r r ) In 10 to the right-hand side of eq. (3.11), and hence +½1n 10 to the left-hand side of eq. (3.14). This is somewhat smaller than the In (Q~/Q~:) term in (3.14), and so does not affect the qualitative conclusion of an order of magnitude increase in the proton lifetime if a fourth generation exists. We should perhaps add in passing that there is an additional effect of increasing the n u m b e r of generations, this time in the estimation of the coefficient C of eq. (1.1). This comes from an increase in the grand unified coupling constant aGUM. However, this change is negligible by comparison with the change induced by the effect of an extra fermion generation on the value of rex.
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3.4. EFFECT OF A TECHNICOLOUR THRESHOLD It has recently become trendy [24, 49] to replace explicit Higgs fields in the Weinberg-Salam model by dynamical symmetrical breaking derived from a new "ultra-strong" unbroken non-abelian gauge interaction which becomes O(1) and generates a vacuum expectation value for a fermion-antifermion condensate (0If f]0) ~ 0 on a scale near 1 TeV. These models all introduce several new generations NTg of fermions - 4 in the case of SU(4) technicolour - and possibly other structures. In this paper we make the simplifying assumptions that at energies below the scale of SU(5) unification the technicolour group commutes with SU(5) and that the SU(5) representation content is (NT~ + 3)(~ + 10) + (any number of 1).
This is what can happen in na'fve extended technicolour models in which each technigeneration contains a right-handed neutral lepton field in addition to the usual 15 fermion helicity states conventionally assigned to a reducible 3 + 10 representation of SU(5). No phenomenologically satisfactory model of this type exists [49] but we may hope that it mimics appropriately the physics of a physical technicolour scheme, if that is the way of the world. In this minimal scenario two phenomena occur whose effects we should try to estimate. One is that in a mass region around 1 T e V the technicolour interactions become strong, creating resonances and other as yet uncalculable phenomena. The other is that at energies below O(1) TeV, the spectrum of techniparticles consists of pseudo-Goldstone bosons (PGBs) with masses O(10 to 300) GeV. We can only give an order of magnitude estimate for the first of these effects, whereas the second can be estimated reasonably accurately. We suppose that there is a region of a factor of 10 in 0 2 during which technicolour interactions are strong. In this region it is reasonable to expect that the fermion parts of the/3~ are modified by O(1) relative to their nai've "point-like" values computed from simple fermi0n loops, i.e., there is an uncertainty in the (--SNTg)4 terms in the/3~ (3.4a) of order 100%. Integrating the evolution equations (3.4a) over this threshold region /min to tmax and discarding the higher-order/3~ terms, we have
I/I (O~31 -- 0~21 )[ = ~
[+~NTg](tmax -- train)
as the change in the calculated difference between Og 3 and a2. Since, as argued in subsect. 3.3, the quantity (3.10) must remain unchanged despite the introduction of technicolour, we must compensate for (3.19) by a corresponding change in the integral of the right-hand side of (3.4a) which we approximate by considering the B~ terms alone and altering the value of tt: 1 4 11 , --47r (XNTg)(tmax -- tr, in) = a-ygl tl -- tl I
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
82 Taking /max-- t m i n
---- In
10 we find that Ita -- t]] = (0.84)NTg,
and that the uncertainty in m x is therefore a factor of (1.5) ±N~-,.This uncertainty factor is multiplicative with the factor of 0(2) increase per generation previously found in subsect 3.3. It is also multiplicative with an increase of a factor of 2 in mx caused by the disappearance of the doublet of fundamental Higgs fields previously included (1.2), (1.3) in the renormalization group calculations. The overall increase in mx due to technicolour is therefore a factor of (4 to 10), if there are just two technicolour generations. This indicates that even a relatively innocuous seeming admixture of technicolour could increase mx sufficiently for proton decay to be unobservable. However, the estimated uncertainty (3.19) to (3.21 ) may be too pessimistic. This is because ordinary SU(3) colour as well as weak SU(2) is a relatively weak interaction on a scale of I TeV, and hence coloured and uncoloured states may be approximately degenerate in mass, so that while their contributions to the individual/35 are wildly fluctuating and uncalculable, the difference (/302-/3o3) may be relatively stable near 0. This p h e n o m e n o n is exemplified by the low-energy PGBs of technicolour. It is easy to check that the contributions of the multiplets in tables Ia and Ib of ref. [24] make equal contributions to /3~ and /33. However, the PGB multiplets are not all degenerate, and between Q -- 400 G e V and 600 GeV /3o lPO., = - ~ 4,
/3 o2 l ~ o ~ = - 2 .
• , This difference between/302 and/303 over a range of t = In 9 has the effect of decreasing the best value of m x by 7% which is much smaller than the effect of (3•21)• Higher-lying multiplets might make a smaller change in mx because they are presumably more degenerate (8m/m smaller) than the PGBs. However, they might all tend to have the same sign reducing rex, since coloured states are presumably always heavier than uncoloured states, and most (all?) contributions to/33 and/32o would be negative• Despite this relatively optimistic afterthought, it seems that a considerable uncertainty (3•21) and probably net increase (3•15) in mx is likely to arise from technicolour if it exists.
3.5. HIGHER-ORDER EFFECTS In previous sections we mentioned several effects of higher order which would correspond to the dots of order a n in the formula (3.3)• Since the calculation of 2 2 O(a°(ln a ) °1) terms in (3.3) has reduced In (rex~row) by O(10)%, we might expect that the higher-order terms could affect In (mE/m~v) by O(10)% of O(10)%, i.e., by O(1)%. This corresponds to a possible modification of mx by a factor of (1.5) ±1.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
We have examined explicitly one possible higher-order effect in the desert between the two gauge thresholds. In calculating with eq. (3.4) we have followed G o l d m a n and Ross [18] in putting the lowest order a; on the right-hand side when computing the evolution of the " t r u e " a [1. This differs from the consistent 2-loop solution of (3.4) only in higher order (3 loops). As an exercise, we have calculated the change in mx obtained if one puts the 2-loop formula __127r
a a ( O 2 ) - ( 3 3 - 2 f ) ~ n ( Q 2 / A 2 ) [ 1 (11-32-f) 2 l n ( O 2 / d 2) J
on the right-hand side of eq. (3.4). We found that it reduced mx by only a few percent. A n o t h e r handle on the higher-order effects comes from the remark of G o l d m a n and Ross [29] that the factor of 3 between AMOMand A~g could easily be a factor of 3.6 if the higher-order effects in the coupling constant are treated in a different way. This would correspond to an uncertainty of a factor of (1.2) ±1 in estimating rex. We therefore feel that an estimated error of a factor of (1.5) ±5 in rnx from higher-order effects is reasonable and conservative.
4. Uncertainties at the grand unification mass
We are finally approaching the end of our long march to grand unification, and must now discuss uncertainties in the neighbourhood of the grand unification mass itself. We divide these into three categories: the SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) ~ SU(5) (?) gauge threshold transitions [25], the possibility of " C a b i b b o rotating" away proton decay [26, 27, 50], and a speculation that since it is such a short-distance process, proton decay might be the place to see a breakdown of Lorentz [28] or Poincar6 invariance if it ever occurs. 4.1. THE GRAND UNIFICATION THRESHOLD The effects of the grand unification threshold have been calculated in a m o m e n tum-space renormalization scheme by Ross [22], in a p a p e r where the m2x/Q 2 effects are retained. We can imagine two modifications to the assumptions used in his calculation. One concerns the Higgs sector, which has recently been studied in a m o m e n t u m - s p a c e prescription by Cook, M a h a n t h a p p a and Sher [25], and the other concerns the fermion sector. As for the Higgs, it was found [25] that putting a 45 of Higgs into the SU(5) model introduces additional particles with superheavy masses >~amx which may affect the renormalization group equations near m x in such a way as to alter m x by a factor of 2.8 ~ 3. As far as possible superheavy fermions are concerned, it is difficult to quantify a possible effect because there is no clearly preferred model with a specified representation content (see, however, ref. [51]). A possible order of magnitude estimate might be to assume a similar uncertainty to that
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
postulated earlier for technicolour (3.20), namely that over a decade in Q2 there is an uncertainty equivalent to a complete generation of conventional 5 + 10 fermions causing a mismatch between the/32 and/33. In this case the uncertainty would be a factor of 1.5 in mx, but this number could clearly be considerably larger. In the MS prescription there is a neat way to calculate the uncertainties in mx using eq. (3.7) due to Weinberg [39]. Let us suppose that extrapolation of the low-energy coupling constants gi(ix) and gi(ix) for two subgroups of SU(5) yields equality at a scale Ixo:
g, (/Xo)= gi(iXo) •
(4. I)
Writing eq. (3.7) in the form
gi(iX ) = g~iX ), + (g(iX))3 {ai(ln (my/ix) - 1 ) + bi In (x/2mF/ix) + Ci In (ms/ix)},
we see that eq. (4.1) implies
(ai - aj)(ln (mv/iXo) - ~ ) + (bi
bi) In (x/2mF/iXo) + (Ci --
In (ms/iXo) = 0 , (4.3)
which can be used to determine m x = my in terms of IXo. If one neglects heavy fermions and scalar particles one just recovers the trivial result (3.9). To estimate the uncertainty in this we consider varying the masses mv and ms in different SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) representations R of decomposed SU(5) multiplets so as to maximize the last two terms in (4.3), while keeping mF and ms equal to IXo within an order of magnitude or so. Since the a~ are fixed [we know which SU(5) bosons are heavy] we can then calculate the maximal uncertainty A(ln
~ l ( bRF i - - b i ) R F l + ~ l ( CRs i--Ci)Rs]]lnlO (mv/iX°))~',-, l [ ~,,
in an obvious suffix notation for the b~ and c~. As an example we may consider the special case of the 5 + 5 of Higgs in the minimal SU(5) model which has the SU(3) x SU(2) decomposition
5 + 5 ~ (3, 1)+(5, 1)+2(1, 2).
The (1, 2) Higgs are of course the conventional low energy Weinberg-Salam Higgs doublet. The uncertainty in In (rnv/iXo) then arises from varying the masses of the (3, 1) + (5, 1) scalars for which C2 =
C3 = 1 ,
Using eq. (4.4) we then have
E I(c3-c:)Rs[ In 10 A(ln (mv/ixo)) = la 3 - a2[ Rs - ~ In 10,
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
so that the error in m x is a factor of 1 0 ±1/21 (1.1) ±1 . We can extend this to the 2_44of Higgs in minimal SU(5), for which the uneaten Rs are 2 4 ~ ( 8 , 1)+(1, 3 ) + ( 1 , 1),
which have respectively c3 = 3, 0, 0 , (4.9) c2=0,2,0. In this case there is a restriction on the Higgs masses from the most general form of Higgs potential in the model: 2
m(8.1) = ~-6m (1.3) ,
which means that the maximal uncertainty (4,4) cannot be attained, and the best one can do is A(ln (mv//Z0)) = 1 ( 3 - 2) In 10 = ~ In 10,
the same uncertainty as that due to the 5 + 5 Higgses. Two other m o r e dramatic cases are shown in tables 4 and 5. In the case of the 45 + 45 of Higgs, we have left out the 2 light (1, 2) of fields, and recall that the (3, 1) and (:g, 1) in the 4_55are not self-conjugate and so m a y have different masses. If we ignored possible restrictions on the ratios of masses analogous to (4.10) and used from table 4 the fact that 2 I(c3-C2)Rsl = 2 1 ,
we would deduce from (4.4) an order of magnitude uncertainty in my. This however is probably an overestimate, precisely because of correlations analogous to (4.10), TABLE 4 45 +45 of Higgs fields SU(3) x SU(2) 2(8,2) (3, 3) + (3, 3) (3,1)+(3,1) Decomposition Rs C3 C2
12 8
3 12
(6,1) + (6,1)
1 0
(.], 2) + (3, 2) (],1)+(3,1)
5 0
2 3
TABLE 5 5 + 5 of fermions SU(3) × SU(2) Decomposition Re
(3, 1)+(3, 1)
b3 b2
8 0
0 1
1 0
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
and we believe the real uncertainty is closer to the factor of 3 quoted earlier in the momentum-space prescription. As for the 5 + 5 of fermions, their SU(3)× SU(2) decompositions can get arbitrary mass ratios from a combination of a 24 of Higgs and an SU(5) invariant mass term, so we believe that the maximum allowed by (4.4) can be attained. We read off from table 5 that 32 I(b3 - b2)nF[ = 9 ,
so that we get an uncertainty of a factor of about 10 9/21~ 3 for each such set of fermions, of which there are three in a minimal E(6) model [51]. We conclude that the estimation of mx is surprisingly sensitive to the existence of unobservable massive particles with masses close to mx. 4.2. THE GRAND UNIFIED MIXING ANGLES In a recent paper [27] it was demonstrated explicitly that in an SU(5) model with a single_5 of Higgs the grand unified mixing angles were very closely related to those for conventional weak interactions (with extra phases not discussed in ref. [50]), so that proton decay could not be "Cabibbo rotated" away [26] in this simple model. In this subsection we extend this argument to versions of SU(5) with more complicated Higgs contents. The representations which can give rise to masses for the conventional generations of fermions are 5 and 45. A _5gives rise to a symmetric mass matrix for the charge ~ quarks, an important property shared by Higgs-fermion couplings in other G U T s [51] based on the groups SO(10) and E(6), while a 4_55gives them an antisymmetric mass matrix. We now analyze in turn the situations with different combinations of _5 and 45 representations. i j Single_5 H : This was the case studied in ref. [27]. The fsfl0 H coupling matrix fii (i, j generation indices) can be diagonalized in generation space, revealing that for charge - 7 quark and charge - 1 lepton mass eigenstates m-1/3i
m li,
i = 1 . . . Ng.
The symmetric flofl0 H coupling matrix h~j can then be diagonalized by a unitary matrix U (the conventional Kobayashi-Maskawa [52] matrix) with ( N g - 1 ) independent phases along the diagonal which are observable at high energies but not in conventional low energy weak interactions. In leading order, these phases do not alter the rates for different baryon-number violating processes, which are therefore given by the familiar Cabibbo angles, as conventionally assumed [4, 14, 15]. SeveralS_'s Ha: The situation here is very analogous. We now have a three-index i j • • a i j • a f~fl0 Ha couphng matrix f~j and a three-index flofl0 Ha couphng h ~i. The pattern of spontaneous symmetry breaking must be such that the vacuum expectation values of the Ha are all in the same (fifth) direction: (01HAL0) = (0, o, o, o, v , ) .
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
T h e mass eigenstates are then d e t e r m i n e d by the matrices
~/=- fi~va,
t~ii =-- h i~v~,
which m a y be diagonalized in exactly the same way as the f~i and h~i of the single H case, obtaining again the mass relations (4.14). T h e gauge vector b o s o n couplings are then described by the same K o b a y a s h i - M a s k a w a [52] matrix and ( N g - 1) additional phases as before, and p r o t o n decay still cannot be rotated away. The only difference f r o m the previous case is that there the interactions m e d i a t e d by Higgs bosons are also d e t e r m i n e d by the same " C a b i b b o angles", whereas this is no longer the case with several 5_'s. H o w e v e r , it is generally p r e s u m e d that Higgs exchanges are not the d o m i n a n t m e c h a n i s m for p r o t o n decay*. i / a One or more 45's ~ : In this case the fsflo ~ a coupling matrix ~ii contracted with the vector of v a c u u m expectation values (01~al0)= ~ : :~j -- : ~ j ~
can be diagonalized in the same way as for the case of several 5's. H o w e v e r , the resulting m a s s relations are, of course, 1
m-l/3, = 5 m - l l ,
(i = 1 . . . Ng),
instead of (4.14). In o r d e r for the relations (4.18) to be compatible with the observed mass ratio of the b q u a r k and r lepton, it is necessary to put 5 or 6 fermion generations into the SU(5) m o d e l [54]. This raises p r o b l e m s of compatibility with the cosmological restriction on the n u m b e r of associated "massless" neutrinos [48]. Setting these aside, we have seen earlier that having so m a n y generations would increase m× by 0 ( 4 to 8), while a further increase in m x might be occasioned by the physical s u p e r h e a v y Higgs bosons [25]. H o w e v e r , there is a clear objection to having only 45's of Higgs: it would give an antisymmetric mass matrix for the charge quarks, which is p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l l y unacceptable. F o r example, in the case of three generations it would predict mu=0,
which is experimentally not quite correct! Combination of 5's a n d 45's: W e can distinguish two subcases of this most general a case. O n e is if the 10 - 10 mass matrix ~ ~ ~ j ~ a due to 45 Higgs representations is c o m p a r a b l e in m a g n i t u d e to that g e n e r a t e d by 5 Higgs representations. In this case 2 the charge ~ q u a r k mass matrtx is not symmetric**, the analysis of ref. [27] does not go * See ref. [4]. In order for Higgs exchange contributions to be comparable to vector boson exchanges, the Higgs would have to be as light as 101° or 10 H GeV (Ellis, Gaillard and Nanopoulos, ref. [8]), which is presumably unlikely to occur with a realistic Higgs potential for SU(5) when radiative corrections are taken into account, see ref. [53] and references therein. ** We remind the reader that in GUTs [51] based on groups bigger than SU(5), such as SO(10) or E(6), the charge ] quark mass matrix is also symmetric, so that the argument of ref. [27] remains valid.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
through, and the grand unified mixing angles need bear no relation to the KobayashiMaskawa [52] matrix. Proton decay could be rotated away. On the other hand, one can argue that if ~e~j is in fact negligible, then proton decay "probably" cannot be rotated away. Phenomenologically, if there are no more than 3 generations, the relation (4.14) seems to hold for the third generation b and z masses. This means that we can choose a basis in generation space such that the mass matrices for the charge -½ quarks and charge - 1 leptons take the form rn x/3 =
(A+s4 +~ 0
B+~ C+C~ 0
!) ,
(A-3s4 m x= B - 3 ~ ~ 0
i) (4.20)
with the 45's making no significant contribution to the b and r masses. We can then diagonalize the matrices (4.20) to obtain mass eigenvalues m~ = ~(a + c) + ½x/(a + c) 2 + 4(b 2 - ac)
in an obvious notation. Phenomenologically, we know that both for charge -31 quarks and charge - 1 leptons one mass eigenvalue is much larger than the other. We may therefore approximate (4.21) by b2
m=~~ a + c,
- - ,
a -b c
with the requirements
4(b2-ac)<< (a +c) 2 .
We now make the reasonable (?) assumptions that
]A +J]<< IC + ~1,
I A - 3s4J<< ) c - 3c~l,
in which case we can make small angle approximations for the angles of rotation between the basis used for the original M-~/3 and M - I matrices (4.20), and the basis of eigenvectors with eigenvalues (4.22): B+~
B-3~ A-3s4 "
The conventional weak Cabibbo-mixing is a product of the rotation 0_~ and of the diagonalization of the charge -32 mass matrix analogous to that discussed in previous cases. It may therefore be reasonable (?) to expect that 0-1/3 = O(0c),
in which case it may also be reasonable (?) to expect that 0-1 = O(0c),
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
in which case the grand unified mixing angles 0 - 1 / 3 - 0 - 1 relevant to proton decay would all be of order 0c, and the usual estimates of proton decay rates would go through. This argument may seem rather weak and full of wishful thinking, but its general principles can be illustrated by a specific example of phenomenological interest [55]. It has been suggested that in order to cure the bad prediction (4.28)
rod~ms = r n ¢ / m ,
deducible from (4.14), and to get a better (?) absolute value for ms, one should impose discrete symmetries on the Higgs couplings in such a way as to get mass matrices of the form
M l/3 =
(i'!) %: 0
M I B ~0
-3~ 0
which is an example of the general form (4.20). In this case -A 0-1/3= ~ ,
-A 0-1= 3 ~
and if the presumption (4.26) is valid, then 0 1-0-1/3 = O ( - 2 0 c ) ,
and the grand unified mixing angles are indeed sufficiently small that the proton decay rate remains essentially unaffected. As a final remark on Cabibbo rotating away proton decay, we just repeat an observation made in ref. [56]. If one wants to cure the bad mass relation (4.28) it is only necessary to introduce into the mass matrices small terms of O(10 MeV) which do not obey the usual Clebsch-Gordan relations (4.14) for 5's of Higgs fields. If we first diagonalize the 5_contributions to the mass matrices along the lines discussed in ref. [27] and earlier in this section, and then make a final rotation to diagonalize the remaining O(10) MeV terms in the mass matrix, then the angles of this final rotation will be 010=
O( 10 M e V ) x ~ , or ms/ ~< 0c.
Once again, proton decay cannot be rotated away in such a scheme. However, the suggestions of small deviations (4.26), (4.27), (4.31), (4.32) from Cabibbo mixing in baryon-number violating processes are sufficiently interesting to warrant detailed experimental studies of "Cabibbo-suppressed" proton decays, should this ever be feasible.
Jr. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
4.3. LORENTZ OR POINCARI~ NON-INVARIANCE? So far in this paper we have been rigidly unimaginative, and it seems appropriate at this point to make one or two speculations. Proton decay is a process which originates at a distant scale 3 = O ( 1 / m x ) = O(10 zs) cm which is many orders of magnitude shorter than any scale that we can probe in any other foreseeable experiment. It is therefore a natural place to look for novel effects that are unobservable at longer distances. One such possibility is Lorentz invariance breakdown, which Nielsen and Ninomiya [28] have conjectured may break down at very short distances*. Could a breakdown of Lorentz invariance be observable in proton decay? To orient our ideas, let us first consider the model of Nielsen and Ninomiya [28]. They assume the existence of a 4 - c o m p o n e n t non-abelian gauge field, and assume that its interactions are gauge invariant and renormalizable, but not necessarily Lorentz invariant. The gauge boson interactions then take the form
l tzvpor'Ta !"-,o r , ~ r o~ ,
= -~r/
where ~7"v°'~ is not in general of the Lorentz-invariant form r/cov = ½(g,,Og,,~_ g,,~gVO).
The deviation from internal Lorentz invariance of the Yang-Mills field can be characterized by a 6r/ which, since we are dealing with a renormalizable theory, varies logarithmically with the energy scale. The same authors [28] also introduce a quantity 8~ which measures the approach of the metric tensor of a fermion to that of the Yang-Mills field. Using the notation C2(G):
T ( R ) 6 ab = Tr(o "a, orb),
(4.35) in terms of the structure constants f~bc for a group G and matrices o-a for a fermion representation R, they find the results
¢~'1"1((~ ) "~"( ln ( ~ ] (7Cz(G)+4 ~vt T(RI)/(l l C2(G)-4~R
~ 2 ) (8C2(G)+4~R T(R))/ (I 1C2(G)-4~RT(R)) 8~3(Q) ~ (\ln
where tx is some unknown scale. Nielsen and Ninomiya [28] estimate that the unobservably short separation in arrival times of differently polarized photons from pulsars implies that 6r/~< 10 15 for U(1) e.m. This presumably reflects the values of 87/ for both the SU(2) and U(1) * Another form of Lorentz breakdown at short distance has been proposed by C.H. Wu (private communication via H. Nielsen). This possibility requires the introduction of a dimensional coupling constant, which we disfavour in general [53].
.L Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
subgroups of the Weinberg-Salam model on a scale O - 100 GeV. Presumably art for SU(3) colour is also quite small on a scale of (1 to 100) GeV. For these groups C2(U(1)) = 0 ,
C2(SU(2)) = 2,
C2(SU(3)) = 3 ,
while in a grand unified theory such as SU(5) E T(R) = Ng.
Taking the coefficients (4.37), (4.38) and substituting them into the evolution formulae (4.36) it is evident that we cannot choose Ng so as to make small simultaneously more than one of the denominators [ l l C 2 ( G ) - 4 ~ R T(R)] for G = U(1), SU(2) and SU(3). This means that within this framework the goodness of Lorentz invariance at low energies is sufficient to guarantee that Lorentz invariance is also good at scales -1015 G e V (10 28 cm). Thus proton decays should be Lorentz invariant within this approach. A b o v e the grand unification mass one only has one group G = SU(5) (?) to contend with, and it is in principle possible to add superheavy fermions to the theory so that [11 C 2 ( 8 U ( 5 ) ) - 4 Y.R T(R)] ~ 0 and Lorentz invariance gets broken appreciably at mass-scales above the grand unification mass (the Planck mass?), but this would seem to be rather fortuitous*. One could, however, imagine other ways of violating Lorentz invariance which would be easier to detect. For example, Lorentz violation by non-renormalizable interactions would increase as a power of the m o m e n t u m scale Q. It may therefore not be entirely a waste of time to look for a violation of Lorentz-invariance in proton decay, though this is clearly wildly speculative. How would one look for such an effect? One possibility that comes to mind is to look for proton decay final states which do not have spin ½: spin 23-for example. While we are considering the violation of everything else, why not the rest of Poincar6 invariance, namely translation invariance in space and time? This could arise from a granularity of space-time on some distance scale between the 1 0 - 1 6 c m so far probed [57] and the 10 -28 cm distance of propagation of an X boson. It would have the signatures of m o m e n t u m a n d / o r energy non-conservation. Perhaps when a proton decays its decay products will turn out to have a net non-zero m o m e n t u m or perhaps their energies will not add up to rap? These possibilities would be nightmares for the experiments proposed recently [58], which often rely on geometric a n d / o r calorimetric signatures, e.g., two particles emerging back-to-back with a total energy - 9 4 0 MeV.
5. Uncertainties in the proton decay rate Let us suppose we have now established a definite value for rex: the final problem is to calculate the total decay rate, the parameter C of eq. (1.1). Its determination can * Note, however,that, amusinglyenough, the B-functionin the E6 modelof ref. [51] is almost zero above the grand unification mass, so that this possibility can be realized in that model.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
be split into several steps. First is the derivation of the effective lagrangian for baryon-non-conserving processes including " C a b i b b o " angles, which was given in ref. [27]*: 5 f ~ = e i~ 4gGcu[(eijkU r ckL'A,UiL){[(1 + COSz Oc)~L+sin OcCOS Oc/x/+]V -+` diL +[(1 +sin 2 0 c ) ~ + s i n
Oc cos Ocer]y SiL + e R y
d ~ + ~ RT+ ~'si~} c
+ [eiikU k~%, (di~ cos 0c + sh, sin Oc)][v,~,y di~ + v ~,~y s~]] + h.c.,
where 2
,/+G+u= 8mg 2
- 8 mg, ~
in the case of the simplest SU(5) model. Note that the form of C P violation in the effective lagrangian (5.1) through the phase ~b gives no possibility in leading order for observable CP-violating effects of the type recently proposed by Hurlbert and Wilczek [59]. The phase & also does not affect the total decay rate. One must next proceed to the computation of the short-distance amplitude-enhancement effects due to SU(3), SU(2) and U(1) boson exchanges which are, to leading order [4, 27, 60], r
r O/1 ( m w ) ]
a. 27/(86--16Ng)
A+ = [o/+(i OeV)1+/.,
for the eL,/~L + + operators
A1 = t O/ou--------M---J
[o/l(mw)] -33/(6+80N~)
for the e~,/~R,+ u o p e r a t o r s ,
for the different operators appearing in the effective lagrangian (5.1). To give an idea of the magnitude of these short-distance effects for typical values of the different gauge coupling constants one finds a~=5,
(AzA1)2= |" 2"5' t 2.2,
for e~, /~L, +
for e~, ~ , v .
The final job is to compute the matrix elements of the effective lagrangian (5.1) between the proton (or nucleon) initial state and the various meson + l e p t o n final states. So far, two fundamentally different methods of doing this have been used. One [4, 14, 15, 29] is to treat the decay as if two quarks in the nucleon come together +
* Note the change of sign in the ea and V.R terms of (5.1) by comparison with refs. [4, 27]. We thank M.B. Gavela and W. Konetschny for correcting us on this point.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
with a probability determined by an SU(6) wave function 0(0), annihilating into an antilepton and an antiquark, with the q and the spectator quark then combining with probability 1 to form inclusive meson states (the B E G N J Y M method). Five calculations of this type have been made: ref. [14] includes some diagrams which were left out of ref. [4], but we prefer the assignment of a quark mass of about m~v/3 to the final-state antiquark when computing phase space, as was done in ref. [15]. Recent applications of the method are made in refs. [29] (GR) and [61] (GLOPR). In this method, the decay rate is proportional to ]~p(0)[2, and we now believe on the basis of analyses of hyperon decays [62] that the value of 0.8 × 10 -2 G e V 3 that we and others originally assumed is probably too large. We now believe that a better value is about 0.7 m3~ ~ 0.2 × 10 -2 G e V 3, which fits/2 and s-wave hyperon decay and agrees with bag model estimates, and we have renormalized the B E G N J Y M and G R calculations with this value of [0(0)I 2. The second class [16, 17, 63] of calculations uses a bag model, computes the initial qq overlap in a nucleon bag and then computes the overlap of the resulting qq system with different exclusive mesonic final state bags. Three calculations (DGS [16], D [17] and G [63]) of this type have now been made using slightly different techniques: their results differ from each other by factors of up to about 12. If we take a representative estimate of mx = 5 × 10 TMGeV, we find the six different proton lifetime estimates shown in table 6. To a good approximation, these lifetime estimates scale as m 4 within the range of uncertainties which we discuss in this paper. From these different estimates of the proton lifetime we therefore have /
mx \ 5 x 1 0 TMG e V ]
r p - (0.6 to 25) × 103° /
We now turn to the actual computation of mx using the following variations of the input parameters* A~g, mr, etem in the two calculational methods (a) and (b) of
TABLE 6 Estimates of the proton decay rates
Calculating group
Assumed value of mx (GeV)
Lifetime quoted (years)
Lifetime(years) if mx= 5 × 10 GeV
BEGNJYM [4, 14, 15] DGS [16] D [17] GR [29] GLOPR [61] G [63]
5 × 10 TM 5 × 10TM 3.8 x 10TM 4.4 X 1 0 TM 6 x 10TM 4.6 X 10 TM
3 × 1030 2 × 1030 8 x 1030 0.9 x 1030 1.3 x 1030 1.8 X 1031
3 x 1030 2 × 1030 24 x 1030 1.5 x 1030 0.6 x 1030 25 X 1030
* Throughout this discugsion, AMS is that found using 4 flavours and the full second-order formalism.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
subsect. 3.1 : 100 M e V <~A~--g~ < 600 M e V , 15 G e V ~ mt~< 50 G e V , 127.56
~ O / e-1 m ~
for{~ = 4
126.96 ~ a e m -1 ~< 127.90
/ i n method
= 7.8)
127.35 ~< (a~m)~-S-~ < 128.29
(5.6) ,
for method (b).
Table 7 shows a representative set of estimates made using method (a). We see that there is very little sensitivity to mt: this is consistent with the observation of Bin6truy and Sch/icker [39] that the top quark contribution to the relative renormalization of O{em and a~ cancels in leading order. The results of table 7 were calculated using A = 7.8 and the central value of ae-m1 given in (5.6). The effects of using instead A = 4 or of taking the extreme values of O~em from (5.6) are for A~-~ = 400 M e V and m t = 30 GeV: Aae~ forA = 7 . 8 ~ A m x = i 0 . 4 9 x
1014 G e V ,
A = 7.8-* A = 4 ~ Amx = +0.56 x 10 TM G e V .
We therefore find using method (1) that for A~s = 400 M e V m x = (5.4 + 0.8) x 1014 G e V ,
method (a),
while the variation of the central value with A~g can be approximated by m x ~ 1.35 x 1015(A~--g)l°l,
and the significance of the third significant figures in (5.9) is tenuous. Using method (b) we concur with Bin6truy and Schiicker [39] in finding for AMs = 400 M e V and 1 aem given by (5.6): m x = (6.3 + 0.7) x 10 TM G e V ,
method (b).
TABLE 7 Estimates of mx (in units of 10 TM GeV)
This table is calculated using rt = 7.8 in method (a).
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
A n o t h e r analysis similar in spirit to our method (b) and ref. [39] has been made by Hall [64], with the result mx ~ 5.7 x 1014 G e V ,
while the final version of an analysis by Marciano [65] which also uses a modified minimal subtraction technique obtains rnx-~ 6.3 x 1014 G e V ,
for A~--g= 400 MeV. These results all agree within the expected uncertainties of a factor of (1.5) ±1 coming from higher-order effects in the renormalization group equations, such as the uncertainty of 20% in the AMoM/A-~--gratio of eq. (2.1) which was mentioned in subsect. 2.1. We therefore estimate that in minimal SU(5) with A - ~ = 400 M e V rnx = (6 + 3) x 1014 G e V ,
which should be scaled approximately by a factor of (A~s/0.4 GeV) for different values of A~-g. Assuming that A~-g= 0.4 x (1.5) ±1 G e V we finally conclude* from (5.5) and (5.13) that "rp = 8 × 1030±2 years
in the simple SU(5) model with three generations and no significant new physics before the grand unification point. However, this estimate is subject to all the uncertainties discussed in sects. 3 and 4, of which the principal ones are as follows. In m x : + 1 3 % due to the uncertainty in renormalization of aem, 1.8 increase for a new generation of fermions, additional factor of (1.5) ±1 for each technicolour generation, factor of ~<(1.5) ±1 from higher-order effects in the renormalization group calculations, factor of 3 ±1 from uncertainties in the superheavy Higgs sector [25], and (~> 1.5) ±1 from possible superheavy fermions. In the effective lagrangian: 2 Possible Cabibbo-rotation away of proton decay if the charge ~ quark mass matrix contains important antisymmetric pieces. Experimentalists [58] will be cheered by the estimate (5.14) in the simple SU(5) model [2-4] with no significant new physics. They may be dismayed by the uncertainties engendered by new physics. If they do not find decaying protons, they will at least have the first experimental evidence for something more exciting. If they do find decaying protons, then there will be much to be learned, for example from looking at decays which are supposed to be Cabibbo suppressed. * The central value of this estimate is higher than that of ref. [ 11] for two reasons. One is that we are now convinced that our earlier [4] value of [tp(0)[2 was too large, the other is the long proton lifetimes calculated [17, 63] in some bag models.
3".Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
We would like to thank P. Bin6truy, M.B. Gavela, G. Girardi, W. Konetschny, C.H. Llewellyn Smith, D.A. Ross, G.G. Ross, T. Schficker, M. Sher and P. Sorba for useful comments and discussions.
Note added in proof Since our paper was submitted we have received numerous papers and private communication on related topics which we would like to mention here for the sake of completeness and accuracy. We have been informed [66] that the factor of 3.6 between AMoM and A~-g quoted in eq. (2.1) can be shown to be exact to all orders in as. Higher-order corrections to + the process e e ~ qqg have recently been calculated [67], but the comparison with experiment has still not developed to the point where a value of A can be extracted from e÷e - data in a meaningful way. More strong radiative corrections to heavy quark resonance decays have also been calculated [68] and shown to be large. We have been informed [69] that it is appropriate to use A = 4 in the P-function threshold analysis of subsect. 2.2. There have been several recent developments in the analysis of neutral current phenomena. New calculations of Sakakibara and others [70] indicate that the change of sin 2 0w due to big radiative corrections is smaller than 0.01, and a new analysis [71] of sin 2 0w in SU(5) gives a value of 0.209 if A~g = 0.4 GeV. New analyses of neutral current data give, if p = 1, sin 2 0w = 0.229 + 0.009 (exp) + 0.005 (theor), sin 2 0w = 0.227 + 0.010,
(ref. [73]).
(ref. [72]),
(N. 1) (N.2)
Qualitatively, the status of the comparison between experiment and the SU(5) theory remains unchanged. Two recent analyses of the mixing angles in nucleon decay have recently been made. One of them [74] investigates SU(5) with a combination of _5 and 45 Higgs representations, agrees with us that in this more complicated theory the leading order diagrams can be "Cabibbo-rotated away", and makes the point that nucleon decay is still possible in higher orders. The second paper [75] performs another analysis of the Higgs scheme of ref. [55] and includes a discussion of nucleon decay in SO(10) models. A comparison of different models for the branching ratios in nucleon decay has recently been made [76] which clarifies conflicts in the previous literature [15-17, 61, 63] by studying systematically the impact of different dynamical assumptions. In addition to our previous acknowledgements, we would like to thank V. Berezinsky, G. Kane, A.B. Lahanas, W.J. Marciano, A. Mueller, E.A. Paschos, A. Peterman, M. Roos and U.T. Cobley for useful discussions and communications.
J. Ellis et al. / Proton lifetime
References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]
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