Adv. Space Res. Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 469472. 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of COSPAR Printed in Great Britain
177197 $17.00
PII: SO273-1177(97jOOO%-2
UNCERTAINTY IN SATELLITE RAINFALL ESTIMATES: TIME SERIES COMPARISON Alfred T. C. Change and Long S. Chiu**** * Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD 20771, USA ** SAWGeneral Sciences Corporation, Laurel MD 20707, USA
ABSTRACT We examined nine satellite rainfall algorithms and compared the rain fields produced from these algorithms for the period of August 1987 to December 1988. Preliiary results show algorithms which use the same satellite sensor data tend to be similar, suggesting the importance of sampling. Oceanic global mean rainfall ranges from 2.7 to 3.6 mm/d. The variability in zonal mean rain rate is about 1.5-2 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of COSPAR mm/d for these algorithms. INTRODUCTION There exist a number of operational or semi-operational climate scale satellite rainfall algorithms whose products have been used in diagnostic or comparative studies. To quantify the uncertainty in these algorithms, we compared these rain algorithms at the global and monthly climate scale. Our comparison focused on the time period during which available SSM/I measurements overlap the Atmospheric Mods ~t~~rnp~son Project (AhBP) period, i.e., July 1987 through December 1988. During this period, the algorithms went through at least a seasonal cycle. and hence we can examine the seasonal dif&rence between the algorithms. The responses of the algorithms to the 1986-1987 El Nina Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were evaluated using pattern correlation and paired-t statistics. ALGORITHMS
The satellite rain algorithms included in this study are: 1. The Goddard Scattering ~go~t~ by Adler et al. (1993) (denoted Adler), 2. C~brating GPI IR data with microwave data by Huf%nanet al. (1993) aunt), 3. Monthly oceanic rainfall using SSM/I Tb histogram by Wilheit et al. (1991) (Chang or WCC), 4. Theoretical regression method by Kummerow and Giglio (1993) (Kummerow), 5. Precipitation area dependent technique by Prabhakara et al. (1993) ((Prabhakara), 6. GOES Precipitation Index (GPI) Technique by Arkin and Meisner (1987) (Arkin), 7. Oceanic rainfall from MSU by Spencer (1993) (Spencer), 8. Global precipitation from TOVS by Susskind et al (1984; 1989) (Susskind), and 9. Multi-sire rainfall ~go~t~ by Wu (1991) (Wu). The characteristics of these algorithms are summarized in Table 1.
A. T. C. Chang and L. S. Chiu
Tabfe I : Characteristics of &&all algorithms
RESULTS AND DISCUSSXONS Data were available for most algorithms for the period August 1987 to December 1988, except Kummerow and I-IutXnanwhose dataset consisted of data till July 1988. SSM/I data for December 1987 is missing. We resampled the data at the lowest resoIution of 5” by 5” without area weighting. For example, Prabhakara’s data has a resolution of 3 * latitude by 5 ’ longitude and hence latitudinal weights of [3,2], [1,3,1], or [2,3] are used where appropriate. All units are converted to mm/day. We created an ocean mask using the ETOPOS landmask and computed statistics for oceanic and land areas, respectively. Only oceanic results are presented here. All algorithms show the major patterns of precipitation in the right locations: the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), and the oceanic dry areas in the western north Atlantic and south Pacific. The intensities at the location of the maximum and burns are quite varied, however. Table 2 shows the pattern correlation ~oe~cients between algorithms for August 1987. Coefficients greater than 0.85 are bolded. There are high correlation between algorithms of Adler, Chang, Hu%nan, and Kummerow, who use SSM/I data and those of Susskind and Wu whose algorithms are based on TOVS sounding retrieval products. HutIinan’s algorithm merges GPI and SSM/l data. Both Arkin and Susskind’s algo~t~ rely on cloud estimates . Table 2: Pattern Correlation Coefficients for August 1987 between Algorithms HUfBtIaIl 0.90
Prabhakara 0.66 0.65
susskindm 0.83
0.87 0.94
Satellite Rainfall Estimates
Fig. I shows the annual (over the period August X7 - July XX) ronul mean minf’all. All ulyorithms shows rt peak ~onai ruinfull in the latitude belt 5” - IU’N. The r;mXc of ruin mte is hotwccn 1.5 11)2 mm/d liar nil latitude he&s. Arkin is largest ;II Iutitudes .1S-40”s und 3%4O”N. which is limitation of Arkin’s technique (Junowink, IYY2). Pruhhukura’s zon;ll means are the highest between IO”N to 25”N and Kummerow’s the lowest hc~wecn25”s ;md 4tPN. Oceanic Annual Zonal Mean Rain (Aug 1987
- July 1988) -----._......
Adler Huffman _.Q WCC
---.---------+ -------O . . . ._*
Kummerow Prabhakara Susskind W”
Arktn Spencer
Fig. I. Zonal Annual (AU$USI IYX7 - July IYXX) Mean Rain RaceIbr All Al@)rithma The &bal mezms (S@‘N - So”S) ranXc frctm about 7.7 lnln/~y tAdlcr and Kummcmw) to 3.6 llit~d~y (Chimg and Prahhakara). These global meanestimutes fitn he compxed with the global averaXesof about 3 mm/dayfrom the heat nnd water hudpetconsideration(Eagleson 1970). We examined the responses ctf the algorithms IO the 19X6-lYX7 ENS0 event. We dctincd 3 paired-t Tess (Chung et al., lYY5) hetween August IYX7 and August IYXX IO quuntify the algorithm response. Table 3 contains the results of the paired-t tests and pattern correlution coefficients for all the algorithms. None ot the algorithms show il paired-t value greater than I .Yh, hencethe null hypctthesisthat the two Augusts xc diltixent funnot he rcje~led11 the S%, level. Chung’s ~l~~~r~~h~~~ hirs the lqest paired-t value and Adler’s the lowest pattern correlation Tu hetter yuantif’y the responses to ENS0 events, multi-year drtta with multiENS0 everlts ure needed.
A.T. C. Chang and L. S. Chiu
Table 3 : Paired-t Statistics and Correlation Coefficients between August 87 and August 88 &Jg
S.R. Aim87nun/d Mean Aun88mm/d -88 mm/d Q&x&
2.76 3.40 2.71 3.25 0.02 0.55
Pmbhakara Qan8 3.18 3.56 3.09 3.59 2.94 3.29 2.84 3.41 0.09 0.09 0.58 0.60
Snencer 3.10 2.69 2.93 2.82 0.07 0.59
m 3.48 4.38 3.35 4.26 0.04 0.70
Susskind 2.68 2.46 2.60 2.49 0.05 0.73
Wu 3.34 2.68 3.41 2.90 -0.03 0.75
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