Quaternary Science Reviews 155 (2017) 136e158
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Uncovering the hidden part of a large ice stream of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, northern Ontario, Canada nard b, G. St-Jacques b J.J. Veillette a, *, M. Roy b, R.C. Paulen a, M. Me a b
Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences & GEOTOP Research Center, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history: Received 19 June 2016 Received in revised form 3 November 2016 Accepted 7 November 2016 Available online 24 November 2016
This investigation was prompted by an enigmatic ice-flow anomaly (Area A) on the Glacial Map of Canada which covers about 10 000 km2 in the Hearst/Kapuskasing area of northeastern Ontario. It consists of streamlined landforms and striations indicative of a major ice flow toward 130 oriented at right angle to another toward 220 . Both are late glacial flows but long-lasting disagreement exists regarding their relative age. The analysis of aerial photographs and satellite images in conjunction with a detailed survey of bedrock cross-striated surfaces over an area of about 30 000 km2 within and around Area A clearly indicate that the 130 flow preceded the 220 flow. The earlier conflicting interpretations within Area A are attributed mainly to the sporadic occurrence of relict striated surfaces formed by older southwestward (220 e240 ) Wisconsinan ice flows that have locally escaped destruction by late glacial flows, with the result that the southwestward flows are older (Wisconsinan) at some sites and younger (late glacial 220 ) at others relative to the 130 flow. When considered with other factors such as the maximum elevation reached by the youngest late glacial flow, these ice-flow relationships indicate that Area A is the outcropping southern part of a much larger ESE ice-flow system, which is probably related to a large fluted belt located to the north and that was identified as the Winisk Ice Stream. The distal part of the ice stream, except for Area A, escaped detection by remote sensing mapping methods because depositional and erosional features associated with it are masked by deposits laid down by the younger (220 , Cochrane) ice flow and/or by postglacial marine and organic deposits (or were destroyed by the younger ice flow). The only reliable indicators of the passage of the ice stream in this “buried” section are ESE relict striations crossed by SW striations. The advancing ice stream toward the ESE not only preceded the late Cochrane 220 flow but probably outlasted it, as suggested by the mapping of several thousand iceberg furrows in Quebec and Ontario, also directed toward the ESE and overprinted on flutes formed by the last glacial flow. If this interpretation is correct, this makes the Winisk Ice stream the largest terrestrial ice stream in the Hudson Bay basin. An alternative interpretation associates this fluted belt to the exposed western fringe of streamlined bedforms from a late Hudson lobe buried by younger sediments. Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Laurentide Ice Sheet Deglaciation Cross-striations Relict striations Ice stream Glacial surge Lake Ojibway Continental record of glaciations Satellite imagery Ontario
1. Introduction The reconstruction of former ice-flow patterns from the systematic mapping of mesoscale (10e10,000 m) elongated bedforms, parallel (e.g. flutes) or perpendicular (e.g. De Geer moraines) to the ice flows which produced them provided valuable insights into the evolution of continental ice sheets (e.g. Punkari, 1982; Boulton and
* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.J. Veillette).roy.
[email protected] (M. Roy). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.11.008 0277-3791/Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clark, 1990; Clark et al., 2000; Jansson et al., 2003; De Angelis and Kleman, 2008; Kleman et al., 2010). Despite the benefits of these advances, heightened by the widespread use of relatively recent satellite imagery and digital elevation models (DEMs), remotely sensed data remain limited by technical (e.g. scale and image resolution) and human factors such as reliability of operator interpretation. Smith and Knight (2011) presented a detailed analysis of these constraints and demonstrated that the reconstruction of the last Irish Ice Sheet based on the mapping of a large number of striations added to the landform record is significantly more accurate then that based on the mapping of bedforms alone. This
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paper uses a combination of cross-striated and bedform datasets to reconstruct a sequence of ice flows parts of which are obscured by the masking effect of younger deposits. It underlines the need for field measurements and observations in areas where geological conditions render the application of remote sensing methods inefficient. The Glacial Map of Canada (Prest et al., 1968) shows areas of intersecting streamlined landforms in several parts of the country where the relative chronology of the ice flows that formed them remains poorly understood. Area A (Fig. 1) which covers approximately 10 000 km2 and includes two late glacial flows showing well-defined ESE (~130 ) streamlined landforms intersecting a SW (~220 ) glacial lineation surrounding it is one of these problematic areas. The initial objective of the investigation described here was to clarify the controversial origin of this apparent ice-flow anomaly. Striations indicative of ice flows toward the SW, found to be both older and younger than the ESE streamlined landforms and associated striations of Area A, led earlier workers to disagree on the relative age of the ice movements that formed the intersecting flow features (see Section 3). Some proposed that the ESE ice flow is the younger of the two late glacial ice flows present in the general area and others proposed the inverse chronology. We present new evidence that indicates that the ESE ice flow of Area A, although a late glacial event, is not the youngest of the region. Rather it represents the “outcropping” portion of a much larger ice flow toward the ESE that extends toward the north and east of Area A where icedirectional features associated with it are masked by the sediments deposited by a younger late glacial flow normal to it. Our results suggest that both the “buried” and the exposed components of this flow (Area A) belong to the distal part of the Winisk Ice Stream. Although Margold et al. (2015) referred to it as the Ekwan River Ice Stream we retained the Winisk designation since the fluted belt originating in the Winisk River area of upper James Bay was referred to as the Winisk Till deposited by an ice stream (Thorleifson et al., 1993). Three main themes are addressed in this paper. First it is shown that the counter-clockwise sequence of former shifting ice flows characteristic of the James Bay and Abitibi regions of Ontario and Quebec, mostly absent from the landform record and expressed only in stratigraphy and relict striations (Thorleifson et al., 1993; -Loubert et al., 2013) is also present in Veillette et al., 1999; Dube the study area (Fig. 2). This was a necessary preliminary step to establish the precise ranking of the ESE flow of Area A and its palimpsest extension since striations formed by the youngest ice flow of the area and some former ice flows are both in the same general southwest direction. The second part of the investigation focuses on the analysis of the unusual cross-striated surfaces found within certain parts of the study area. Earlier interpretations illustrating the lack of consistency in the ice-flow relative chronology determined from striations are discussed and compared with the new data presented here. Lastly, evidence is presented to demonstrate that Area A and its palimpsest extension is the distal part of a much longer (~800 km) Winisk terrestrial ice stream previously thought to end in the Albany River area. This interpretation is based on the premise that the fluted belt, which constitutes the Winisk Ice stream as defined by Thorleifson et al. (1993), is a discrete event. The possibility that the fluted belt may instead represent the outcropping part of streamlined terrain formed by a late Hudson lobe buried by younger sediments is suggested. The new results illustrate how a detailed and regional striation record is in certain cases a pre-requisite for the identification and mapping of palimpsest ice flows and dispersal trains in areas of the Canadian Shield where landforms shaped by earlier ice flows were totally or partially destroyed or masked by younger deposits.
2. Regional setting Most of the study area (Fig. 2) lies below 300 m asl (above sea level) and shows a broad amphitheatre-like topography, open and gently inclined toward the north. It is part of the Severn and Abitibi upland divisions of the physiographic Hudson region of Canada (Bostock, 2014). Archean undifferentiated felsic plutonic, gneissic, and migmatic rocks of the Abitibi Subprovince of the Superior structural province underlie most of the study area (Percival and Card, 1985). Mafic, intermediate volcanic rocks, volcanogenic sediments and minor ultramafic basalt of the Abitibi Subprovince occupy the central eastern portion of the study area (Abitibi greenstone belt) along with felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks (Jackson and Fyon, 1991). Silica sands, kaolin, silt and lignite of the Lower Cretaceous Formation and Paleozoic limestone, dolomite, evaporites and terrigenous clastic sediments occur just to the north of the western half of the study area (Telford and Long, 1986). Glacially transported fragments of these younger rocks are abundant in the late glacial sediments south of 50 Lat. N. Bedrock outcrops are rare. Surficial geology maps cover about 40% of the study area (Fig. 2), which is characterized by extensive belts of fluted terrain composed of carbonate-rich pebbly clay moulded by late glacial readvances. The fluted belts cover most of the area below 300 m and the glacial lineation they created is readily identified on digital elevation models (DEMs) shown on two color maps at 1:250 000 scale (Supplementary Fig. SD1 and SD2, on-line Appendix) derived from the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM). The range of elevation selected was 180e315 m, the same as shown in Fig. 2, which includes all the fluted terrain formed by the two late glacial flows. 3. Earlier work e the controversy Low (1889, 1900) was the first to demonstrate from crossstriations measured on outcrops along the Missinaibi River that the ESE (~130 ) ice flow predates the SW (~220 ) flow of Area A. Based on striations indicative of southeastward moving ice reported by Wilson (1904) to the northwest of Area A and on his own measurements near Lowther, Boissonneau (1966) recorded the same ice-flow chronology as that reported by Low and proposed that the ESE flow of Area A extended to the north but could not be detected from aerial photographs because its ice-directional features are masked by deposits from the youngest SW flow. Richard and Hilborn (1984a and b) reported the same ice flow chronology in the vicinity of Hearst as that observed by Boissonneau near Lowther. Prest (1966), however, attributed the ESE ice flow of Area A to a late ice surge (Kapuskasing surge) that occurred during the final retreat of the ice from the area. Smith (1992) based on striations measured in the Kapuskasing area also proposed that the ESE ice flow of Area A was the youngest glacial event of the region and rejected Boissonneau's interpretation. Paulen (2001) also considered Area A to represent the latest Cochrane event based mainly on geomorphic features interpreted as frontal moraines. 4. Methods The analysis of cross-striated surfaces described here rests on the assumption that the striated facets preserved on the lee sides of low-angle bedrock bosses were, in part at least, sheltered from the erosive action of subsequent ice flows that came in contact with the outcrops from directions others than those of the flows which formed them. These sheltered striated surfaces constitute reliable indicators of the orientation and in some cases of the direction of former ice flows. Most outcrops selected for analysis were bi-
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Fig. 1. A. Part of the Glacial Map of Canada (Prest et al., 1968) showing the anomalous glacial lineation in Area A south of Hearst and Kapuskasing. B. Area A (within red lines) as mapped by Boissonneau (1966). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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faceted or tri-faceted rock bosses bearing striated surfaces intersecting along well-defined planes. Cross-striated outcrops of mafic, fine-grained metavolcanic rocks were paid particular attention because they preserve bedrock-inscribed features formed by moving ice more effectively than the dominant, coarser-grained, pale, granitoids of the study area. Whenever possible, striated surfaces were described and photographed under favourable light conditions. Slightly wet striated surfaces exposed to a low sun angle enhance the shadows of minute depressions, fine striations, grooves and truncations. Fine intersecting linear features developed on some light-coloured, coarse-grained, granitoid, striated surfaces may not be visible otherwise. The cover of unconsolidated sediments was removed at several sites in search of fresh, unweathered, striated surfaces. Previously unreported striations indicative of former ice flows toward the SW cross-cut by striations toward the ESE which are in turn overprinted by striations toward the SSE (orientation of the youngest late glacial flow in the eastern half of the study area, see Fig. 10) were found as far north as the Pinard Moraine and as far east as the Little Abitibi and Pierre lakes area during a surficial geology mapping program (Veillette et al., 2008, Fig. 2g). The unexpected presence of ESE striations at these locations hinted at a possible continuity with striations of similar orientation known to occur in the Hearst area to the west and prompted a re-examination of Area A and its presumed northern extension (Boissonneau, 1966). The relative ice-flow chronology for the study area is derived primarily from measurements at 136 selected crossstriated sites, most of which were obtained during the current investigation (Figs. 3, 4, 8 and 12 and Supplementary Figs. SD1 and SD2). The stereoscopic examination of aerial photographs, surficial geology maps, borehole records in unconsolidated sediments (Smith, 1992) and the interpretation of the glacial lineation from SRTM DEMs and on-line Google Earth imagery provided additional information to constraint the striation record. Conventional names that imply a recognition of the origin of the flow (Ex: Cochrane I, Cochrane II, Matheson Till) were avoided as
much as possible and were used only to conform to the terminology used by earlier workers. From here on the two late glacial flows are referred to as LG1 (toward the ESE) and LG2 (toward the SSW, S and SSE). 5. Results 5.1. Wisconsinan ice flows Three broad directions of ice flows (Figs. 3e6) preceding two late glacial flows (Figs. 8 and 10) were identified in Ontario and Quebec. The oldest two are known only from the striation record and from stratigraphic data elsewhere in the James Bay basin (Thorleifson et al., 1993; Roy, 1998; Veillette et al., 1999; Dube Loubert et al., 2013). (1)The earliest indicates movement toward WNW (270 e300 ), and all measurements except one are located in the eastern half of the study area (Fig. 3). The reverse chronological order of formation at this site (NW flow is youngest, NTS map 42G03, from Morris, 2002a; Supplementary Fig. SD1) probably results from compilation errors and is tentatively included as the westernmost site where WNW striations were recorded. The southernmost striations (285 and 275 ) attributed to this flow (Paulen and McClenaghan, 1997) are in NTS maps 42A13 and 14 (Supplementary Fig. SD1). (2) The second flow includes cross-striated sites showing westward and southwestward striations (<270 ) overprinted by striations from late glacial flows (Fig. 4). The distinction between this flow and the earliest one is arbitrary since both belong to the same counter-clockwise shift. Over 3000 striations including hundreds of cross-striated sites, were measured in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Quebec and Ontario (Veillette and McClenaghan, 1996) and in the James Bay and central Quebec areas to document this shift (Veillette et al., 1999).
Fig. 2. Topography of study area, northeastern Ontario, and location of surficial geology maps from earlier work. A, Aa: Hughes (1956, 1959); B: Richard and Hilborn (1984a, b); C: Morris (2002a, b, c, d); D: Paulen and McClenaghan (1998a, b); E: St-Jacques (2011); F, Fa: Gao (2013a, b); Veillette et al., a,b,c,d (in press). Area A mapped by Boissonneau (1966) is shown within the solid line and its palimpsest extent within the dashed line.
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Fig. 3. Cross-striated sites bearing striations formed by the oldest ice flow toward the WNW (1) within the study area. Black arrows show dominant direction (n ¼ 15).
(3) The last main Wisconsinan ice flow was toward the SSE (165 e180 , Fig. 5) and is associated with a late phase of the sandy Matheson Till (Hughes, 1959; Paulen, 2001). Within the study area Matheson Till is nearly everywhere (below 300 m) overlain by deposits of the late glacial flows and because of this is encountered almost exclusively in sections and boreholes. Where Matheson Till was not overridden by
late glacial flows, as is the case in the eastern part of the study area above 300 m (NTS maps 32E04, 32E05, 42H01, 42H08; Supplementary Fig. SD1), it forms extensive streamlined terrain. The sequence of Wisconsinan ice flows just described is presented schematically using overlapping arrows (Fig. 6). The oldest
Fig. 4. Cross-striated sites bearing striations formed by the shift from a WSW to a late SSW direction (WSW ¼ 1). Overlapping arrows illustrate the counter-clockwise shift in the direction of flow (n ¼ 51).
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Fig. 5. Streamlined landforms (large arrows) and striations toward the SSE (3) formed by the ice flow that deposited a late phase of the late Wisconsinan Matheson till (n ¼ 27).
Fig. 6. Schematic illustration (overlapping arrows) of the counter-clockwise shift in ice-flow from an initial WNW to a final SSE direction that occurred over the study area prior to the onset of late glacial flows.
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Fig. 7. Counter-clockwise shift in ice-flow direction determined from relict striations within and along the coast of James Bay (adapted from Veillette, 1995).
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WNW ice flow (black arrows) was interpreted as the northwestward expansion of the Labrador Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) in early Wisconsinan time from an initial ice divide in the Quebec highlands that migrated to the east of Hudson Bay where ice flow gradually shifted to the SW (Veillette et al., 1999). The best examples of this counter-clockwise shift that covers a large area of the Labrador Sector of the LIS, were found on islands and along the east coast of James Bay (Fig. 7).
5.2. Late glacial (LG) ice flows The Cochrane surges (Hughes, 1959; Hardy, 1977, 1982; Dredge and Cowan, 1989; Veillette et al., 1991; Paulen, 2001; Breckenridge et al., 2012; Stroup et al., 2013; Roy et al., 2011) refer to late glacial readvances in Lake Ojibway over distances of 75e100 km or more near the end of the deglaciation of northern Ontario and northwestern Quebec. The fast-flowing ice overrode, grooved, incorporated and mixed the soft, fine-grained Ojibway sediments with a mixture of Precambrian crystalline rock fragments and far-travelled sedimentary rocks from the Hudson Platform. The result is a carbonate-rich, pebbly, silty-clay diamicton (Cochrane Till) deposited as a veneer commonly less than 2 m thick, below 300 m. Smith (1992), however, reported thicknesses of Cochrane Till and pebbly clay in excess of 10 m in boreholes and Paulen (2001) noted a thickening of Cochrane Till near its southern limit in the Timmins area, Ontario from borehole records (McClenaghan and DiLabio, 1995). Boissonneau (1966) recognised two major Cochrane surges (see Fig. 18) in the western half of the study area, (1) an ESE (~130 ) ice flow within Area A and its extension to the north, which he referred to as the Early Cochrane phase (LG1 in this paper), and (2) a SW (~225 ) ice flow he referred to as the Last Cochrane phase (LG2 in this paper) that left striated surfaces overprinted on those of the ESE flow. The surges were labelled Cochrane I and Cochrane II, respectively, by Prest (1970) and Richard and Hilborn (1984a and b).
This terminology is still commonly used today. Striations toward the ESE (LG1) were found over about 50% of the study area south of 50 N. but a distinct glacial lineation (Area A) in this direction is visible on aerial photographs and other types of imagery only south of the Hearst-Lowther-Kapuskasing axis (line joining the three localities and referred to from hereon as HLK) (Fig. 8 and Supplementary Fig. SD1). Over more than 60% of LG1 known extent the only evidence of its passage is in the form of relict striations (Fig. 8). The distribution of LG1 striations reveals a slight shift from an ESE direction in the southern part to an eastward one in the northern part. Just to the south of the Pinard Moraine, near its northeastern limit, well-preserved bi-faceted and tri-faceted bedrock bosses exposed through construction activities provide strong evidence that ice flowed in a general eastward direction (~95 e120 ) after flowing toward the WSW and SSW and before flowing toward the SSW and SSE (Fig. 9). Other sites with similar cross-cutting relationships were found to the west of Pierre and Little Abitibi lakes (Fig. 8) (NTS map 42H07, Supplementary Fig. SD1). The SW-SSE ice flow (LG2) formed a general fan-shape pattern of streamlined landforms roughly centered on Smooth Rock Falls, which appears to be dictated by the amphitheatre-like topography of the study area (Fig. 10). Streamlined landforms are characteristic of this flow that was redirected by topographical obstacles and truncated Lake Ojibway glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial deposits in several places (Hughes, 1959; Paulen, 2001). The LG2 surging ice shaped spectacular straight and curvilinear flutes, some continuous for several kilometres, usually less than 6 m high and separated by poorly-drained peat-covered swales. LG2 is clearly the latest ice flow of the study area. The flutes are best seen on SRTM images illuminated from the east (Supplementary Fig. SD2). The complete sequence of former and late glacial flows, is shown on Fig. 11. The intermediate age of LG1 and its “buried” extension is obvious from the superposition of arrows. Because LG1 lies roughly normal to all other flows it was of pivotal importance to determine the ice-flow
Fig. 8. Cross-striated sites indicative of ice flowing toward the ESE (LG1), large arrows mark the approximate extent of the ice flow, no distinction is made between Area A and its palimpsest extension (n ¼ 57).
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Fig. 9. A tri-faceted rock boss uncovered by excavation showing a striated facet eroded by a first ice flow toward 240 (shovel, upper left, points in that direction) sheltered from the erosive action of a second flow (LG1, felt pen, top center of image) toward 100 (toward the photographer) and from a last flow (LG2) toward 170 (toward left, felt pen bottom of image) that left striations over the summit of the outcrop.
chronology of an area that includes ice flows of similar directions but of widely different ages. 6. A zone of ambiguous cross-striated surfaces Within Area A LG1 striations are oldest at some sites, youngest at others, or have an intermediate age with respect to other striations at others. These differences in relative age were sometimes observed at some sites located only a few hundred metres apart. Area A occupies most of the terrain located south of the HLK axis (Figs. 1b and 12), but in a narrow band, 15e30 km wide and about
150 km long, south and parallel to it, poorly-developed LG2 streamlined landforms are found, along with prominent LG1 streamlined landforms (Supplementary Fig. SD1). Small frontal morainic ridges formed by LG2, which are widespread in the northern part of NTS maps 42G01 and G02 (Morris, 2002c, 2002d), are absent at the mapped margin of LG2 (dotted line on Fig. 12). South of this margin SW striations were never found overprinted on ESE striations and when present are always overprinted by ESE striations which indicates they result from the counter-clockwise shift of the LIS and that LG2 did not extend that far south. It is within the elongated east-west zone, wedged between the HLK axis
Fig. 10. Generalised flow directions derived from the orientation of flutes for the Cochrane event (LG2) in the study area.
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Fig. 11. Generalised sequence of ice flows in the Hearst-Cochrane area of northeastern Ontario determined from the mapping of cross-striations and the orientation of streamlined landforms.
Fig. 12. Extent of LG1 including its “buried” palimpsest extension (shaded area) to the north and east of Area A; the dashed line shows the approximate northern and eastern limits of the flow determined from relict striations and the dotted line marks the southern limit of LG2.
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and the southern limit of LG2, that most ambiguous measurements on the ice-flow chronology were reported from earlier work and from observations gathered during the current investigation.
6.1. The source of the conflicting interpretations Several cross-striated sites where earlier workers had reported conflicting interpretations on the ice-flow chronology within and north of Area A were revisited during this study. Striations eroded by southwestward Wisconsinan ice flows occur randomly throughout the study area and explain the lack of consistency of the striation record within the area occupied by LG1 and LG2. Where LG1 did not leave striations, it is not possible to distinguish striations formed by a Wisconsinan flow from those formed by LG2 on the same outcrop since both show the same general southwestward direction (unless both striated facets differ by several degrees and show distinct intersecting lines). This situation cannot exist in the eastern part of the study area where striations from only one late glacial flow (LG2) toward the SSE intersect Wisconsinan striations toward the SW (Fig. 12). Similarly, the constraint imposed by two ice flows of similar direction but of different age is eliminated
Fig. 14. Outcrops illustrating the vanished protector effect. A. A clear truncation (dashed line) separates the LG1 facet (105 , black pen, flow toward the photographer) from the LG2 facet (225 , small felt pen, flow toward left of image. B. The same crosscutting relationship with similar azimuths is observed on this rock boss that shows gentler slopes than the one in A.
south of the limit of LG2 in Area A, where bi-faceted and tri-faceted outcrops show numerous Wisconsinan relict striated surfaces overprinted by LG1 striations (Fig. 13a and b; NTS maps 42G01-0203-04, Supplementary Fig. SD1). Two specific field conditions discussed below, one related to the elevation of the sites and the other to the preservation of relict striated surfaces by layers of sediment added to the complexity of interpreting ice-flow chronology from cross-striated sites within Area A. These factors produced a wide array of cross-striated configurations that, to the untrained eye, may lead to disenchantment with the striation method used to reconstruct the chronology of past ice flows.
Fig. 13. A. Striations from a former flow toward 220 (black tip of white felt marker, top of image, points in this direction) preserved on the sheltered facet of a granitoid outcrop shaped by LG1 that left a striated summit toward 150 (black pen points in this direction). Truncation along azimuth 220 (dashed line) separates the two striated planes, the dark tone of the rock surface is due to staining by vegetation. B. Striations toward 240 (black tip of felt marker points in this direction) preserved in the sheltered flank of a large groove toward 210 (small felt marker in upper left of image and striations in central upper part of image), preserved in the lee of a granitoid outcrop with a summit striated toward 155 (black pen points in this direction) with crescentic marks indicating the direction of ice flow.
6.1.1. Site elevation The southern limit and distribution of the late Cochrane surge (LG2) of northern Ontario and northwestern Quebec is controlled by topography. Richard and Hilborn (1984a, b) reported an elevation of 256 m for Cochrane till (Cochrane II) in the Hearst area and LG2 deposits or ice-flow indicators were not found above 275 m within Area A during the current investigation. North of La Sarre, a few kilometers to the east of the Quebec/Ontario boundary, the late Cochrane limit is marked by a broad arcuate northeast-trending, berm-like band, up to10 km wide and about 120 km long, with a maximum elevation in the 290e295 m range. It rises about 5 m above the poorly-drained, streamlined, predominantly peatcovered Cochrane terrain, sloping gently to the north. This poorly-defined feature separates the fluted Cochrane terrain to the
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north from the undisturbed Lake Ojibway deep-water facies to the south (Veillette and Thibaudeau, 2007). Comparison of Low's (1900) historic measurements taken along the Missinaibi River banks with others taken nearby at higher elevation illustrates clearly the effect of elevation on the presence (or absence) of LG2 striations. At Sharp Rock Rapids below 228 m (Low's northernmost site in NTS 42G06, Supplementary Fig. SD1), he recorded striations toward 130 crossed by striations toward 208 , and at Albany Rapids, about 15 km up river, below 243 m, measurements with the same age relationship (135 and 208 ) were obtained. Less than 20 km to the west of Low's observations, measurements acquired during this study at six different sites in NTS maps 42G05 and 42G12 show the inverse ice-flow chronology (210 is older than 130 ) at five locations above 275 m; the only one that shows the same ice-flow chronology as that of Low's sites is below the 275 m level. Smith (1992) concluded that LG1 was the youngest ice flow within Area A based on measurements obtained at two crossstriated sites located in the vicinity of 260 m in the Kapuskasing area (NTS map 42G07, Supplementary Fig. SD1). Six other nearby cross-striated sites, however, within map 42G07 and all located below 250 m, show the inverse chronology. Field visits in the same area done during the current study suggest that her observations are correct at the sites she recorded but are obviously not representative of the whole of Area A. Differences in elevation of only a few metres between cross-striated sites are sufficient to inverse the relative ice-flow chronology in the distal parts of LG2. In the Missinaibi River valley and in the other river valleys of the region the late Cochrane ice (LG2) penetrated further south due to the lower elevation, was thicker and with a greater capacity to form striated surfaces than on the interfluves (see Fig. 10 and Supplementary Fig. SD1 for topography). 6.1.2. The vanished protector A bedrock boss or a layer of sediment (commonly till) that has sheltered striated surfaces formed by earlier ice flow(s) from the destructive action of a subsequent flow(s) and was later removed by natural processes or human intervention was referred to as a “vanished protector” (Veillette and Roy, 1995). Excellent examples illustrating this process in a natural setting were observed, over large (hundreds of meters) and small (centimetres) surfaces on the Archean rocks along the east coast of James Bay (Veillette and Roy, 1995) and by others along the west coast of Hudson Bay (McMartin and Henderson, 2004; Trommelen and Ross, 2011). The uneven floor of large excavations that require the removal of unconsolidated deposits to expose bedrock (open pit mines, hydro-electric dam sites, and the periphery of quarries) presents favourable conditions to observe older striated surfaces, which were “protected” in down-ice cavities from erosion by younger ice flows (Veillette et al., 1999). South of the HLK axis, LG1 was found to erode bedrock to a greater depth than LG2 but north of the axis the erosive power of LG2 increased northward with increasing ice thickness (decreasing elevation). There, LG1 is consistently older than LG2 and the ambiguity in the relative age of the two flows observed in the vicinity and south of the HLK axis is not present in this area (NTS maps 42G10 - G15, Supplementary Fig. SD1). Outcrops illustrating vanished protector conditions were observed in a borrow pit in the Kapuskasing area. There, pristine, unweathered, cross-striated surfaces of low -angle (<10 ) rock bosses that had remained covered by a few meters of clayey till until recently show clear truncation lines separating the LG1 and the LG2 facets with the oldest (LG1) untouched by the younger ice flow (Fig. 14). The absence of LG2 erosional marks on LG1 facets is tentatively attributed to a protective layer of sediments (vanished protector)
deposited on the outcrop by LG1 after it striated it. Both striated facets were preserved under a cover of sediments (of different age) and exposed at the same time during the excavation of the pit (see Fig. 15c for a different example of the vanished protector). 7. Decoding the striation record in area A Ice flows within Area A show striations toward: (1) the ESE only, (2) the WSW or SW only, (3) the ESE overprinted on WSW or SW striations, (4) the ESE commonly overprinted by striations toward the SW (~225 ) and in some places toward the SSE (west part of Area A), and (5) the WSW-SW, ESE and SW-SSE; here striations from a Wisconsinan ice flow occur on the same outcrop with LG1 and LG2 striations. Three basic configurations of cross-striated surfaces were observed mostly in the vicinity of the HLK axis and are described using field photographs (Fig. 15). In Configuration 1, the summit of the outcrop exhibits LG2 striations that may be weakly or strongly overprinted on LG1 striations, which are also preserved in the lee side of the outcrop, sheltered from the erosive action of LG2. Configuration 1 striations are common at low (<260 m) elevation in the vicinity of the HLK axis and very common north of it. These outcrops bear crosscutting relationships between the two late glacial flows only and in the expected chronological order. Two wetted outcrops composed of fine-grained mafic intrusive rocks illustrate this configuration (Fig. 15a and b) and attest to the erosional vigour of LG1 compared to that of LG2. Configuration 2 represents the striation record typical of the area south of the LG2 limit where only striations formed by Wisconsinan ice flows and by LG1 were found (see Figs. 12 and 13). The LG1 striations occupy the summit of the outcrop and may be overprinted on WSW and/or SW striations from Wisconsinan ice flows, which are also preserved in the lee side of the outcrop, sheltered from the erosive action of LG1. This configuration, however, occurs sporadically within the area occupied by LG2, both within Area A and within the palimpsest extent of LG1. It was observed at a few sites in the vicinity of the HKL axis where configuration 1 is widespread. An area (0.5 ha) showing several small (<10 m2) outcrops composed of fine-grained, mafic intrusive rock located about halfway between Hearst and Kapuskasing, some of which bear Configuration 1 striations and others Configuration 2 striations illustrates these unusual field conditions (Fig. 15c and d). The outcrops were masked until recently by an estimated 2e3 m cover of pebbly clay deposited by LG2. This site demonstrates the difficulties associated with the interpretation of cross-striated surfaces showing unexpected gaps in the striation sequence. Both 15c and d photographs indicate that LG1 truncated a 220 striated surface formed by a Wisconsinan ice flow. This relationship is more obvious in 15c than in 15d because in the latter both flows appear to compete for the occupation of the summit of the outcrop. The most likely process to explain the absence of LG2 striations on the summits of some outcrops at this location (below 250 m) and their presence on other outcrops nearby is the vanished protector. LG1 grooved and striated the outcrops bearing striations from a Wisconsinan ice flow toward the SW and left a cover of sediments that LG2 was not competent to remove at certain locations, thus preventing bedrock surfaces bearing LG1 striations from being overprinted by LG2 striations. This protective layer was later removed by excavation. In Configuration 3 the summit of the outcrop exhibits dominant LG2 striations that may be overprinted on LG1 striations in places, which are also preserved in the lee side of the outcrop sheltered from the erosive action of the younger LG2 and intersect striated facets from former ice flows toward the WSW or SSW. Configuration 3 shows basically the same arrangement as Configuration 2 to
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which are added LG2 striations. Nine outcrops bearing striations from both late glacial flows and one or two striated surfaces from Wisconsinan ice flows were recorded within Area A and its “buried” extension during this study and by Richard and Hilborn (1984b). Fig. 15e shows an outcrop of fine-grained granitic rock in the Hearst area bearing three striated facets with striations toward 220 , 130 and 175 in this order of formation. The new data presented here clarify earlier conflicting interpretations on the relative ice-flow chronology of the region and are summarised as follows; the ESE (LG1) glacial lineation of Area A was formed before that toward the SW (LG2), and these two ice flows postdate others toward the west and SW (Wisconsinan ice flows), for which evidence is only found in relict striations. The streamlined landforms of Area A, toward the ESE constitute the only “visible” part of the first late glacial flow (LG1) that extends to the north, NWt and NE of Area A. In these parts of the study area the geomorphic expression of LG1 was either destroyed or is masked by
younger deposits left by LG2 over a large area for which firm limits remain to be determined. There, striations toward the ESE crossed by striations toward the SW are the only useful tool to map the extent of LG1. 8. LG1: the southern component of a large ice-flow system (ice stream?) The results of earlier studies combined with the mapping and analysis of relict striations, aerial photographs, SRTM and Google Earth images within and around the study area and relevant data gathered during a surficial geology mapping program lead us to propose that LG1 is probably the ‘hidden’ unreported, distal part of the Winisk Ice Stream of Thorleifson et al. (1993). The exposed parts of the ice stream consist of a large fluted belt which extends southward, uninterrupted, from a converging portion confined between two topographic highs in the Winisk River area to the
Fig. 15. Configuration 1 is illustrated by intersecting striations from LG1 and LG2. A. On an outcrop in the Kapuskasing area (Moonbeam), LG1 (110 , pen, flow is toward the left side of photograph) shaped a well-developed stoss face with grooves and deep striations occupying most of the summit of the outcrop while LG2 (225 , compass, flow away from photographer) eroded a smaller, less-developed stoss face but left faint striations on the up-ice flanks of small grooves formed by LG1 on the summit of the outcrop. B. On an outcrop in the Hearst area (Hallebourg), LG1 (120 , black pen points toward 120 ) grooved and striated the whole outcrop and the larger grooves it formed were not totally erased by the later and weaker LG2 (205 , felt marker, upper left, black tip points in this direction) which also left faint striations on the up-ice flanks of LG1 grooves located on the summit of the outcrop. LG2 striations are visible toward the base of the sheltered face eroded by LG1 (bottom right corner of photograph). C and D. Configuration 2 is illustrated by intersecting striations from LG1 and a Wisconsinan ice flow. In (C) LG1 grooves and striations toward 120 (toward photographer, black pen) occupy the summit of the outcrop and truncate (dashed line) striations toward 220 (toward left of photograph, stabilo pencil) preserved in sheltered positions; in (D), grooves and striations from LG1 toward 120 (toward upper left of image, black pen) occupy the summit of the outcrop and appear to truncate striations toward 215 (stabilo points in this direction). E. Configuration 3 is illustrated by an outcrop in the Hearst area bearing 3 distinct, well-striated facets with the oldest one toward 220 (black tip of white felt pen points in this direction), an intermediate one (LG1) toward 130 (black pen points in this direction) and a youngest one (LG2) toward 175 (toward right of image, small felt marker) that occupies the upper surface of the outcrop.
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Fig. 16. Map showing the northern component (fluted belt) of the Winisk Ice Stream, terrain elevation, the limits of the Hudson Platform and Tyrrell Sea transgression and extension of the ice stream within the northwestern part of the study area.
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Albany River area (Fig. 16). The Winisk Till, a thin, massive diamict with fabric and striations on boulder pavements at the lower contact of the till parallel to the flutes overlies a till deposited by southwestward flowing ice and was used to delineate the extent of the ice stream (Thorleifson et al., 1993). Till veneers and striated boulder pavements were observed in association with surge deposits during this study in Quebec and Ontario and are common in terrestrial ice streams (Clark, 1991; Stokes and Clark, 2001; Lian et al., 2003; Jennings, 2006; Cofaigh and Stokes, 2008; Paulen and McClenaghan, 2015). South of the continuous fluted belt ending at Albany River a 75 to 100 km-gap occurs in the fluted terrain that corresponds to the lowest elevation (<152 m) encountered along the course of the ice stream. Several rivers flowing into the Albany and Kenogami rivers and lying for the most part below the marine limit are located within this gap (Fig. 16). The lack of streamlined landforms in this projected portion of the ice stream is attributed to one of the following, or a combination of: (1) the masking effect of marine sediments; (2) the strong dissection of the landscape by the numerous tributaries present southwest of the Albany and Kenogami river junction; and (3) the cover of Cochrane sediments (LG2) also present to the NW of Hearst. Another important gap in the fluted terrain, clearly visible on remote sensing imagery and also attributed to similar processes, occurs in the upper watershed of Attawapiskat River (Fig. 16). Flutes reappear to the west of the Hearst area at elevation above 225 m (NTS maps 42F09, 10, 15, 16; Supplementary Fig. SD1) and show a pronounced shift toward the
SE as they enter Area A due to deflection by higher (up to 350 m) ground to the south. Linear ridges in fine-grained deposits below about 180 m in the northwestern part of the study area show a similar orientation to that of the glacial lineation of Area A and are interpreted as LG1 streamlined features masked by LG2 and/or Tyrrell Sea sediments. This buried fluted terrain, expressed locally on aerial photographs viewed stereoscopically, extends sporadically southeastward to Missinaibi River and as far north as 50 300 Lat. N (Fig. 16). The curvilinear path of the ice stream mimics the asymmetrical bowlshape depression of the James Bay basin (Figs. 16 and 17). The northern part of the ice stream is underlain mostly by sedimentary rocks of the Hudson Platform except for the western flank of the fluted belt that lies over crystalline Precambrian rocks. South of 50 Lat. N the ice stream is almost entirely underlain by Precambrian rocks. The northern component was nearly totally submerged by Tyrrell Sea and the southern extension (within the study area) lies for the most part above the marine limit. On its western and southern flanks the ice stream was restricted by upland and the elevation of the fluted terrain is everywhere below 240e250 m, except in the southern part of Area A where, in forced contact with higher ground it may have reached 330 m. From this point eastward the flow was deflected toward a lower elevation (Fig. 17). Thick (2e5 m) layers of bedded and massive sand and silty sand with paleocurrent directions toward the SE are widespread below Cochrane Till and reach 10 m or more in the upper portion of eskers everywhere east of Kapuskasing. This abundance of sand below
Fig. 17. Map showing the southern extent of the Winisk Ice Stream (shaded area), the southeastward dispersal of sand from the Mattagami Formation (stippled with decreasing shade) and the trajectories of iceberg tracks in northwestern Quebec and northeastern Ontario.
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Cochrane Till is found a few tens of kilometers within western Quebec (Veillette, 1989, 2007; Gao, 2012; Veillette et al., in press, a, b). Boreholes drilled in the Pinard Moraine revealed up to 70 m of sand (Smith, 1992). Surficial geology mapping in Quebec and Ontario shows a gradual westward increase in the sand content of eskers that are the main sources of construction materials (Paradis et al., 2007; Veillette and Thibaudeau, 2007). The probable source for this abundant sand is the Lower Cretaceous unlithified deposits (silica sands, kaolin, silt and lignite) of the Mattagami Formation (Vos, 1975; Telford, 1982; Telford and Long, 1986) located a few kilometers north of the Pinard Moraine (Fig. 17). We propose that the ice stream was the main carrier of this sand eastward from the Mattagami Formation and, as such, the eastern limit of the ice stream may be further east than indicated by the distribution of relict ESE striations. Card and Sanford (1989) also identified an area with a thick drift cover extending up to 160 km east and SE of the Mattagami Formation. Scanning electron microscope analyses performed on quartz sand grains obtained from glaciofluvial deposits located to the SE of the Mattagami Formation suggest an ancient fluvial origin for some of the grains, which were subsequently modified by glacial and glaciofluvial processes (Try et al., 1984; Telford et al., 1991; St-Jacques, 2011). 9. Discussion This discussion focuses on (1) the re-interpretation of the striation record of Area A, (2) the reasons LG1 was interpreted as an early Cochrane surge, (3) the problematic sequence of surges within the Cochrane episode, (4) the Winisk Ice Stream as a source of icebergs and a trigger for the Cochrane surge, and (5) a late Hudson lobe or ice streams in the James Bay basin? 9.1. The striation record of area A The conflicting interpretations of earlier workers on the relative ice-flow chronology in Area A outlined in this study are explained by the failure to identify (1) relict striations left by older Wisconsinan ice flows and (2) the impact of elevation and the vanished protector effect as the main factors causing abrupt inversions in the relative chronology of cross-striated surfaces between sites within the northern part of Area A. Both factors are intimately linked to the weak eroding competence of a thin, distal, semi-buoyant surging ice margin (LG2) controlled by topography and the level of Lake Ojibway that left distinct erosional marks within valleys and none or faint ones on the highest interfluves. Extrapolating cross-striated measurements obtained at specific sites within Area A to the whole of Area A by certain earlier workers led to conflicting interpretations on the ice-flow chronology of the area. Locating, inspecting, uncovering, and measuring striated surfaces on outcrops eroded by two or more ice flows are time-consuming field activities that are unfortunately often conducted at a reconnaissance scale within surficial geology mapping programs and regional studies due to time or logistical constraints. The obvious benefits to be gained from detailed striation records are illustrated by several studies in specific regions of Canada (e.g. Clark, 1937; Lamarche, 1971; Lortie and Martineau, 1987; Rappol, 1993; Stea, 1994; Veillette, 1995, 1997; McMartin and Henderson, 2004; Paulen et al., 2013). These brought major corrections and additions to the ice-flow chronology and regional glacial history. 9.2. Why was LG1 interpreted as an early Cochrane surge The new data raised important questions, notably the origin of LG1. Why was it presumed to be a Cochrane event (Cochrane I) by earlier workers? Have Cochrane I deposits been observed in earlier
studies and if so how do they differ from Cochrane II deposits? The ice-flow model presented here is the coherent development of the ice-flow chronology first proposed by Boissonneau (1966). His assumption that Area A was part of a much larger ice-flow system extending toward the north is validated by our data. It was based on cross-cutting relationships between the two late glacial flows only, since he seemed to consider LG1 to be the only ice movement older than LG2 within Area A. Boissonneau's interpretation for the origin of Area A (Fig. 18) remained largely unexplored most likely because of the unorthodox explanation he proposed for Area A, which he interpreted as the distal part of his “Early Cochrane phase” that “wasted away” except for a large ice block that remained over it “… the ice block prevented Area A from being overridden by the late Cochrane readvance and consequently preserved the striae and drumlinoid landforms of the early Cochrane phase within Area A …. the force of the advancing late phase ice mass was almost spent when it reached the ice block and only a slight resistance of the ice block would have been sufficient to stop the ice mass” (Boissonneau, 1966, p. 575). This interpretation presents Area A as a fossilised glacial landscape although there is no evidence for a large decaying ice mass at this location. This somewhat unusual attempt to explain a puzzling ice-flow anomaly should not diminish his valuable contribution regarding the “buried” northern extension of his early Cochrane phase. Topography, as discussed earlier, is the reason why late Cochrane ice did not reach the southern part of Area A and why it penetrated further south to the east of it. Richard and Hilborn (1984a, b) recognised an older ice flow (170 e190 ) within the northwestern part of Area A (NTS 42G13 and 42F16, Supplementary Fig. SD1) which they identified as “the main phase of the Late Wisconsinan glaciation” that was followed by a first readvance toward 130 e140 , presumed to encroach into a late-stage Lake Ojibway (Cochrane I; Boissonneau's early Cochrane phase) and a last readvance toward 220 (Cochrane II; Boissonneau's late Cochrane phase) immediately thereafter. They reported widespread, bedded, glaciolacustrine fine-grained deposits below 256 m but mainly overlying Cochrane Till, an indication of post-Cochrane advance sedimentation. Thus a minimum elevation of 256 m is inferred for the deposition of Lake Ojibway clay and Cochrane Till and no fine-grained Lake Ojibway bedded sediments underlying Cochrane Till are reported. The incursion of Cochrane I ice into a late-stage Lake Ojibway was presumed but without any evidence that it overrode Lake Ojibway deposits. The carbonate-rich, poorly sorted, stony or pebbly clay diamict characteristic of late Cochrane surge deposits of northern Ontario and Quebec (Hughes, 1959; Paulen, 2001; Veillette et al., in press, a, b, c and d) was observed only in association with LG2, never with LG1. Similarly, Boissonneau (1966) did not associate a specific till with his Cochrane I flow. Detailed description by Smith (1992) of several rotosonic boreholes in unconsolidated deposits drilled along a 120 km northsouth transect between the western part of the Pinard Moraine and the Kapuskasing area, all located within the extent of LG1, failed to provide information permitting to distinguish LG1 till from LG2 till. Sediments of Cochrane origin are described as one complex unit that, “… reflects incorporation of the persistent bed of finegrained glaciolacustrine sediment that underlies it” … and that … “Cochrane Till is only sporadically intersected in the cores, or if it had few larger clasts, was not distinguishable from the underlying massive clay that has been grouped with the Barlow-Ojibway Formation” … (Smith, 1992, p. 31). The till in the southern part of Area A mapped by Morris (2002a,b, c, d, NTS 42G01, 02, 03 and 04; Supplementary Fig. SD1) is everywhere described as a sandy, silty till with no indication of underlying fine-grained deposits. Paulen tentatively interpreted large, regular and nearly symmetrical arcuate features open to the west, which rise less than
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Fig. 18. Location of Area A and ice front positions of the early (LG1) and late (LG2) Cochrane phases (from Boissonneau, 1966).
2e5 m above the surrounding terrain in the Oke Lake area (lake in northwest part of 42A13, Supplementary Fig. SD2), as frontal moraines marking ice-marginal positions of the latest Cochrane surge (LG2) of the area (Paulen, 2001, p. 104). The largest arcuate feature, about 4 km between the two extremities, is located to the north of the northern end of Oke Lake and wraps around the east end of a bedrock-controlled, roughly circular hill, reaching a maximum elevation around 315 m. The surface of the feature shows a nearly level surface at 302 m with variations in elevation of about 1 m over its entire length. The arcuate features were interpreted as raised shorelines by Boissonneau (1966, map S365), a likely valid interpretation given the elevation of the site, the close agreement with contour lines and the elevation of Lake Ojibway strandlines in the general area. LG2 streamlined landforms (toward 220 ) are absent in the immediate vicinity of Oke Lake because of the higher (>300 m) elevation but are widespread at lower elevation in the immediate vicinity (NTS maps 42A13 and 42G01, Supplementary Fig. SD2). If the features are truly moraines formed by the LG1 flow, an unlikely interpretation given that LG1 streamlined terrain rarely exceeds 250 m, then the elevation of the site would explain why they have escaped destruction by LG2 and why Paulen (2001) interpreted them as the product of the latest Cochrane surge (Kapuskasing surge of Prest, 1970) toward the ESE (LG1). Given there is no mention in the literature of a Cochrane I till overlying fine-grained Lake Ojibway deposits we believe that LG1 is not associated with a Cochrane surge. The physical and sedimentological characteristics of the deposits associated with LG1 remain to be determined. 9.3. The problematic sequence of surges within the Cochrane episode
Fig. 19. Stratigraphy of the Fauquier rock quarry section, modified from Paulen (2001).
Confusion aptly describes the chronology of Cochrane surges found in the literature. Following Antevs (1925), Hughes (1956,
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1959) identified a single major late glacial Cochrane readvance into Lake Ojibway. Boisssonneau (1966) recognised an early and a late Cochrane phase labelled Cochrane I and II by Prest (1970) and accepted by others afterwards. Hardy (1977) identified three Cochrane surges in Quebec, Cochrane I, Cochrane II and Rupert but his Cochrane I limit corresponds to Prest's Cochrane II limit, a discrepancy also noted by Breckenridge et al. (2012). Smith (1992) recognised only one Cochrane surge overlying Lake Ojibway deposits. Veillette and co-workers recognised shifting ice flows within a major Cochrane episode but did not find stratigraphic evidence for two or more distinct surges, in spite of extensive surficial geology mapping programs and regional studies carried out in Quebec (Veillette, 1989, 2007; Veillette and Thibaudeau, 2007; Veillette et al., 1991) and in Ontario (Veillette et al., in pressa, b, c and d). Paulen (2001) assigned a Cochrane age to late glacial fluted terrain toward the ESE, the SW and the SE at the southernmost Cochrane limit in Ontario but attributed the formation of these flows to a lobate margin. Thorleifson et al. (1993) rejected the interpretation by Prest (1969) that the fluted belt north of Albany River is the western flank of a large Cochrane lobe on the basis of (1) the improbability of ice flow parallel to the postulated Cochrane ice margin (2) the substantial rise in elevation along the western margin of this belt, and (3) the presence of an esker that trends southward within the belt before shifting to a southwest trend parallel to flutings west of the belt (Prest et al., 1968). Dyke (2004) attributed a Cochrane I origin to the Pinard Moraine. These apparent contradictions and inconsistencies are eliminated for the most part if LG1 is associated with an advancing terrestrial ice stream that flowed toward the SE before the onset of the Cochrane surge. The Cochrane episode, characterized by a broad, fan-shape, southward (SW, S, SE) flow with a semi-buoyant ice margin which overrode the northern fringe of glaciolacustrine deposits below 300 m elevation over a large part of the James Bay basin (Fig. 10), should thus be restricted to the very late stage of deglaciation. Several intersecting belts of fluted terrain, both large and small, occur within this broad band of surging ice (Dredge and Cowan, 1989) but are largely buried in their northern parts by marine sediments and vast expanses of organic deposits. Attempts to identify the individual fluted belts without proper stratigraphic control explain the confusion found in the literature. Examination of borehole logs, road cuts and some river sections failed to provide provenance and directional data in support of a lower unit (till?) deposited by ESE moving ice overlain by an upper unit (Cochrane Till) deposited by southward moving ice. Stratigraphic evidence is still lacking in support of LG1 with a possible exception, however, at the Fauquier rock quarry located about 20 km east of Kapuskasing, Paulen (2001) described a 6 m section showing from top to bottom, post-Cochrane glaciolacustrine fine-grained deposits, diamicton, Cochrane Till, Matheson Till and bedrock (Fig. 19). The middle part of the section described as Cochrane Till, forms a two-layer unit with a sharp colour change at the upper contact of the lower layer, which is compact, fissile, with a higher clast content; and a till fabric showing an east-west orientation. The base of the lower Cochrane layer shows a sharp planar contact with the underlying sandy Matheson Till with fabric suggesting southward flow. Based on striations measured in the vicinity of the section, Paulen concluded that the sequence of ice flows is (1) 220 , (2) 185 and (3) 120 . Most significant to the current investigation is the east-west till fabric measured in the silty-sandy till deposit (below 3 m) resting on Matheson Till that suggests, along with the 120 striations measured nearby, a provenance from the west (LG1). Because the sequence of ice-flow derived from cross-striated measured at Fauquier and at several other sites in the vicinity during this study
differs from that proposed by Paulen an alternative interpretation is suggested. Measurements obtained during this investigation, both at the quarry site and at five cross-striated sites in the surrounding area (SE part of NTS map 42G08 and SW corner of 42H05; Supplementary Fig. SD2), revealed dominant striated surfaces toward 200 e210 overprinted on others toward 110 e120 . Streamlined landforms from LG2 toward ~220 are also widespread in the low-elevation (<240 m) terrain of the Fauquier area and are clearly expressed on SRTM images (Supplementary Fig. SD2), suggesting that the last flow in the area was toward the SW (220 ) and not toward the SE (120 ). The lower diamicton layer is here tentatively correlated with LG1 due to (1) the striation record, (2) the stratigraphic position of the east-west till fabric within the lower Cochrane layer, (3) the abrupt color change at the top of it, and (4) the sharp planar contact with the lowermost till. The coarse-grained lowermost diamict overlying Matheson Till/ Cochrane contact (below 3.50 m) also suggests that LG1 ice did not override fine-grained glaciolacustrine deposits at this site. 9.4. The Winisk Ice Stream, a source of icebergs and a trigger for the Cochrane surges Confined by topography to the north of the drainage divide, the eastward progress of the ice stream toward Lake Ojibway likely accelerated melting and mass wasting of the ice sheet. The calving front retreated to a last position somewhere in the vicinity of the Kenogami and Albany river junction until final drainage of the lake (Fig. 17). The evidence for intense and late calving of the Winisk Ice Stream is a striking pattern of iceberg tracks indicating movement toward the ESE, that are everywhere overprinted on Cochrane flutes toward the SW, S and SE over a large area of Quebec and Ontario (Fig. 17). The pattern results from the systematic mapping of over 25 000 iceberg tracks carried out in James Bay basin over the last decades through the Geological Survey of Canada surficial geology mapping programs in Quebec (Veillette et al., 1991; Veillette and Paradis, 1996; Veillette, 2007; Veillette and Pomares, 2003; Veillette and Thibaudeau, 2007). Except for specific areas (Paulen and McClenaghan, 1998a and b), the mapping of iceberg tracks has not been systematic in northeastern Ontario and is currently being completed (Randour, 2015; Paradis et al., in press; Veillette et al., in press a,b, c; d). The tracks are distributed in a 125 km wide, east-west band that covers the distal margin of the Cochrane fluted terrain (LG2) over a distance of about 600 km between the Matagami area in Quebec and the Hearst area in Ontario (Fig. 17). Pockets of stiff, brown, calcareous pebbly clay containing dropstones from Hudson Platform sedimentary rocks overlie deformation structures on the west flanks and on the top of eskers that acted as barriers to the eastward movement of icebergs carrying debris in the Ojibway basin of northwestern Quebec (Veillette et al., 1991). Present-day sub-bottom lake deposits also provide sedimentological evidence for ice-rafted debris (IRD). Stroup et al. (2013) described a thin (25 cm) unit of clay-pebble conglomerate found in the upper portions of cores obtained from sub-bottom lake sediments in northern Ontario that contains dropstones consisting of solid rock clasts and pellets of unconsolidated sediment. Proglacial waters at the calving ice stream terminus had to be sufficiently deep (100 m or more?) for large icebergs to incise furrows up to 4e5 m into the soft lake bottom (Veillette and Paradis, 1996). Because the furrows (1) are still plainly visible on aerial photographs in spite of the vegetation cover, (2) are younger than the Cochrane surges, (3) have not been infilled with glaciolacustrine deposits, and (4) given that the level of Lake Ojibway at the onset of the Cochrane surges reached a minimum elevation of 350 m (Veillette et al., 1991), it is proposed that this massive iceberg
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discharge was the main event that preceded the final collapse of the ice sheet and northward drainage of Lake Ojibway (Vincent and Hardy, 1979; Veillette, 1994; Barber et al., 1999). 9.5. Lobe or ice streams? Thorleifson et al. (1993) attributed the large fluted belt defining the Winisk Ice Stream to a late glacial readjustment in a disintegrating ice mass that occurred shortly prior to the Cochrane surges (Fig. 20). We also believe that the fluted belt is indicative of fast-flowing ice, which preceded the Cochrane surge, but we hesitate to restrict the ice stream to this belt for reasons outlined below. While the western boundary of the ice stream is defined by topography (high ground), the eastern boundary is not. It coincides with the contact between the streamlined bedforms and younger marine and postglacial deposits located well below the marine limit (Fig. 16). No firm eastern boundary can be assigned to the ice stream since the fluted terrain may extend eastward underneath a cover of younger sediments or was destroyed or modified by erosional processes, as suggested by the gap in the fluted terrain and clearly expressed on satellite imagery (Fig. 16) in the upper watershed of the Attawapiskat River. A similar situation exists for the proposed southern component of the ice stream controlled to the south by higher ground but without a distinct boundary to the north, where it lies below the marine limit (Fig. 17). With no
distinct boundary toward James Bay both for its northern and southern components is this ice-flow system (Winisk Ice stream) an ice stream sensu stricto? At this time we do not have the data to correctly answer this question and so retain the interpretation proposed by Thorleifson et al. (1993). Several indications, however, suggest that like Area A to the south, the northern component (fluted belt) of the Winisk Ice stream is the “outcropping” part of a much larger ice-flow system probably associated with a late Hudson lobe centered in the James Bay basin. This hypothesis implies that the Sutton Ridge (Fig. 16) split the lobe into a western component (fluted belt) and an eastern one flowing toward the depression now occupied by James Bay. Isolated striations on islands within northern James Bay and inland west of it indicate SSE late flowing ice. These and numerous other striations on the eastern shore of James Bay indicative of a large converging ice flow toward the center of the Bay were used to propose the James Bay Ice stream (Veillette, 1997). In the lobe hypothesis, the fluted belt (SSE flow) along with Area A and its palimpsest extension (ESE flow) become, along with the striations and streamlined landforms of the eastern James Bay coast (SSW flow), the end members of a late Hudson lobe that occupied most of the James Bay basin at elevation below 300 m. The central part of this vast depression (Fig. 20), below about 180 m west of James Bay and 220 m east of it, was flooded by Tyrrell Sea and covered by extensive marine and postglacial deposits. Although the existence of the Winisk and the
Fig. 20. The Winisk Ice Stream (W) and its exposed portion (Area A) in the Hearst area; the solid red lines mark the limits of the fluted belt and the dashed red line the limit of its palimpsest extension based mainly on the distribution of relict striations. Glacial Map from Prest et al. (1968). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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James Bay ice streams is seriously challenged by the lobe hypothesis, we believe that further evidence is required to demonstrate that a late lobe adequately explains the ice-flow data we have at this time. Consequently the Winisk and the James Bay ice streams are retained and with the Albany Bay Ice stream form the three ice streams of the James Bay basin (Fig. 21). Their relative chronology and impact on the deglaciation of the James Bay basin are briefly described below. At an estimated age of 9300 yrs BP (Thorleifson and Kristjansson, 1993) the Albany Bay Ice Stream is the oldest of the three. The topographic low to the northwest of Hearst likely channelled the main trunk of the ice stream, which split into the Drowning and Kenogami river valleys (Fig. 21). It flowed over the continental drainage divide into the Lake Superior basin carrying calcareous fragments and fine-grained materials from the Hudson Platform that likely acted as lubricant for the fast-flowing ice (Hicock, 1988; Hicock et al., 1989; Dredge, 2000; Windsborrow et al., 2010; Eyles and Putkinen, 2014). Belts of thick calcareous till in the Geraldton and Hemlo areas are flanked by zones of slightly to non-calcareous thin till and bedrock (Geddes et al., 1985; Geddes and Kristjansson, 1986; Kristjansson, 1986; Thorleifson and Kristjansson, 1993). It shaped a striking lineated till plain on which glacial meltwater erosional features have been superimposed on the crystalline Precambrian substrate of the Geraldton area. About 60% of its 500 km path is located north of the Precambrian/
Paleozoic contact where it was presumed to be centered in the large Albany River Valley (Hicock, 1988) and it flowed at right angle to the Winisk Ice stream in its northern portion. These cross-cutting patterns, dictated by topography contributed to a rapid thinning of the ice mass to the north, culminating in the Cochrane surge followed by a massive discharge of icebergs. Similar cross-cutting paleo-ice streams (corridors) were identified in the Saskatchewan Cofaigh et al., 2010). Because most of Prairies (Ross et al., 2009; O the James Bay Ice Stream was channelled in the depression now occupied by James Bay, evidence for a last converging southward flow had to be sought from cross-striated surfaces found along the shorelines and on islands within the Bay (Veillette, 1997). The Archean granitoids of the eastern shore of James Bay preserved a convincing striation record of the counter-clockwise shift in ice flows which turned out to be the only reliable method to demonstrate that the southward flow had occurred last (see Fig. 7). Earlier workers using cross-cutting streamlined landforms on the eastern shore had concluded that the southward flow was the oldest not the youngest (Lee et al., 1960; Hardy, 1976). Reliable ice-flow indicators could not be found along the western shore underlain by flat-lying Paleozoic sedimentary rocks covered by extensive mud flats with few rock outcrops. The James Bay Ice Stream marks the onset of an abrupt shift in ice-flow direction from the SW across James Bay to the SSE. It was short-lived and occurred shortly before the Cochrane surge (Hicock, 1988; Veillette, 1997).
Fig. 21. Intersecting ice stream paths of the James Bay basin. Ice flow was toward the SW (large arrows) when the Albany Bay Ice Stream was formed.
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10. Conclusions This investigation is based on small-scale satellite imagery analysis and on the interpretation of aerial photographs and surficial geology maps supported by ice-directional field measurements and observations. Jennings (2006) correctly pointed out that digital elevation models (DEMs), satellite imagery and all remote sensing techniques showing a continuous image of landforms at a continental scale, now allow glacial geologists mapping in small areas to place their observations within a much broader glacial context. The southern component of the Winisk Ice Stream, largely masked by younger sediment, was detected using relict striations since landform analysis could not be used. However, the continuous image of landforms clearly expressed on satellite images within Area A and in the northern component of the ice stream, made it possible to link the “buried” with the “visible” parts of the ice stream. The following methodological approach was followed to reach this interpretation. - The detailed study of cross-striated surfaces in conjunction with remote sensing methods clarified the controversy surrounding the relative age of the ESE (130 ) and SW (220 ) ice flows of the ice-flow anomaly referred to as Area A (Boissonneau, 1966). The data presented here clearly indicate that the 130 flow preceded the 220 flow. - The conflicting interpretations on the relative age of the two ice flows are attributed mainly to the sporadic occurrence of relict striated surfaces left by southwestward (220 - 240 ) Wisconsinan ice flows that escaped destruction by late glacial flows. The southwestward striations are older (Wisconsinan) at some sites and younger (late glacial 220 ) at others relative to the 130 flow. Other factors affecting this apparent age reversal are the elevation of the cross-striated sites and the vanished protector effect. - Area A is interpreted as the only southernmost visible part of a large ice stream tentatively considered to be the southern extension of the Winisk Ice Stream (Thorleifson et al., 1993). The total length of the ice stream between its northern and southern extremities is about 800 km, twice the length of the continuous belt of streamlined landforms in its northern part, making it the longest terrestrial ice stream on the Canadian Shield. - The absence of fine-grained glaciolacustrine deposits underneath the fluted terrain of silty and sandy till in the southern part of Area A (Morris, 2002a;b, c, d), and the stratigraphy of the Fauquier section suggest that the ice stream did not override the Ojibway lake bed, at least in these parts of its extent. - The use of Cochrane I and Cochrane II to designate two major late glacial readvances should be abandoned since Cochrane I is the southern component of the Winisk Ice Stream (or the exposed western part of a late Hudson lobe). The Cochrane event consists of one major, short-lived, fan-shape surge comprising several criss-crossing, large and small, fluted belts. - While the striation record clearly shows that the Winisk Ice Stream (LG1) preceded the Cochrane surge (LG2), a vast network of iceberg tracks showing a consistent direction of movement toward the ESE from a presumed ice stream terminus in the Albany River area cross-cut Cochrane flutings over a large area of Quebec and Ontario, suggesting that the ice stream not only preceded, but also outlasted the Cochrane surge. - The late deglaciation of the James Bay basin was accelerated by the interaction of three successive major ice streams controlled by topography.
- The discovery of the southern extension of the Winisk Ice Stream that flowed in an unreported direction (ESE) has obvious implications for mineral prospecting methods applicable in glaciated terrain.
11. Current and future work The distribution of ESE relict striations is at this moment the only reliable indicator available to associate LG1 with the southern extension of the Winisk Ice Stream. Stratigraphic information is required to define the eastern and northeastern limits of the ice stream or to verify the hypothesis that the Winisk and James Bay ice streams are the end members of a late Hudson lobe as discussed in Section 9.5. The stratigraphic equivalent of the Winisk Till (Thorleifson et al., 1993) should be present in the upper parts of sections along the main rivers (Missinaibi, Nagakami, Kenogami, Mattagami), which flow roughly at right angle to the ice stream path (Fig. 17). The description of streamlined landforms trending toward the ESE exposed in river sections north of Hearst, Ontario, suggests an association with the southern component of the ice stream (G. Gao, Ontario Geological Survey, pers. communication, August 25, 2015). The southern extension of the Winisk Ice Stream raises questions regarding the origin of the Pinard Moraine. The east-west orientation of the moraine is the primary reason it was interpreted as a recessional deposit (Boissonneau, 1966), but this linear alignment along the path of the ice stream and the dispersal of sand toward the ESE from the nearby Mattagami Formation, the probable source of the large volume of sand in the moraine, suggest that formation of the moraine may be related to the ice stream (Fig. 17). The steeper, southern (down-ice) face of the moraine is visually evocative of an up-ice face and the northern (up-ice), gently sloping flank is not typical of a grounded subaquatic continental land system (Fyfe, 1990; Teller, 2005). The movement of icebergs in the northern part of the Ojibway basin was attributed to prevailing north-westerly winds driving icebergs from the calving margins of Cochrane surges (Dionne, 1977; Veillette and Paradis, 1996). The extensive mapping of iceberg tracks described earlier provided data that are currently being analysed for a large area of eastern Ontario and western Quebec. A Winisk Ice Stream terminus calving in Lake Ojibway from a position in the vicinity of the Albany and Kenogami river junction (Fig. 17) is a likely source of icebergs driven east by katabatic winds from a much-reduced Laurentide Ice Sheet (Wolfe et al., 2004). Acknowledgments An important part of the work described here was done within a surficial geology mapping project which was part of the Abitibi Targeted Geoscience Initiative program (S.J. Paradis) involving the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), the Ontario Geological Survey re des ressources naturelles et de la Faune du (OGS) and the Ministe bec (MRNFQ). M.B. McClenaghan (GSC), R.D. Thomas (Thomas Que and Associates) and G. Gao (OGS), discussed their results and provided unpublished information for various locations within the (GSC) and Michelle general area. Ruth Boivin and Nathalie Cote Laithier (UQAM) drafted the figures. The comments of Isabelle McMartin (GSC) who revised the manuscript internally and those of Carrie Jennings and an anonymous reviewer helped to improve the manuscript. Personnel of the Cochrane District of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ontario, provided documents and valuable information on access to specific areas by logging roads and waterways. Sincere thanks are extended to all. Natural Resources Canada, Contribution number ID 28536-ESS.
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