THE output of oil and gas in the United States is steadily declining. Coincident with this decline is a steadily increasing demand for petroleum and its products, and at present there are no commercial substitutes for lubricating oil. In order to obtain the highest efficiency in the production of oil, the operator should so organize his forces for development and production that he recovers every barrel of oil that can be recovered at a profit. This necessarily involves the use of economical and scientific methods of development and production, and the elimination o'f waste. Bulletin 195 of the Bureau, recently issued, outlines methods for the practical application of engineering to underground problems in oil fields. F L O T A T I O N OF I D A H O ORES. By Clarence A. Wright.
The United States Bureau of Mines in co6peration with the Idaho Bureau of Mines, the University of Idaho, and certain mining companies is investigating the applicability of differential flotation to the treatment of certain lead and zinc ores of the Coeur d'Alene region and other districts. The chief metals produced from the ores of the Coeut, d'Alene region are lead and zinc, with minor amounts of copper, silver and antimony. Where the minerals are finally disseminated, it is almost impossible to make clean lead and zinc products by the usual methods of gravity concentration, and fine grinding is essential. Results of flotation tests on samples of mill feeds from a number of mills in this region indicate that the relatively fine slimes produced in the mills can be successfully treated by differential flotation, and this can be effected without any great changes in existing mills.. Details of the tests are given in Bulletin 205, recently issued by the Bureau. * Communicated by the Director.