August 6-10, 1990 Amsterdam; The Netherlands
601 Internatioeal
1AV~3 C,3eges
This congress, organized by the Netherlands chapter of the IAEG, marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the IAEG. Themes of the conference are: (1) Engineering geological mapping and site investigation; (2) Remote sensing and geophysical techniques; (3) Hydro-engineering geology; (4) Surface engineering geology; (5) Underground engineering geology; (6) Engineering geology of land and marine hydraulic structures; and (7) Construction materials. Languages Of the conference will be English and French. For more information write: Dr. H. Beyer, Secretary-General, Geological Survey of the Netherlands, P.O. Box 157, NL-2000 AD Haarlem, The Netherlands.
September 3-7, 1990 Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
16th Annual Meeting of the ITA
The 1990 ITA General Assembly will be held in conjunction with an international congress sponsored by the China Civil Engineering Society and organized by the Institution of Tunnel and Underground Works, Southwest Jiaotong University, and the Association of Science and Technology, Siehuan Province. The theme of the conference, 'Tunnels and Underground Works: Today and Future," will encompass the following topics: design and construction of railway tunnels; design and construction of urban tunnels and metros; design and construction of hydro tunnels; design and construction of rock caverns; and theoretical analysis and design of underground structures. Languages of the conference will be English, Chinese and French. Pre- and postcongress tours will be offered. For more information contact: Prof. Xu Wenhnan, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. September 3-7, 1990
Underground Construction and Tunnelling Association and Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. The conference will provide a forum for discussion of the economic, social and technical factors that bear upon Australia's use of underground space. Papers will cover the following broad areas of interest: financing of underground projects: Urban planning and commercial development of underground space; Innovative use of underground space; Environmental and regulatory aspects of underground activity; Industrial relations and industry matters; Permanent and temporary services for underground structures; Case studies; Recent research; Ground support; Equipment development; Project management; Underground construction in mining; Investigation, planning and design; and Contractual issues. For more information: The Conference Manager, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, 11 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600, Australia. Tel. 62/70 6549. Telex 62758. Fax 62/70 6530.
International Red~oreed
October 8-10, 1990 London, 17.naland
Remote Sensing
The "Remote Sensing: An Operational Technology for the Mining and Petroleum Industries," conference will emphasize the operational cost-effective application of remote sensing techniques and the integration of remote sensing methods with other exploration techniques. Thirty papers and 60 poster papers will be presented on the following topics: Exploring for minerals and petroleum with remote sensing; Remote sensing in gold exploration; Remote sensing and logistical planning in oil and mineral exploration; Remote sensing and environmental aspects of the mineral and oil industries; and Remote sensing and water supply for the oil and mineral industries. For more information write: The Conference Office, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 44 Portland Place, London WlN 4BR, England.
GUn.w, UJ~
October 11-13, 1990 Cracow, Poland
Organized by the British Geotechnical Society, this conference will have the following themes: soil and water-retaining structures; slopes and embankments; foundations and unbound road paavements; tunnels and buried structures; soil nailing and in-situ reinforcement techniques. A products and services exhibition will be held in conjunction with the conference. For more information: Prof. Alan McGown, Chairman, Organizing Committee, International Reinforced Soil Conference, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Strathclyde, Rottenrow, Glasgow G4 0NG, U.IC; or Dr. R. T. Murray, Chairman, Technical Committee, International Reinforced Soil Conference, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Stratclyde, Rottenrow, Glmgow G4 0NG, U.K.
The aim of the conference is to present current problems of soil mechanics and foundation engineering, which are a subject of research conducted by Polish scientists and engineers, as well as by cooperating foreign scientists. The themes of the conference will be: Theoretical and experimental bases of geotechnics; Practical problems in geotechnics; and Geotechnical aspects of environmental control. For more information: Komitet Organizacyjny IX Krajowej Konfereneji, Mechanikow Gruntow i Fundamentowania, Biuro RW NOT, Dzial Org. Prezydialny, ut. Straszewskiego 28, 31-113 Cracow, Poland.
September 11-13, 1990 Sydney, Australia
October 15-18, 1990 ta'lle, France
Ninth National Conference Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Underground C r n a i n p
7th Aem~m.,, Tunnell~ C_zllferea~ and Trade Exlfibition
'The Underground Domain" is the theme of this meeting, sponsored by the Institution of Engineers, Australia and co-sponsored by The Australian
This international study meeting is being organized by AFTES (the French Underground Works Association). The development of communication and means of transport with Emopean countries and neighboring continents necessitates the rea!i,Ation of increasingly important infi'astructures in which underground works play a major role. This conference will focus on
Volume 5, Number 1/2, 1990