PC banking to exceed 7.5 Million by 2001 A new- report from Datamonitor Europe forecasts a massive ‘3 million rctail banking customers by 200 1 - the ...
PC banking to exceed 7.5 Million by 2001 A new- report from Datamonitor Europe forecasts a massive ‘3 million rctail banking customers by 200 1 - the current number is under half a million so it represents an AAGR 01 75.x’% 3 rate much higher than the 1994-96 period. Currently, retail deposits of PC banking are estimated to be around SlObn for European customers. The report “European Direct Banking - A Net To Catch the Customer” shows that not surprisinglv Switzerland has Europe’s highest penetration of PC banking customers: 0.4%. This \\ill remain the
Over &2 million of 11‘ equipment has been lost or stolen from government departments in what the I.abour Party has branded ;I ‘ ’ c 0 in p ~1 t c r c,rimc wa\.e”. highest penetration rate for Europe with around 6.9% using the semicc by 200 I, Switzerland is followed closely by the Scandinavian countries. The Netherlands, IIK and Germany. German) has the highest number of PC banking customers
at some l-i.3 000 and will post the highest number overall by 2001 at around 2.5 million. The report is priced at Al995 and available now. Corztact: Sophie + 44 S 111i t h , tel: (0) /‘I 6Z.5 8548; &ix:
I 71
Unexpected glitches in SF voice mail.... In the IIS and increasingly elsewhere. voice mail (\%a) is a modern “must ha\,c” for many businesses. But recently one LJS city found out what it \vas like to be deprived of this useful asset. In San Francisco PacBell is proud to sa) that its \:hl system has been proofed against what was adj~~dged to be the worst case scenario, i.e. an earthquake, but it had to come clean on a new twist in the tale. As a result of some recent changes quite a few customers haw been plagued by VM “glitches”
Computer thefts hit Whitehall for E2m
ranging from slowetldown message play-back to intermittent a~ailability. Apparently, PacBell had moved some eight) thousand VM boxes in the 40X code area to a different mainframe computer. It put them all on the same system so peoplc could transfer messages from work to home. Whilst for many this was beneficial and the)- experienced no service problems, many suffered from weird faults. These ranged from messages played back at a slower rate to no message at all. Some VM
lmxc-s were intermittently available each da) for several weeks. Meanwhile, questions ha!~ been asked as to why PacBell made such a drastic change without a safety net system. It said it had a back-up system but it was “not fault tolerant”. Other agencies have since offered help before PacBell makes a similar upgrade to its LA area VM but independent observers expect that this will not be the last time VM is plagued by unusual faults.
The figures were obtained by Labour’s Enployment spokesman, Ian McCartnejT. from the go\.ernment departments through written Commons questions. Worst hit was the ‘I’rcasur!. which lost &699 -300 worth of 1’1’ goods:‘more than half of it from the Inland Revenue. Few department3 were unaffected; t hc Department for Education and Employment lost computer equipment worth &+3-i 000. thr
worth, and the environment department S18.3 614, a n tI S.236 888 from the Home Office, the department responsible for law and order. A grand total of .&2 086 604 worth of IT equipment out of’ a total loss of goods worth 56 197 559.