United Nations Geothermal Exploration in Kenya

United Nations Geothermal Exploration in Kenya

ice cad other applications of CO,, the sale of this gas would bring in a much higher return than all other applications of the hot water field. After ...

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ice cad other applications of CO,, the sale of this gas would bring in a much higher return than all other applications of the hot water field. After this recital of the principal characteristics of a wet steam field and the variety of the different natural resources involved, it will be appreciated that, in suitable locations and conditions, the multipurpose development of a wet steam field may have higher economic significance and profitability than a dry steam field. It may be useful at this stage to compare within the limits of comparability dry steam fields and wet steam fields from the point of view of productivity. Such comparisons need care because one should compare equals - - in other words, a good dry steam well should only be compared with a good hot water well, an average well with an average well and a low productivity well with another low productivity well. It is also essential to compare wells with equal temperature and diameter so that the technical parameters are fairly equal. If we do this, we will reach a conclusion that a good hot water well will produce three to five times the weight of hot water at approximately the same temperature as compared to a steam well. As the heat content of a ton of steam is approximately two to three times that of a ton of hot water, it nevertheless leads to the conclusion that on a comparative basis a hot water well has a total heat output of about double or more than that of a dry steam well. As a result, even if only 20% of the hot water of a wet steam field is flashed into steam, a hot water well has approximately the same electric generating capacity as a comparable dry steam well. A hot water well, therefore, can generate the same quantity of electricity as a dry steam well, but in addition, large quantities of heat in the form of hot water. Depending on the circumstances, this hot water can represent an additional heat source of greater magnitude than the heat used for electricity generation. The utilization of hot water, given its limited transportability, is basically a local problem, but in the right region and under the right conditions the utilization of such hot water may contribute in a variety of forms to the solution of energy problems in a given area. First let us properly understand the great energy savings, cost reductions and reduction in thermal pollution we can obtain wherever we can apply hot water directly. Let us compare air conditioning. We can use geothermal steam to ~enerate electricity and then use such electricity for air conditiopin~. In this case, as the efficiency in using steam for electricity f,en. eratin~ is less than 30%. 70% of the heat is discarded. Tho electricity thus ~enerated entails further energy losses in r~roriding, air conditioning - - so that as a result perhans only 20% of the energv content of geothermal steam is utilized in air conditioning. The direct, one step use of hot geothermal w;,ter for air conditioning_, using standard eouipment, may onerate at about 80% efficiency - - thus allowing, lower cost. hi~her energy utilization and smaller heat relection. The efficlencv and cost advantages of the direct use of hot geothermal wmer anoly to a wide range of agricultural processes, includln~. refri~.eration, drying, he~tinq otc. Here in the Imperial Valley. with its need for a~zricult, r,~l nrocessing, for air eonditionirm, for refri~,eration and for desalinated water, is the re~ion for the multirmrnose develonment of hot water fields. The full develor~ment in the Imperial Vail---, could become a model for trio world for the efficient utilization of the terse heat content of hot water fields. It should be noted here that geothermal water for direct applications tin air conditioninm refrigeration, etc.) does not need the high temnerature reouired for electricitv ~eneratimz. Furthermore. a full mnhirgurpose develorment of a hot water field with its much hi~ber economic return would also Justify deeoer drilling in regions where the demand for hot water exists and o-ola,,ic and hvdro~eologie conditions apoear favnurahle All this annears to be anDlicable to the lmDerial Valley. At *he suggestion of the United Nations. the Governmerit of Nicaraqua is now considering the central air cor~ditionin~ of Manamm and the nrovision of refri~eratlnn in the ind,,atri~l part of the city - - all based on geothermal hot water. This ormortunitv and challenge of a muhipurnose develor~ment of hot water fields poses, however, serious institutional r~roblems. Pnwer comnanies in many states are not nermitted to deal with water desalination mineral e~traction and. in some cases, they are not allowed to provide hot water for Mr conditioning, heating, refrigeration, etc. On the other hand,

the sate of electricity is reserved for power companies. In this dHficuit situation wnere the power companies have a monopoly posiu~,n on tlae one hand and a very narrow area of activities - - racy arc one commodity companies - - the only way out appears to me to grant to multipurpose geothermal companies tnc r~ght to produce and market all ot their products, ~lJcluclirtg eJcc,r~c]ty, this suggestion may appear in the context o, the present institutional structure to be a novel idea - - to me, ~t is a necessary ana a traditional idea. In the history of ,~merican electricity development, shortcomings at each historic stage have led to new institutional arrangements, from rural power co-operatives to municipal power systems, to governmentowned generating and transmission systems and now, with the advent o~ geotiaermal energy, we have a new set of problems. oeothermal wmer and steam are location-bound - - unlike coal, oil and all diner tuels. A geothermal power station must be built near the geothermal field. Now, if the power company possessing the monopoly for power sales is not willing to build such a station or is unwilling to pay a fair price for steam, the owner of the geothermal field is practically helpless. Moreover, if a hot water field is involved, the power company may legally not be able to undertake a multi-purpose development which may economically and nationally be the best type of developlnent. A iree hand for geothermal developers for a broad development is clearly neecled. "Ibis might also have been in the mind of Congress when iL provided in the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 that governmental units, including, without limitation, municipalities, may acquire geothermal leases. The freedom for geomermal developers may in some cases reintroduce an element of competition - - perhaps at the wholesale level and at the retail level - - in such a vital service industry as the supply of electricity. Such a competition at this stage of the electricity industry can have only beneficial effects, both for the development of a local energy resource and for the economy as a whole. 1 believe that the expansion of the freedom of geothermal developers may, for all concerned, be more acceptable than delays and deformation which in the end may force the government to step in as it has in the case of river basin development in order to achieve multipurpose development. Geothermal energy is too important a natural resource to be considered only a steam source. Hot water fields are bound to become the most important part of the geothermal industry in this country. If the full potential of these hot water fields is to be fully developed, all parties concerned must co-operate in a spirit of new approaches and new initiatives.

United Nations Geothermal Exploration in Kenya Exploration drilling sites were selected last December in the Olkaria prospect located south of Lake Naivasha A thirteen-kilometer long, 6-inch pipe line is now being constructed from Lake Naivasha to the first site in order to provide water for drilling. In April, the United Nations awarded the drilling contract to Foramines. The contract calls for the drilling of 4500 meters distributed among four holes. Drilling is scheduled to begin in August or September of this year. (j. r. m.)

Present Status and Future Prospect of Geothermal Energy Development in Japan A n o t e by the IAPAN NATIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - M a y 1973 Geothermal


D e v e l o p m e n t in J a p a n Y e s t e r -

day and T o d a y History The utilization of hot spas in Japan for purposes of ceremonial ablution, therapeutical treatment for injuries and illnesses, or plain bathing, has always been a popular practice, and 77