162 The Patent Information Office has been located from the very beginning in the same building as the Patent Office, which is since 1973 the building of the European Patent Office, Patentlaan 2, Rijswijk (Z.H.). When the patent search collection of the Netherlands Patent Office was transferred (via the International Patent Institute) to the European Patent Office, the traditional rights of use of the collection by the Patent Information Office, formerly NIDER, were maintained Many things have changed during the past 50 years. There have been changes in patent laws in most countries of the world. The subject matter collection of the patent office has increased tremendously. The European Patent System and the Patent Cooperation Treaty have been set up. The International Patent Classification System has been introduced and several times refined, and other institutes are now offering the same or similar services. But, just as 50 years ago there is a need for innovation and re-industrialisation to improve the economic situation in a time characterized by depression and unemployment. Once again this means that the use of information is a must for those dealing with these problems. And just as 50 years ago the information contained in patent literature is one of the main sources of information concerning recent technical and technological developments. Thus the Patent Information Office will continue its activities in retrieving from the patent literature the information relevant to the problems posed by its clients.
Communications File creation is starting right away on a current basis, but commercial availability of the online files from the T616syst~mes computer in Valbonne is not targetted until January 1986, by which time the search software will have been fully developed and tested. Meanwhile Derwent is continuing its financial backing of a related research project at Sheffield University under Prof. Lynch. For more information, please contact: Mr. M. Hyams, Derwent Publications Ltd., London: (01) 242 5823.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DIALOG telecommunications network DIALOG Information Services has announced the implementation of DIALNET T M a dedicated packet-switched network for D I A L O G users, supporting dial-up ports in major cities of the U.S. D I A L N E T availability will occur in phases, with the first completed in August 1984. It is announced as being designed with features not available on the public packet-switched networks, such as a circuit protection capability which will virtually eliminate telecommunications 'drops'. The D I A L N E T lines also minimize contention for access nodes which can be encountered on public telecommunications networks. For information contact Barbara Gersh, Dialog Information Service, Incorporated, 3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A.
PATLAW reload
UNITED KINGDOM Derwent (1) At the very end of 1984 the public release took place of World Patents Index (WPI) and World Patents Index Latest (WPIL) on two additional online services: Dialog Information Services, Inc. and T616syst~mes-Questel. SDC Information Services and the two new host services will also be making available some enhancements to WPI and WPIL, including the addition of over one million abstracts in the period 1970-1980 to WPI in the general chemical area, new Application Number and Equivalent Abstract fields for WPIL, and a Number-of-Patents field indicating the number of patents in a family. (2) Arrangements have been made to provide fuller abstracts of Japanese Kokai documents for certain parts of Section A, specifically IPC sub-classes CO8F and CO8G, operative from week 8446. (3) On 8 January 1985 Derwent Publications Ltd. of London and INPI, the French Patent Office, signed a joint Letter of Agreement with T616syst~mes S.A. of Paris. Under the terms of this agreement Derwent and INPI will co-finance the development of graphics-based input and retrieval software able to handle the broad generic chemical structures (Markush formulae) disclosed in the patent literature.
The Bureau of National Affairs, Incorporated (BNA) has announced that PATLAW, the online database of intellectual property law, has been reloaded on D I A L O G and InfoLine to enhance retrieval capacity and provide additional information. Additions and charges being made are: (1) 'Years of decision' have been added to all records in PATLAW, (2) records have been added for U.S. Supreme Court denials of certiorari; (3) tribunal abbreviations and tribunal codes have been standardized. For more information contact The BNA Online Help Desk, 1231 25th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Pergamon InfoLine, Inc. (1) A new InfoLine database CABS (Current Awareness in Biological Science) is available for up to date information covering the fields of biochemistry, cell and developmental biology, ecological sciences, genetics, microbiology and plant science. File CABS allows searching by subject using terms from the title or controlled terms field, or using the CABS classification scheme. Each record contains full details of title, reference, author and affiliation. (2) I N P A DO C has standardized assignee/ applicant names allowing one to find on Pergamon InfoLine all patents owned by one company in spite of the fact that there may be dozens of variations of that
company name. For example, every patent worldwide owned by Imperial Chemical Industries can be retrieved by typing / S AS=ICI. A method for determining the standardized form used by INPADOC is to find a patent in Patsearch owned by the company you wish to search. Patsearch displays assignee names in full. Then use the number of that patent to search the PN= index in Inpadoc. Displaying the ASG print group from the INPADOC record will show the standardized form of the name. US PTO Planning Research Corp. and Chemical Abstracts Svc. are to develop and install an automated system for processing applications for new patents as part of the automation plan of the US PTO. PRC will engineer, design and integrate the computer system and CAS will supply computer software. Automation for the first of the fifteen areas of technology is expected by the end of the year, the remaining fourteen areas by 1987. Thereafter the system is to be expanded to include the public search room and Patent Depository Libraries and it may ultimately include computer links with European and Japanese counterparts. For further information, contact CAS, Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210, U.S.A. Tel. 614/421-3624. US PTO-OTAF Trends in United States patent activity in telecommunications are published in a new study, 'Telecommunications', part of the Patent Profiles series by the Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast of the Commerce Department's Patent and Trademark Office. The study identifies and analyzes more than 48000 telecommunication patents issued since 1963, divided into seven areas: Telephony, light wave communications, multiplex communications (excluding light wave), analog carrier wave communications, digital and pulse communications, television and facsimile, and telemetry. The publication analyzes patenting levels and trends, geographic origins and ownership in each area and includes sample patents. Of the 48 378 telecommunications patents granted between 1963 and 1983, 32 percent were of foreign origin, with one-third of these granted to Japanese nationals, according to the study. Additional data, including lists of patent numbers and titles, are available in a microfiche supplement. The publication is available prepaid for $7.50 from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, (order no. 003-004-00608-1), or for $6.50 ($13.50 foriegn) from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (order no. PB 84-211044/KAJ). The microfiche supplement is available from NTIS, at $7.50, $15.50 foreign (order no. PB 84-211051/ KAJ).