541 Taefee for this examination is £12 12s. Candidates will he tximined on Physics, Chemistry, and Anatomy (03teology). Second Professional Examinati...

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541 Taefee for this examination is £12 12s. Candidates will he tximined on Physics, Chemistry, and Anatomy

(03teology). Second Professional Examination.—Candidates must pro. duce evidence of having passed the First Professional Examination ; also certificates of having subsequently attended—(a) a Medico.Chirurgical Hospital for nine months, and of having taken notes of at least three Medical cases

and tbree



or a

certificate of Clinical

Clerkship ; (b) the following courses of Lectures: (1) Demon. strations and Dissections; (2) Physiology ; (3) Surgery, winter courses, six months ; (4) Materia Medica; (5) Practical Physiology, including Histology, summer courses, three

months. The fee for this examination is f77s. Candidates will be examined in Anatomy, Physiology, Thhteria Medica,

and Pharmacy.

Third Professional Examination.—Candidates must pro. duce evidence of having passed the Second Professional Examination; also certificates of having subsequently attended—(a) a Medico Chirtirgical Hospital for six months as resident pupil, or for nine months as extern pupil, and; in the latter case, notes of at least three Medical and three Surgical cases, or of having acted as Clinical Clerk at any period; (b) the following courses of Lectures : (1) Demon strations and Dissections; (2) Medicine ; (3) Midwifery an( Diseases peculiar to Women, in winter courses (may be de ferred to the fourth year) ; (4) Pathology ;17 (5) Medical Juris prudence, Forensic Medicine, and Hygtene, in summer course The fee for this examination is ;E77s. Candidates will be examined in Anatomy, Surgery, Medicine, and Medical an(

Midwifery, a winter course (unless taken in the thitd year) ; (c) a recognised Midwifeiy Hospital, or Maternity, on

for six months in the winter or summer of either the third or the fourth year, with evidence of having been present at thirty labours ; (d) of three months’ study of Fever in a Clinical Hospital containing fever wards, and of having taken notes of at least five cases of fever (attendance at a fever hospital will not be recognised if concurrent with that on Practical Midwifery) ; (e) Operative Surgery in the summer session of either the third or fourth year ; (f) Clinical Lectures in Ophthalmic and Aural Surgery (three months) at a recognised Ophthalmic Hospital, or at an Ophthalmic Department of a General Hospital. The fee for this examination is j677s. Candidates will be examined in Medicine, Therapeutics, Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases peculiar to Women, Ophthalmic and Aural Surgery, and Forensic Medicine and Hygiene.

UNIVERSITY OF BRUSSELS. British and other practitioners holding proper medical and surgical qualifications are admissible for the Doctorate of the University of Brussels, without any further curriculum. Ib is necessary, however, that all candidates should leave their diplomas with the Registrar of the University prior to the examination, and no one will be admitted until this condition has been complied with. The fees are-For inscription of name, ;S812s.; for examination, £13 ; for legalisation of diploma, 8s.—£22. The unsuccessful candidates may present themselves again three months after rejection, Candidates on paying one-half of the examination fees. Surgical Pathology. for the three have in advance the fees tests, and paid rourtla Professional Examination.—The candidate must who are unsuccessful in the first, recover the fees paid for the Of produce evidence--(1) having been registered asf second medical student by the Medical Council at least forty.five second and third examinations; these who fail in the The exarecover the fees paid for the third examination. of months previously ; (2) havirg passed the Third Profes mination consists of three tests, viz —1st Doctorate : Medisional Examination; (3) of having subsequently attendedSpecial and General Pathology and Pathological (a) a Medico-Chirurgical Hospital for nine months ai Anatomy with the Microscope; General Therapeutics; extern pupil, or six months as resident pupil; (b) Lecture Mental Diseases; Diseases of Women and Children. 2nd 17 The certificate in Pathology will not be required until further. Doctorate: Surgery; Surgical Pathology; Ophthalmology; notice. Midwifery; Hygiene; Medical Jurisprudence (not including

cine ;



Toxicology). 3rd Doctorate: Clinical Examination in Medi-and Physiology, Surgery, Medicine, including Theracine at the Hospital; Clinical Surgical Examination ; Ex-peutics and the Diseases of Women and Children, amination in Midwifery, consisting in obstetrical operationsChemistry and Pharmacy, and a practical knowledge of on the mannikin (model of pelvis) ; Examination in Opera. Drugs. The eligibility ot the candidate for admission into tive Surgery, consisting in some of the usual operations on the service is determined by the result of this part of the the dead subject, such as Amputation. Ligature of an examination. The voluntary subjects are French, German, Artery, &c.; Regional Anatomy on the Dead Body, with Comparative Anatomy, Zoology, Natural Philosophy, Dissections. Great importance is attached to practical know. Physical Geography, and Botany, with especial reference to ledge, but candidates must also prove that they possess Materia Medica, and for the Indian service Hindustani. theoretical science. The examinations which are Although the results of the examination on voluntary positive 1,ivâ voce take place on the first Tuesday in November, subjects do not affect the question of the eligibility of the December, February, May and June. The three exaruina- candidate for a commission, they influence ’his position on tions may be got through in about a week. Saturday, the lists, which is determined by the numbers obtained before 2 P.M., is the most eligible day for arriving, for caridt- under the two heads conjointly. After having passed this dates for whom time is an object. The examinations are examination, the successful candidates for both services are conducted in English. There are in Ragland at present sent to the Army Medical School at Netley as "surgeons on probation, receiving a daily pay of 8s. and certain about 600 graduates holding this degree. allowances, to go through a four months’ course of instruction in the special duties required of them in the service. The staff of the school consists of four professors, all of THE ARMY, NAVY, AND INDIAN MEDICAL them men of high standing in their special departments. The Professorship of Military Medicine is held by Deputy SERVICES. General Henry Cayley, I.M.S. Sargeon.Lieu. Consequent upon the issue of the Royal Warrant of August, Surgeon. tenant-Colonel W. F. Stevenson, M.S., is Professor of 1891, alterations have taken place in the designations of Military Surgery ; Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. Notter, the departmental rank of the officers of the Army Medical of Military Hygiene ; and Dr. A. E. Wright, of Patho. M.D., Staff, and medical officers are also now placed, as regards sick leave of absence on full pay, on the same conditions as logy. To each of these an Army Medical Officer is attached as on Military Surgery include those laid down for regimental officers. By a subsequent Assistant Professor. The lectures and other wounds, transport of sick and wounded, Royal Warranb, dated Nov. 10th, 1891, Art. 1208b of the gunshot of in the field, on board troopships duties medical officers army Pay Warrant was revised by inserticg the words and other surgical duties incident " an officer of our Medical Staff"after the words " comba- and transports, recruiting, to military service. Those on Military Medicine treat of tant officer," thus giving medical officers an equal title with combatant officers to reckon time on half-pay towards tropical and other diseases to which soldiers are exposed in the course of their service, the mortality and invaliding retirement, when the half-pay has been due to ill-health by disease, in peace and war, at home and abroad, of in the The contracted military duty. performance substantive ranks of officers of the Medical Staff management of lunatics under the conditions of military The course of Hygiene comprises the exami. &c. carry precedence and other advantages attaching to the service, nation of water and air, the general principles of diet, with rank indicated by the military portion of it, with such and the adulterations of food and beverages, the quality exceptions and within such limits as are laid down in the sanitary requirements of barracks, hospitals, and camps, the earlier Warrant. and exercises of the soldier, and the circlothing, dutieq, In the Gazette of Aug. 28th, 1891,it was announced that the cumstances affecting his health, with the best means of had been dated Queen pleased, by Royal Warrant, Aug. 7 th, disease, and instruction in the mode of preparing 1891, to approve of the following alterations of the designa- preventing tions of the departmental rank of the officers of the Medical the various statistical and other returns required of the Staff now serving as follows :-Surgeons-General, ranking as medical officer. The surgeons on probation are detailed for in the wards of the hospital, under the Professors and Majors-General, to be Surgeons-Maj or- General; Deputy sur- duty Assistant Professors of Medicine and Here they geons.General, ranking as Colonels, to be Surgeons-Colonel; are taught practically the details ofSurgery. of the management Brigade-Surgeons, ranking as Lieutenant-Colonels, to be patients in a military hospital, the registration of their Surgeons-Lieutenant-Colonel ; Surgeons-Major, ranking as diseases, the duties of invaliding, the modes of filling Lieutenant-Colonels, to be Surgeons-Lieu tenant- Colonel ; up the regulation statistical returns and other service Surgeons-Major, ranking as Majors, to be Surgeons-Major; documents. on probation are provided The Surgeons, ranking as Captains, to be Surgeons-Captain. The with quarters, and surgeons are members of the mess at Netley. rank of the Director-General of the Army Medical DepartAfter having passed through the course of instruction ment is that of Surgeon-Major-General. they are examined on the subjects taught in the school, [For the text of the Warrant of Aug. 7bh for the Medical and their position on the list recommended for commissions Staff, vide THE LANCET of August 22nd, 1891, page 459 is determined by the combined results of the competitive et seq.]] and final examinations. At the close of each session five Admission into the Army and Indian Medical Services prizes are awarded : the Herbert Prize of £20 to the surgeon is gained as the result of competitive examination. on probation who has obtained the highest number of marks Under special conditions, the admission may take place at the London and Netley examinations conjointly; the by nomination of the Secretary of State for War. Can- Parkes Memorial Bronze Medal to the one who gains the didates for both services must, before being admitted to highest number of marks in the examination on Hygiene at examination, possess the double qualification to practise Netley, combined with those given for the answers to a Medicine and Surgery, and be registered under the Medicall special question set on the same subject; the Martin Act. They are also now required to produce certificates9Memorial Gold Medal to the highest number of marks in of having acted as a medical clinical clerk for six months,, the final examination on Military Medicine, with the as surgical dresser for another six months, and oif addition of those gained for a special question connected having had not less than three months’ instructior with it ; the Montefiore Gold Medal and £21, awarded in at an ophthalmic hospital, including a course on errors oif the same manner for Military Surgery; and the Montefiore refraction. They must also furnish satisfactory certificates o:f Second Prize, consisting of works on Military Surgery, to moral character. Candidates for the Army must be between1 the surgeon on probation who obtains the second highest the ages of twenty-one and twenty-eight, in good health, anc! numbers in this branch. The Surgeon-Lieutenants of the British Medical Service both parents of unmixed European blood; for the Indiari Service, between twenty-two and twenty-eight, of sounc1 at the close of the Netley courses of instruction pass on to bodily health, and natural-born subjects of Her Majesty Aldershot, where they go through a systematic course of inBoth are examined as to physical fitness by a Board o struction in ambulance drill and equitation. The Surgeons Medical Officers. These conditions being satisfied, the can- of the Indian Medical Service, who do not go to Aldershot, didate is admitted to the competitive examination, which is undergo, while at Netley, a special course of instruction in usually held in London twice a year, in the months of ambulance drill and duties. February and August. No candidate for the Army Medica Surgeon-Lieutenants, if recommended by the DirectorStaff will be allowed to compete on more than tm General, Army Medical Department, are promoted to be occasions. The subjects of examination are divided into Surgeon-Captains on completing three years’ full pay compulsory and voluntary. The former comprise Anatom;y service.