394 the candidate who shall distinguish himself the in Medicine will receive £50 per annum for the next two years, with the style of University Schola...

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394 the candidate who shall distinguish himself the in Medicine will receive £50 per annum for the next two years, with the style of University Scholar in Medicine. Under the same circumstances the candidate who shall distinguish himself the most in Obstetric Medicine will receive per annum for the next two years, with the style of University Scholar in Obstetric Medicine. Under the same circumstances the candidate who shall distinguish himself the most in Forensic Medicine will receive £30 per anaum for the next two years, with the style of University Scholar in Forensic Medicine. Under the same circumstances the first and second candidates in each of the preding subjects will each receive a gold medal of the value


of £5. Bachelor of Surgery.-The examination for the degree of Bachelor of Surgery takes place once in each year, and commences on the Tuesday following the fourth Monday in November. Candidates must produce certificates to the following effect :-1. Of having passed the Second Examinafor the degree of Bachelor of Medicine in this Univer2. Of having attended a course of instruction in Operative Surgery, and of having operated on the dead ect. Fe for this examination, £5. Any candidate who has passed the B.S. Examination may examined at the Honours Examination next following the B.S. Examination at which he has passed, for Honours in Surgery. The examination takes place on Tuesday in week following the Pas Examination, and is conducted If in the opinion of the exmeans of printed papos. sufficient merit be evinced, the candidate who shall distinguish himself the most will receive £50 per annum for the next two years, with the style of University Scholar in ’5.t1il’gery. Under the same circumstances, the first and second candidates will each receive a gold medal of the

value of £5. Master in Surgery.-The examination for the degree of Master in Surgery takes place once in each year, and commences on the fourth Monday ’n November. Candidates must produce certificates to the following effect :—1. Of having taken -’he degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University. 10Of having attended, subsequently to having taken the degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University : (a) To Clinical or Practical Surgery during two years in a hospital or medical institution recognised by this University. (b) Or to Clinical or Practical Surgery during one year in a hospital or medical institution recognised by this University, and of having been engaged during three years in the practice of his profession. (c) Or 3-r having been engaged during five years in the practice of hi, profession, either before or after taking the degree of Bachelor of Surgery in this University. One year of attendance on Clinical or Practical Surgery, or two years of practice, will be dispensed with in the case of those candidates who at the B.S. Examination have been placed in the first division. 3. Of moral character, signed by two persons of respectability. Fee for this degree, £5. The examination j-2i conducted by means of printed papers and vivâ voce in-

tice of his profession. (c) Or of having been engaged during five years in the practice of his profession, either before or after taking the degree of Bachelor of Medicine in this University. One year of attendance on Clinical or Practical Medicine or two years of practice will be dispensed with in the case of those candidates who at the M.B. Examination have been placed in the first division. 3. Of moral cha. racter, signed by two persons of respectability. Fee for this degree, X5. The examination is conducted by means of printed papers and vavâ voce interrogation. Candidates will be examined in Logic and Psychology, and Medicine, and will not be approved unless they have shown a competent knowledge in both the subjects of examination. If sufficient merit be evinced, the candidate who shall distinguish himself the most in medicine at the examination for the M.D. degree will receive a gold medal of the value of ;f20. Public Health.-A Special Examination will be held once in every year in subjects relating to Public Health, to commence on the second Monday in December. Candidates must have passed the Second Examination for the B.M. degree in this University at least one year previously ; and must give notice of their intention to the Registrar, at least two calendar months before the commencement of the examination. The fee for this exarnination is £5. Candidates will be examined in Chemistry, and Micropay, Meteorology, Geology, Physics and Sanitary Apparatus, Vital Statistics, Hygiene, and Sanitary Law. The examination will be both written and practical, and will extend over four days. Candidates will not be approved unless they have shown a competent knowledge in all the principal subjects of the examination. If sufficient merit be evinced the candidate who shall distinguish himself the most shall receive a gold medal of the value of £5.


certificate, two licences, and three degrees are conferred-viz., a certificate of proficiency in Sanitary Science,

a licence in Medicine and a licence in Surgery ; and the degrees of Bachelor in Medicine, Master in Surgery, and Doctor in Medicine. For the degree of Bachelor in Medicine there are two professional examinations ; the first being held twice yearlyviz., in October (in 1882 commencing on the 9[.h) and April (in 1883 commencing on the 23rd); the second twice yearly -viz., in December (in 1882 commencing on the 4th) and in June (in 1883 commencing on the 18th). The subjects for the first examination are-Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, and Botany. Candidates must produce the following certificates :-(1) Of registration as a medical student. (2) Of having passed one of the following examinations in Arts : (a) the examination for graduation in Arts at one of the following universities—Oxford, Cam-

bridge, Durham, Dublin, London, Queen’s (Ireland). Edinburgh,Glasgow, St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, McGill College (Montreal), and Queen’s College ter ogation. (Kingston) ; or (b) the Preliminary or Extra-professional Candidates will be examined in Logic and Psychology, examination for graduation in medicine at one of the followand Surgery, and will not be approved unless they have ing universities-London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, hown a competent knowledge in both the subjects of Aberdeen, and Queen’s (Ireland) ; or (c) the Preliminary Examination in Arts qualifying for the membership of the examination. If sufficient merit be evinced, the candidate who shall Royal College of Physicians of London or for the fellowship distinguish himself the most in Surgery at this examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; or (d) the will receive a gold medal of the value of jE20. Preliminary Examination in Ai ts for the degrees in medicine Doctor of Il2edicine.-The examination for this degree of the University of Durham (in 1883 commencing on takes place once in each year, and commences on the fourth April 7th and September 18th). Candidates who, at the commencement of their professional education, passed the Monday in November. Candidates must produce certificates to the following Arts examination for registration only, may pass in the eflect :-1. Of having passed the Examination for the extra subjects required for the M.B. Durham either before degree of Bachelor of Medicine in this University. 2. Of or after presenting themselves for the first examination having attended, subsequently to having taken the de- for the degree, but must do so before presenting themcree of Bachelor of Medicine in this University, (a) to selves for the final examination. (3) Of attendance on two Clinical or Practical Medicine during two years in a hospital courses of Anatomy, on one of Physiology, on one of Theoretical and one of Practical Chemistry, and on one or medical institution recognised by this University ; or (b) to (Jliuical or Practical Medicine during one year in a of Botany ; of twelve months’ dissection ; and of attendhospital or medical institution recognised by this University, ance on a course of Practical Physiology of not less than and of having been engaged during three years in the prac- thirty lessons. The subjects for the Second Examination are Medicine, 10 Candidates who have obtained the degree of Bachelor of Medicine Surgery, and Public Health, Pathology, Materia Medica, previously to 1866 will be admitted to the examination for the degree of Therapeutics, Midwifery, and Diseases of Women and Master in Surgery without having taken the degree of Bachelor of Children, and Medical Jurisprudence. For it candidates Surgery ; and in the case of such candidates the attendance on surgical must produce the following certificates—viz. (1), of being not practice required by Regulation 2 may commence from the date of the M.B., degree. less than twenty-one years of age ; (2) of good moral cha-

395 racter ; and (3) of attendance

on the remainder of the course of medical and surgical study as prescribed by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, together with the following additional subjects-viz., one course of lectures on Medicine, one on Therapeutics, one on Public Health, and one on Botany and on Medical Hospital Practice, with Clinical Lectures during one winter and one summer session. There must be proof that the whole course of professional study has occupied at least four years. N.B.-It is required that one of the four years of professional education shall be spent in attendance at the College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. During the year so spent the candidates must attend at least two courses of lectures in the winter session and two in the summer together with the class and test examinations held session, in connexion with those classes, and must also attend hospital practice and clinical lectures at the infirmary during the same period. Candidates may fulfil this portion of the curriculum at any period before they present themThe selves for the Final Examination for the degree. other three years of the curriculum may be spent either at Newcastle-upon-Tyne or at one or more of the schools recognised by the licensing bodies named in Schedule A of the Medical Act, 1858. Candidates who are already qualified by other of the licensing bodies are required to attend for one winter and one summer session at the College of


with the fee and the before- mentioned


Certificate of Proficiency in Sanitary Science.—Candidates for this certificate must be registered medical practitio and have attended one course of lectures on Public Health, at the College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne, extending over one winter session. The examination will be by written papers, practical and vivc2 voce, and will commence In tihs on October 9th, 1882, and on April 23rd, 1883. practical examination the candidate will be required:—T report upon the condition of some actual locality, to analyse liquids and gases, to explain the construction and use of instruments employed in meteorology, and to make scopic examinations. The fee is i55s. Medical Officers of Health of five years’ standing, were registered as qualified members of the profession before January lst, 1878, may obtain the certificate of p ficiency in Sanitary Science under the following conditions — They must be registered medical practitioners, and be not under thirty years of age ; they required to pa the same examination as before mentioned, write an essay upon some practical sanitary subject, and will be examined upon the essay, and upon other sanitary questions. The &? is £10 10s. During the ensuing year two examinations will be held, commencing the one on October 9th the other on April 23rd, 1883.

will be

Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For the Degree of Master in Surgery the candidate must have passed the Examination for the Degree of Bachelor in

UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. Medicine and must have attended one course of lectures on The session 1882-83 will be opened on October 24t&. Three medical degrees are conferred by the University of Operative Surgery. Each candidate will have an additional paper on Surgery, and will have to perform Edinbugh-namely, Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.), Master Doctor of Medicine (M.D.?. The operations on the dead body, and to explain the use of instruments. degree of Masterin Surgery isnot conferred on any per For the Degree of Doctor of Medicine candidates must be who does notalso at thesame time obtain the degree of not less then twenty-fourears of age, must have obtained Bachelor of Medicine. All candidatesfor these degre the degree of M.B. at least two years previously, and in the must give evidenceof having obtainedasatisfactory general interim have been engaged in medical or surgical practice. education. Each candidate will be required to write an essay on some 1. The preliminary branches of extra-professional medical subject selected by himself and approved by the tion are English, Latin, Arithmetic, the Elements of Mathe-

in Surgery (C.M.),and

Professor of Medicine, and to pass an examination thereon, and must be prepared to answer questions on the other subjects of his curriculum in so far as they are related to the subject of his essay. Candidates for any of the above degrees must give at least twenty-eight days’ notice to the Registrar of the College. The Degree of Doctor of Medicine, for Medical Practitioners of fifteen years standing, without resideraee.-There is a special Examination, under the following regulations :— 1. That the candidate shall be registered by the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom. 2. That the candidate shall have been in the active practice of his profession for fifteen years as a qualified practitioner. 3. That the candidate shall not be under forty years of age. 4. That the candidate shall produce a certificate of moral character from three registered members of the medical profession. 5. That if the candidate shall not have passed, previous to his Professional Examination (in virtue of which he has been placed on the Register), an examination in Arts, he shall be required to pass an examination in Classics and Mathematics. 6. That if the candidate shall have passed, previous to his Professional Examination (in virtue of which he has been placed on the Register), a preliminary examination, he shall be required to translate into English passages of certain named Latin authors. 7. That the candidate shall pass an examination in the following subjects : a, Principles and Practice of Medicine, including Psychological Medicine, and Hygiene ; b, Principles and Practice of Surgery; c, Midwifery and Diseases peculiar to Women and Children; d, Pathology, Medical and Surgical; e, Anatomy, Medical and Surgical; f, Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology ; g, Therapeutics. 8. That the fee shall be 50 guineas. 9. That if the candidate shall fail to satisfy the examiners, the sum of 20 guineas shall be retained; but that, if he shall again offer himself for the examination, the sum of 40 guineas only shall then be required. Examinations in accordance with the above regulations will commence on Dec. 4th, 1882, and June 18th, 1883, in the College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Gentlemen intending to offer themselves as candidates are requested to forward their names to Dr. Luke Armstrong, registrar of the University of Durham College of Medicine, Newcastleon-Tyne, on or before Nov. 1st, 1882, or May lst, 1883,

and the Elements of Mechanics; and the prof of students in these branches is ascertained by examination prior to the commencement of their medical study. 2. No candidate is admitted to a professional examination who has not passed a satisfactory examination on as two of the following subjects (in addition to the subjec I mentioned above) :-Greek, French, German, Higher Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Logic, Moral Philosophy; the examination on these latter subjects also takes before the candidate has entered on his medical curriculum 3. A degree in Arts (not being an honorary degree in one of the universities of England, Scotland, or Ireland < in any foreign or colonial university specially recognised Court, exempts from off this purpose by the University preliminary examination; and an examination in Arts any corporate body, whose examination has been recognise as qualifying for entrance on medical study by resolution of the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom vided the said examination by the said corporate body shall also be approved by the University Court, shall exempt tanto from preliminary examination in Arts, on the subj comprised in the examination of the said corporate body. 4. No one is admitted to the degree of Bachelor oCcine or Master in Surgery who has not been engaged, us. medical and surgical study for four years—the medical session of each year, or annus medicu8, being constituted by at least two courses of not less than one hundred Lectures each, or by one such course and two courses of not less: fifty lectures each ; with the exception of the clinical in which lectures are to be given at least twice during the prescribed periods. 5. Every candidate for the degrees of M.B. and must give sufficient evidence by certificates-(a) Til.a;);; has studied each of the following departments ofmedical science-namely, Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica Institutes of Medicine or Physiology, Practice of Med Surgery, Midwifery and the Diseases peculiar to Wo and Children, and General Pathology, each during including not le33 than one hundred lectures; Anatomy, a cou se of theame duration as those of than one hundred lectures; Practical Chemistry, months; Practical Midwifery, three months at a mid hospital, or a certificate of attendance on six cases from a registered medical practitioner; Clinical Medicine, Cl
