University of Michigan
Oren A. Oliver 1-t is with regret that the JOIXSAL aunounc~:s the death of Orcu .L Oliver Tc~nncssec. Dr. Oliver, one of the w...
Oren A. Oliver 1-t is with regret that the JOIXSAL aunounc~:s the death of Orcu .L Oliver Tc~nncssec. Dr. Oliver, one of the wry active dentists in the Vnitcd Statq dial 1965, at, tllc age of 77. A complete obituarg will bc published al a later datcl.
of .Sashvill(~, on IIarch 6,
Dental health film narrated by Dr. Speck l)r. Benjamin Speck, noted author and pediatrician, narrates a new film wtitlrtl “For ( ‘llildren, Because We Care, ” just released by the Public. Health Service, Division of 1)cntal Public Health and Itesourees, Washington, D. C. The first showing of the film was made at the Cleveland Health Museum on Feb. 12, 1965, at a ceremony in which Dr. Hpoek was POIIImended by Assistant Surgeon General Donald J. Galagan, D.D.S., for his continued and invaluable efforts in advancing the dental health of children. The 13.minute color production is based on a collection of photographs taken in Cleveland and Washington. It was planned for release on the occasion of the tmcntieth auniwrsar) of the fluoridation of community water supplies in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The film tlisfusses the pffect~iveness and safrty of fluoridation in the prevention of dental carir,s among c~tliltlrt~n. “For Children, Because We Carp” is available to community groups intrrrstrd in fuoridation facts. Prints may be obtained free of charge for television or group showings through local and state health departments. ‘Were tlley are-just thrw key points to wmembc~l ils the film ends, Dr. Spoek says: about fluoridation. It has never been knows to him anyone, old or young, ill or well. rf; and it costs about a dime a year a person. .I hope you prevents t1T-o out of three cavities, fluoridate. I know you’ll be glad you did.”