437 for dressers; the H. M. Clarke Scholarship, value ENGLISH MEDICAL CORPORATIONS B15, for proficiency in surgery ; the Sanders Scholar222 for the va...

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437 for dressers; the H. M. Clarke Scholarship, value ENGLISH MEDICAL CORPORATIONS B15, for proficiency in surgery ; the Sanders Scholar222 for the value GRANTING DIPLOMAS. general 10s., proficiency; ship, Barrett-Roué Scholarship for proficiency in diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat, value ;S14 ; Lady Haberfield Scholarship, value about 25 guineas; EXAMINING BOARD IN ENGLAND BY THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF Phyllis Siepman Prize, for proficiency in Diseases of LONDON AND THE ROYAL COLLEGE 225. value Children, OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. Bristol City Senior Scholarships and those offered Under this heading by the counties of Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wilts, give the regulations for the and Devon, are tenable in the University. Some of examinations enjoined by the Conjoint Examining the Fellowships awarded by the Colston Research Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London Society for research in the University are allotted to and Surgeons of England and of the Society of the Faculty of Medicine. Apothecaries upon students desiring their respective diplomas of qualification. We do not give any list Post-graduate Study.-Qualified medical practi- of schools recognised by these bodies as eligible to tioners may be appointed as clinical assistants for a students for their examinations beyond prepare one or of more as months. act period They may assistants, if times permit, in more than one depart- mentioning that all the schools which we have already ment and in any of the hospitals during their period described (under the heading of the Universities to of study. They will be entitled to the use of the which they are attached) are recognised as suitable clinical laboratories and medical library, and have the places of instruction by the corporations granting right to attend in all departments, including opera- medical diplomas. The courses of study at the tions, post-graduate and ordinary clinical demonstra- principal colonial medical schools are also recognised as tions, and post-mortem examinations. Demonstration qualifying for the examinations of these corporations. Students are required to pass a Pre-Medical Examicourses with weekly lectures are held during May, nation in Chemistry and Physics conducted by the and and for All June, July. inquiries applications admission should be addressed to the Director of Conjoint Examining Board before commencing the years curriculum of professional study or some Post-graduate Studies (Clinical Section), Pathological five examination recognised by the Board-namely, Department, University of Bristol, who can be seen other the examination in Chemistry and Physics for the on any day by appointment. in Medicine of any University recognised by Further information as to scholarships, curricula, degree the Board ; a Pre-Medical Examination conducted fees can obtained of the and be from the Dean Faculty by any of the Qualifying Bodies whose Degrees or of Medicine or the Registrar of the University. Diplomas are registrable on the Medical Register; the Higher School Certificates of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and the Oxford and CamUNIVERSITY OF WALES. bridge Schools Examination Board; the Higher This University has, inter alia, the privilege of Certificates of London, Bristol, Durham Universities, granting Degrees in Medicine, and Diplomas in Public the Joint Matriculation Board of the Northern Health and Tuberculous Diseases. Preliminary Universities, and the Central Welsh Board Higher courses of study for the Degrees in Medicine may be Certificate. A candidate must enter for Chemistry pursued at any of the constituent Colleges of the and Physics together, and he will not be allowed to University-viz., at Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff, or pass in one without obtaining at the same time at Swansea. The Welsh National School of Medicine least half the number of marks required to pass in is situated in Cardiff and is an integral part of the other subject. He will be admitted to the the University College of South Wales and examination on producing evidence of having passed Monmouthshire there. the required Preliminary Examination in General Education and of having received instruction during University College of South Wales and 1llonmouth- 180 hours in Chemistry and 120 hours in Physics to Welsh National School Medicine.of shire, Card-iff. the satisfaction of his teachers. These courses may This School is staffed on the Unit System, and its the required be commenced or attended before Courses of Instruction are open to both men and Examination Education is in General Preliminary can women students. Students complete the whole passed. The examination is partly written, partly of their curriculum in the School. The courses of in instruction qualify for the degrees in Medicine and oral, and partly practical. A candidate rejected one or both subjects of the examination will not be Surgery of the University of Wales, and for the admitted to re-examination until after the lapse of Degrees and Diplomas of other examining bodies. a period of not less than three months, and he must Hospital instruction is given at the Cardiff Royal produce evidence of further instruction in the subject Infirmary, at the City Lodge Hospital, and at other or subjects of failure. The fee for the examination recognised institutions. The attention of students is 23 3s., for re-examination in Chemistry 22 2s., and about to matriculate is drawn to the entrance scholarfor re-examination in Physics 21Is. ships offered for competition at the University College, There are two Professional examinations called Cardiff, many of which may be held by medical courses of students. Full particulars of the examinations for the First and Final Examinations. The be commenced for these examinations may study these, which are held in April of each year, may be obtained by application to the Registrar. Medical before the Pre-Medical examination in Chemistry and or some equivalent examination has practitioners wishing to prepare for the Diploma in been Physics passed, provided that three terms of study Public Health or for the Tuberculous Diseases completed after the examination has been Diploma of the University of Wales can attend are passed. complete courses of instruction in the School. ProsThe subjects of the First Professional Examination pectuses can be obtained on application to the Dean Section I. (a) Anatomy, including Histology of the Faculty of Medicine, or to the Secretary, Welsh National School of Medicine, Newport-road, Cardiff. and Embryology. (b) Physiology, including BioSection II. Pharmacology, Practical chemistry. Clinical Instruction.-At the Cardiff-’Royal Infirmary Pharmacy, and Materia Medica. A candidate must (founded 1837, 450 beds) there are out-patient have attended at a recognised Medical School courses departments for Dermatology, Diseases of Children, of instruction in Anatomy, including Embryology, and Dental Cases, and a Maternity Hospital. during five terms, during which he must have disSwansea General and Eye Hospital (316 beds). sected the whole body, courses of instruction in Departments : Pathological Laboratory; Venereal Physiology, including General Biology, Biochemistry Diseases Department; Ophthalmic ; Ear, Nose and and Biophysics during five terms, courses of instrucThroat; Women; X Ray and Massage. Convalescent tion in Pharmacology, Practical Pharmacy, and Materia Medica. A candidate may present himself Home, 26 beds.

