Upon reflection

Upon reflection

SOFIWARE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE The article, “Seeing What’s Underneath - With X-Ray Fluorescence” focuses on the increasingly important role of PC-base...

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The article, “Seeing What’s Underneath - With X-Ray Fluorescence” focuses on the increasingly important role of PC-based software. This is “the new frontier” in testing, measurement, and control. Software-based tools cover a growing range of functions, but they all share a common methodology. Once a physical characteristic, such as a paint color, pH value, coating thickness, or X-ray fluorescent spectra is measured and converted to a digital value, then the entire arsenal of digital processing technology can be applied to this digital information. Digital information can be stored, transmitted, archived, displayed, analyzed, and manipulated in an endless variety of ways. Within seconds, vast amounts of information can be analyzed for patterns that no human could discover in a lifetime of manual calculations. Three trends are converging to drive progress in this field. First is increasing power and plummeting costs of desktop computing power. Secondly, the end of the cold war and the rise of the internet have fostered an unprecedented level of global information sharing that is producing huge leaps in the theoretical mathematics that are the foundation for all computer simulation. Finally, our understanding of how matter operates at the atomic and subatomic basis is growing exponentially. Just compare your child’s high-school chemistry textbook with your own college textbook to really see how much we’ve learned in just a few years. These trends combine to enable us to run amazingly sophisticated programs on affordable desktop computers that accurately model the physical and chemical processes. The atomic properties of metals can be accurately modeled in software. Their behavior during the plating process can be simulated and used to predict what changes need to be made to keep the plating process operating most efficiently, The same techniques can be applied to a wide range of other metal finishing tasks. For a fascinating glimpse at the simulation of real-world spray-painting conditions, see the article, “Virtual Reality Painter Training Becomes Real” written by John Heckman and Ron Joseph in our May issue. Metal Finishing believes we have only begun to scratch the surface of these exciting new capabilities and we are committed to keeping you abreast of this exciting .

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