Vaccine for immunization against Lyme borreliosis comprising cultured inactivated Borrelia burgdorferi spirochaetes dispersed in a liquid vehicle

Vaccine for immunization against Lyme borreliosis comprising cultured inactivated Borrelia burgdorferi spirochaetes dispersed in a liquid vehicle

Patent Report the toxin Is Clostndmm dtfficde toxin A The support is agarose, polyacrylanude, polyvmyl alcohol, EVA, ethyl cellulose acetate, rmcrocry...

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Patent Report the toxin Is Clostndmm dtfficde toxin A The support is agarose, polyacrylanude, polyvmyl alcohol, EVA, ethyl cellulose acetate, rmcrocrystalhne cellulose or a home- or copolymer of (meth)acrylate esters, especially agarose m bead form, e g Affi-Gei 10 The antigen is chermcally linked to the water-insoluble support 054-88

Vaccine for immunization against Lyme borcefiosis comprising cultured inactivated BorreUa burgdorfen spirochaetes dispersed in a liquid vehicle Umv Mmnesota US 4721 617, 26 January 1988 A new vacone compnses mactavated Borreha burgdorfen spirochaetes (BBS) chspersed m a hqmd vehicle and present m an amount effective to lmmumze a susceptible mammal against Lyme borrehosls Preferably the BBS are obtained by cultunng lmmunogemc BBS, separating the splrochaetes from the culture medium by centnfugataon and lyopinhzmg the separated splrochaetes The lmmunogemc BBS are preferably denved from the spleens of hamsters infected with BBS derived from human spinal fired The vaccane is used to lmmumze lugh-nsk individuals and susceplable domestic animals agmnst Lyme borrehosls The effioency of vaccines based on BBS may be mcreased by using lmmunogemc fractaons In an example, splrochaetes from a human spinal fluid isolate were cultured m a modified Barbour-StoennerKelly medmm at 3&C in mr The mochfied me&urn was prepared by addlUon of 0 15% agarose The sptrochaetes were harvested by centnfugataon, resnspended in &stalled water and lyopinhzed 055--88

Membrane-associated proteins from nematodes: Haemonchus contortus H I l O D protein doublet isolation for use in vaccine E A Munn World 8800 835, 11 February 1988 The protein doublet H l l O D and its mdlvtdual components are claimed Also clatmed is a method for preparing a membrane-associated protein winch comprises homogenizing nematodes in a hqmd medium, centrifuging the resulting homogenate to separate suspended cell debris, extracting the separated cell debns with a solution of non-lomc detergent to solubdlze membrane protein matenal, separating the extracted cell debns from a first supernatant hqnor, subjectmg the supernatant to ultracentnfugation, recovenng a second supernatant hquor contalmng membrane-assocmted proteins, and separating protein(s) hawng an apparent mol wt (by SDS-PAGE) of 110 kDa by a chromatography method When the nematodes used are Haemonchus contorms the protein doublet H l l O D is isolated The proteins are used m the preparation of a vacone agmnst nematode refection Such vaccines are useful in the treatment of haemonchosis, ostertagiasts and other nematode-mechated diseases m humans The vacone may contain H l l O D alone or m comblnaUon wath contortln 056--88

New recombinant vaccine vector containing sequences expressing antigen and lymphokine: coexpression for improved immune response in immunosuppressed patient CSIRO, Aust Natl Umv World 8800 971, 11 February 1988 m new recombinant vaccine comprises a vector which includes (1) a nucleoUde sequence (NS1) encoding at least part of an antlgemc polypepude and a second sequence (NS2) encochng at least part of a lymphokme winch increases the immune response to the antigen The vector is a pox, herpes, adeno, or espeoally a vacoma wrus, and NS2 encodes mterleulan 1, 2, 3 or 4 or T-interferon NS-1 can be part of the host vector or a sequence foreign to the host The vacone is useful m lmmunodefioent or lmmunosuppressed humans and ammals (e g HIV virus infected patients) for giving improved response to co-expressed antigen Co-expression ensures that


Vaccine, Vol 6, October 1988

both components are produced by the same infected cells m a very localized area Side effects are avoided In a typical preparation, the lnterleul~n-2 sequence of commeroaUy available plasmld pCD-JL-3 was inserted into H m c l I I chgested pBC B07 (containing the 7 5 K Vaccmta promoter) The recombinant was cut with EcoRI and the resulting fragment inserted mto pFB-X (contmmng the herpes simplex thymldlne-kinase sequence) The product plasmld, pFB-X/ H U IL-2 was used to transform 143B cells 057-88

Vaccine for protecting poultry from colibaciliosis infections containing pre-inactivated and uitrasonicated Escherwhm coh cells Shtonogt Eur 256 792, 24 February 1988 A vaccine useful for the protecuon of poultry from cohbacdlosls mfect~ons comprises as actwe mgre&ent pre-lnactwated and ultrasomcated Eschertchta cob cells The vaccine is inoculated into poultry through the cloaca Pathogenic E cob cells are isolated from orgamsms (e g aar sacs) or droppings of poultry suffenng from cohbacallosls and grown m a culture medmm The cell culture is treated with an mactwatmg agent such as formahn or by any other mactwatmg method e g lyophdlzatlon and heat treatment The mactwated cell culture ~s then subjected to an ultrasonic chsruptaon treatment The vacone is used for the treatment and prophylaras of cohbacallosls mfectaons The prophylactic acUvaty of inactivated E cob cells is slgmficantly increased after ultrasomc &srupuon The vaccine shows less tOXlCaty when adrmmstered through the cloaca 058-88

Synthetic peptides of human papilloma vwus corresponding to an amiqo acid sequence region having at least one reverse turn and predicted hydrnphilicity Leland-Stanford-Jr Umv Eur 257 754, 2 March 1988 A process for prepanng a pepude having an anugemc region associated with human papilloma virus (HPV) infection comprises (a) subjecting the deduced armno aod sequence encoded by an open reading frame of a subject HPV virus D N A to analysis to deterrmne regions contaanmg both reverse turns and pre&cted regions of hydropinhclty, and (b) synthesizing a pepUde of at least eight anuno acid residues corresponding to a region contalmng at least one reverse turn and predicted hydrophthoty Also claimed are 17 such peptides having specific amino acid sequences The peptides may be obtained by chenucal synthesis or recombinant D N A methodology The D N A coding sequence for the desired peptlde is hgated into an expression vector suitable for transforming a recipient cell The vector is transformed into a bacterial host and the transformants selected and cultured The peptldes may also be produced in nonbactenal recombinant hosts The pepudes are used to rinse vacones or to heighten the tmmune response to an HPV refection They may also be used to rinse antisera useful m diagnosis and passive ~mmunotherapy 059-88

New avlrulent SalmoneUa-Escherwhm cob hybrid stratus useful m live oral vaccine against enteric diseases including cholera Enterovax Res Eur 257 837, 2 March 1988 A n avlrulent strata of Salmonella including a fragment of D N A containing genes encoding the synthesis of at least part of the core region of an Escherwh~a coh strain and a DNA fragment encoding the synthesis of an O-antigen is new It is espeoally Salmonella typhlmunum LB 5010, LT2 rfaG and G30 or Salmonella typhl V487 The avlrulent stratus of Salmonella carry genes encoding the synthesis of at least a portion of the core region of an Eschenchza coh straan A n avirulent strain of Salmonella and an E coh strain (preferably