111 their vascular skins, and mucous membranes, and turgid and activeposition in persons who are exposed to the to the constantcontagion, before th...

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their vascular skins, and mucous

membranes, and

turgid and activeposition in persons who are exposed to the to the constantcontagion, before the symptoms are deve-


in an overpowering manner: that irritation to which these last surfaces examine the tongue; endeavour the total disshould almost dail3- exposed, by i we regard, both of parents and themselves, ofto correct depraved secretions; cleanse the the simplest dietetic precepts, particularly, surface with cold or tepid water, accordas most of their other ailments are ge- ing to the season of the year; prohibit all nerated by offences committed in theseirritating or indigestible food; regulate bowels by mild aperients; and thus i quarters, both as regards quantity and the quality of food ? In some few sporadicprepare the patient for what, otherwise, cases of the disease which I have wit-will often prove an overwhelming attack. I am, Sir, yours, nessed, it appeared to have been WILLIAM STOWE. sioned by a surfeit of the stomach. Noj one doubts the cause of another of the i Buckingham, April 10, 1834. exanthemata (urticaria) to be some de- i rangement of stomach depending on culiar food, such as muscles or other shellVASCULAR NÆVUS. fsh. If this be a true statement of the in circumstances as i children, predisposing well as in adults, it furnishes To the Editor of THE LANCET. reason for early attention and direction on the part of the medical man, to obviate SIR,—Will you be so good as to give the much as possible any aggravation of thele following short account of a case of vascusubsequent symptoms, by timely restraint lar nl-vus, treated in the most simple way, during the prevalence of the disorder.I. a-ad with perfect success, a place in your valuable periodical ? It appears to me to As my observations relate rather prevention than to cure, I do not enter be a less painful plan than the one sugparticularly into the treatment, but I will gested by Dr. M. Hall in THE LANCET of I remain, Sir, venture to say that the pouring of’ saline the 5th instant. Your obedient servant, materials every three or four hours over HiCKMA CHARLES HICKMA the inflamed throat, and into a stomach in a state bordering on gastritis, if not actuKentish Town, April 15,1834. ally within the limits of that condition, i must be very injurious practice ; and I doubt if patients would not have a better Case.-G. M., a child about two years chance of recovery if treated with leeches was brought to me with a vascular old, to the epigastrium, throat, and head, acnævus situated on the cheek, about half to with demulcents, an inch cording symptoms, below, and to the outer angle of, and ol. ricini, à fa Broussais, or -NBere left the eye’; it was rather bigger than a sixmuch but to the free judicious applivery cation within and without of the " febri- pence. 1 directed the mother, who was a dressfugum magnum,"—cold water. Whether maker, carefully to rub in every night, a is in the or admissible malignant bleeding liniment composed of one dram of the severe form of the disease is a much-distartarised antimony to one ounce of olire Even Dr. Clutterbuck, puted question. whom no one will accuse of timid practice, oil, and when pustules appeared, to poultice the partuntil it healed. She continued says,-" The utility of blood-letting is an unsettled point; it appears to me to be in this plan (alternately applying the linithe poultice) for the space of general unnecessary, while, if used, it can- ment and not be expected to put a stop to the dis- three or four months, at the end of which ease. Palliation is the great object of I, time nothing but a white sear, or cicatrix, was to be seen, which, in reality, did not practice." ’, When symptoms threatening the ap- I at all disfigure the child. The mother that previous to her application proach of collapse occur, there is no bet- thought ter mediciue than the subcarbonate of to me, the nsevus was getting larger. Of course this plan would not do for a nacvus ammonia; if dissolved in new milk, which is the best vehicle for it, it may be got situated on the eyelid or tongue. into the stomachs of children who would otherwise refuse it if given in water, and more effectual doses of it may be admiTHE JACKSONIAN PRIZF for 183:3, has nistered in this way than in any other with which I am acquainted. I conclude College of Surgeons in London, to JOHN by reiterating my suggestion, that when GREEN CROSSE, Esq., of Norwich, for the the disease is we should not best Essav " On the Formation, Constioverlook the slightest symptom of indisand Extraction of Urinary Calculi."





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