Colchicine 3 hours before exposure sensitized the lungs to irradiation. However, if injected immediately before or after exposure, a decrease in lung damage was observed at 150 days after irradiation. Dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate injected i.p. prior to lung irradiation increases the LD50/150 days and reduced collagen accumulation.
Tesler, R.Steckel, B. Christie, H. Snow, A. Kolin
Departments of Radiological Sciences, (Therapy and Diagnostic Divisions) and Veterinary Medicine, UCLA Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California 90024
?airs of dogs have been treated with single and fractionated doses of external radiation, with or without vasopressin infusion, and the clinical and pathological findings were analyzed. Reduction of gastro-intestinal damage was seen in the dogs who received vasopressin during the radiation. Hemodynamic studies using percutaneous catheters have been performed. comparing intravenous and intra-arterial vasoconstrictive agents. Comparable decreases in superior mesenteric artery flow have been seen with intravenous and intra-arterial infusions of vasopressin. Sets of inbred beagles have been irradiated with single fractions of external radiation, comparing the clinical and pathological findings .tndogs receiving vasopressin alone, intravenous saline and radiation, intravenous vasopressin and radiation, intra-arterial vasopressin and radiation, and no treatment. Protection of the gastro-intestinal tract has been seen in the dogs receiving either intravenous or intra-arterial vasopressin during radiation. Tumor-bearing dogs radiated while receiving intravenous vasopr.Jssin have had apparent reduction in gastro-intestinal morbidity while seeing no decrease in the tumorcidal effect of the radiation. Intravenous infusion offers the possibility of radio-protecticn of normal tissues during external radiation, and can be performed on outpatients with minimal morbidity.
Vasopressin 0.3 Units/Minute
Dose 0.08 Units/Minute
Treatment None
Vasopressin Only
1250 Rads + Intraarterial Vasopressin
1250 Rads + Intravenous Vasopressin
1250 Rads
Table 1.
Intestinal Damage By Histoloqic Criteria - Inbred Beagles. Multiple sections are taken from each animal, and each section is graded accordina to extent of damaqe. The sum of the scores of each section gives thg total score for the animal, given in the table. Increased damage is reflected in a higher score.
RADIATION RETINOPATHY: CLINICAL FINDINGS CORRELATED WITH A NEW ANIMAL MODEL William M. Wara, M.D., R. Neger, M.D., A.R. Irvine, M.D., E.L. Howes, Jr., M.D., W.F. Hoyt, M.D., W.F. Caveness, M.D., T.L. Phillips, M.D. Division of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisco, California.
Radiation retinopathy has been described after exposure of the retina to large radiation doses (,s5000 rads). Time, dose, and fractionation schemes and adequate details on ophthalmologic findings frequently have been omitted from these reports. It will describe a series of eight patients b!ho received doses of less than 5000 rads to the posterior retina, documenting their clinical and pathological findings, after development of radiation retinopathy and correlating these data with changes observed in monkey eyes following similarly fractionated irradiation to the eyes. The clinical findings in both our patients and the monkeys were similar to those found in other retinal vascular occlusive Onset of the lesion appears to diseases, most notably, diabetic retinopathy. be dose related with a latent period of six months to three years. Our data suggest that this entity must be considered at doses lower than previously thought hazardous in designing treatment portals which include the posterior retina.