Vibrational transfer functions for complex structures

Vibrational transfer functions for complex structures

tages over the numerical method in solution stability and speed and accuracy of computation. The program can deal with swelling, thermal and irradiati...

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tages over the numerical method in solution stability and speed and accuracy of computation. The program can deal with swelling, thermal and irradiation creep. The calculations that use a schematic fuel pin system are described. Jones, P. A. and Berry, R . L . 74.137 'Vibrational transfer functions for complex structures' NASA Tech. Brief Marshall Space Flight Centre (October 1972) Report MFS20744 A Fortran 4 program has been written to evaluate the effects of the vibrational multiple frequency forcing functions on equipment support areas and at points of applications of the forcing functions. The forcing functions may be single, multiple frequency, random, or complex periodic. The program can analyse any structure composed of up to 50 substructures with a m a x i m u m of 162 degrees of freedom in each substructure. The basic input to the program is the coupled structure modal properties. To use the response transfer function program, finite element and modal analysis programs must be available.

Lillehagen, F.M. 74.138 'An interactive computer graphics approach to the problem of nesting of plane parts on a raw steel format! (Master's thesis), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA (August 1973).

McKeon, P . A . 74.139 'The control of component quality' BriL Numer. Control Soc. Vol 4, No 4 (August 1973) pp 12 The paper discusses a machine accuracy capability study and the advantages of n.c.

machining. Within computer n.c. there is still a place for computer controlled inspection in providing automatic printout of errors and necessary corrections.

c.a.d, suite developed by the Control Systems Centre, UMIST, UK on the PDP-10 computer was used to determine the inverse Nyquist array of the given system.

Oguri, K. and Ebizuka, Y. 74.140 'Hybrid simulation of nuclear reactor plant' Bull. Tokyo Inst. Technol. No 109 (March 1972) pp 41--56

Techniques and others

Trivisonno, R . J . 74.141 'Fortran 4 computer program for calculating critical speeds of rotating shafts'. National Aeronautics and Space Admin., Washington DC, USA (August 1973) 54 pp The program can handle shafts that may include bearings, couplings extra masses and discs for the gyroscopic effect. Shear deflection is also accounted for and provision is made in the program for handling sections of the shaft that are tapered. The program uses continuous integration of the differential equations of beam flexure across different shaft sections. A plotter is used to produce a drawing of the shaft with superimposed deflection curves at the critical speeds. Winterborne, D. E., Munro, N. and 74.142 Lourtie, P. M. G. 'A preliminary study of the design of a controller for an automotive gas turbine' Amer. Soc, Mech. Eng. (J. Eng. f o r Power), Vol 195, No A3 (July 1973) pp 2 4 4 - 2 5 0 The use of a computer model enables the controller to be designed at the same time as the engine to reduce development time and also allow interaction of the design requirement. A locally linearized transfer function matrix model is evaluated for the gas turbine at some operating conditions and the controller is designed using these values. The

Cooley, M. J . E . 74.143 'Dialectics of the man/machine interaction' Bull. o f Comput. A i d e d Arcbit. Des., No 12 (July 1973) The author challenges the idea that the computer and associated equipment cannot affect the designer's intellectual activity and that only the drudgery and hack work of design will be undertaken by the computer. He also believes that there are objective economic laws which in our profit-oriented society inevitably result in further subordination of the worker (designer) to the machine (computer).

Fazarinc, Zv. 74.144 'Designer-oriented c.a.d.' IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, Vol CT-20, No 5 (November 1973) pp 6 7 3 - 6 8 2 A description is given of the philosophy and features of designer oriented c.a.d, from both the economics and technical standpoint. For efficient design a dedicated e.a.d. system is recommended using a minicomputer. Such a system based on a 16 k minicomputer is described.

Gehnovatch, V. G. and 74.145 Reitmeyer, R. A. 'Corrputer-aided design finding many applications at ECOM' A r m y Res. and Devel., Vol 15 (January/February 1974) pp 2 2 - 2 3

Conferences and Courses Date


15th-17th July

Conference: computer Conference Chairman, graphics and interacR L Shiffman. Computing tire techniques Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302, USA

23rd-26th July

European Conference on: Circuit theory and design

Conference Dept. lEE, Savoy Place, London, WC2R OBL.

5th lOth August

IFIP 1974

International Federation for Information Processing, SDF and SSI. Details from Mr I. Svensson, Svenska Dagbladet, S-108 17, Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Consists of three conferences: the congress, Medinfo and an exhibition. Congress 74 includes papers with scientific and technical applications.

12th 16th August

Workshop meeting on c.a.d, for digital systems and computers using directed graphs and other methods

CAD Workshop, Secretariat Heriot-Watt University, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept, Mountbatten Building, Grassmarket, Edinburgh

Edinburgh, UK

Workshop will be divided into sessions and visits. Limited attendance

Volume 6 Number 3 July 1974



Other details


University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

Applications of modern theoretical developments to engineering design. All aspects of the analysis, synthesis and design of lumped-element, distributed and digital networks are to be considered