We must be grateful that our island is not infested with poisonous animals. Perhaps they too cannot stand the climate. Viewpo...
We must be grateful that our island is not infested with poisonous animals. Perhaps they too cannot stand the climate. Viewpoints on the Study of Drug Toxicity. Vol. lI. Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Drug Toxicity held in Leyden, Holland on 28 and 29 June, 1963. Excerpta Medica Foundation, International Congress Series No. 73, Amsterdam, 1963. pp. 94. 42s. This publication is devoted to the papers presented at the Leyden meeting and to much of the discussion that took place both of which have already been covered in our detailed account of the proceedings of this meeting which was published in Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. (1963, 2, 31). As the foreword to this invaluable publication points out the interim reports of the first three Study or Working Groups--formed under Article 2 of the Statutes of the Society-which were also presented at the meeting are not included but will be published at a later dat~ when more information has been assembled. These four Working Groups are concerned either with (l) duration of chronic toxicity tests or (2) methods for testing drugs for their action on the foetus or (3) importance of the strain and species of animals used in toxicity tests or (4) methods for testing drugs for their action on the blood and blood-forming organs.
It is hoped to publish the following papers in the next issue of Food and Cosmetics Toxicology: Effet "Pseudo-Vitaminique" du Jaune Soleil sur la Croissance du Rat. Par Ph. Manchon et R. Lowy. The metabolism and excretion of tartrazine in the rat, rabbit and man. By R. Jones, A. J. Ryan and S. E. Wright.