A. Abad-Lacruz, A, Gil’, 1. A. Gassull. Department BarceZana,
Hoffmann-La Plasma
M. E&eve, E. CabrB, R, Refer*, X. Xiol, i;. Brubacher-: of Gastroenterology, Hospital de Bellvitge, L'Haspitalet, lResearch Department UNUMIASA, Granada, Spai.n. <
water-soluble vitamins, Vit,A, B, B-carotene and the tocopherol ratio were measured in 89 healthy subjects (36 men, 53 women, mean age 3412 yrs) and in 15 patients (3 men, I1 women, man age 3RzIz5yrs.) with ileal or ileocecal CD. Eight patients (Group A) were studied at admission in hospital, and 7 as out-patients
The mean values of the vitamins measured in both groups and in controls are shown in the Table. The percentage of cases at risk (below tha P15 of their matched controls) was higher than 40x for Vlt.A and Biotin in group A and for Vita. B,, C, Folate arid @-carotene in both groups. Plasma levels of water-soluble vitamins and p-carotene are severely deranged in CD. This should be taken into account in the nutritional mnagement of these patients. Vitamin
T/6 ratio
t XfSE#) IEGR#J @g&f ~~~O~/~~ !jlQ/h) trig/l) (rgltl fiag/@ _~_~“__~_______~~_~~_l_______r_^_____~~~~~~”~~~~_~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“~ Controls fn=8Y) 259,ttl8,8 E,ltO,l 808,4k16,2 667(5f27‘0 6,&i0,3 317,7i16,2 8,750,3 &up A (n=8) 145,6t87,1* 7,9to,4* 900)Wd, 8 404,0*55,7” 4,221 ,O* 231.4t19,SB 2,6fQ,6’: GroupB [n=7) 117,8~24,5’ 7,4f0,7” 655,&31 ,f” 494,7t46,7 3.8t0.2’ 227,7f43,8 $,3fl,6” _^__________________-____*______^_r__________-___________*_________*__“_-*_*__-_-_____________*-_--______“~_
p-value VP Controls: u <0,05, 8 (O,Oi, Y (0.001; p-value vs c\: S <0,05 (Student-t-test for unpaired data) Vits. A, E, B1, and Bs;did not show differences between the groups,
TPN vs TEN IN TRE ~ANAG~~NT OF ACUTE ATTACKSOF I~LA~TD~~ B#WBL DISEASE (IBD), A PROSPECTIVE, ~AN~~I~~D STUDY, F.‘, A. Abad-Lacruz,I, E&eve, E. CabrB, X. Xiol, D, Acero“ A, Pita”, F. Fern&ndez-BafZares, KA. Bobfs3, i&A. Gassull. Departments of Ga~tr~en~erology and “Dietetics, Hospital de Ballvitge, L’Hospitalst, Unit and “Service crf Pharmacy, Hospital de Girona, Barcelona, Spain, ‘Gastroenterology Girona, Spain. Protein-energy ~lnutr~ti~n is a frequent finding fn IBD, and Artificial Nutritional I(ust of the studies reported are Support (ANS? is often required in these patients. retrospective and TPN was used in order to obtain bowel rest. Tbs aim of this study Is to prospectively assess the relative nutritional and clinical effectiveness of TPN and Tfil in patients with acute attacks of IBD. Twenty patients (11 men, Q women> with Ulcerative Colftfs Cn=lO> and Crohn’s Disease
to be at activity,
least as nutritionally effective suggests a role which strongly 70
as TPBT in IBD. Moreover, It in its primary treatment.