Weibull statistics for polyaxial stress states

Weibull statistics for polyaxial stress states

3A 18. EISAMNY,MK FLETCH~, EB Evaluation of elasticity of clay soils - by M.K. Elsanmy - published In Can.Geotech.J° VIO,No.4, 1973. Discussion of pa...

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18. EISAMNY,MK FLETCH~, EB Evaluation of elasticity of clay soils - by M.K. Elsanmy - published In Can.Geotech.J° VIO,No.4, 1973. Discussion of paper by E.B. Fletcher, and authors reply. IF,4R. CAN. GEOTECH. J .Vll,N3, AUG. 1974, P438- 440. The original paper is a mathematical evaluation of the elasticity of clay soils. Fletcher comaents on some of the equations in the original paper and queries their validity.

Texture,structure,composition and density See also abstracts:


19. BARON,LI Hardness coefficients of rocks° Textbook. NAUKA, ~DSCOW, 1972. In this book man~ years of research and observation by the author are sunmmrlzed and the question of estimating the engineering properties of rocks is exhaustively discussed. Five of the seven chapters deal with a careful analysis of methods of determining hardness coefficients on physical models and from data from field processes, 20.

HANSAG I, I A method of determining the degree of fissuration of rock. 5F,9T,19R. INT .J.ROCK MECH.MIN. SCI .VII,NIO,OCT. 197h, P379-388. 21. STATHAM, I UNIV .BRISTOL, GB The relationship of porosity and angle of repose to mixture proportions in assemblages of different sized materlals. Figs~Tabls,Refs. SEDIMENTOIOGY, V21, NI, 197~, P149-162. Rotating drum experiments on the repose angles of mixtures of glass spheres have shown that the angle of shear is strongly influenced by the proportions of the mixture° It was found that the angle of shear reached a peak value for the minimum porosity mixture, where the pore spaces between the large particles were Just filled with small material, which was attributed to increased dilatation on the shear plane during avalanching. The geomorphic significance of these observations, in terms of slope development, is discussed° Auth. 22. ASTM Evaluation of relative density and its role in geotechnical projects involving cohesionless soils° ASTM PUBLICATION STP 523,CODE N0.04-523000-38, 1973,504P. This volume includes thirty-one papers dealing with the determination of density considering the measurement of maxlnmm, minimum and in-situ density; correlat. ion between relative density and measured performance of properties and granular soils; and use of relative density in geotechnical projects. 23. SWANSON,HE MCMURDIE, HF MORE IS, MC Standard X-ray diffraction powder patterns .-70 substances are analysed, 52 represent experimental data and 18 are calculated. US. NAT. BUR. STAND .MDNOGRAPH. SECT. ll, N25,1974,134P.

the magnetic anisotropy of deformed rocks. 9F,22R. TECTONOPHYSICS, V24,NI-2,1974, PII5-131.

Fracture processes in rocks 25. DI~0U, SG THIRUMALAI,K Thermal expansion behaviour of intact and thermally fractured mine rocks. Figs,Refs. PROC. AM. INST. PHYS. NI7,1974, P60- 71 • A report is given of a study during which a method of predicting the damage induced b y temperature variations from the thermal dilation characteristics of fractured and intact mine rocks was formulated and tested. A dilatometer system capable of controlled heating and cooling rates w~s designed and used for the measurement.

26. GIARDIN, A~ UNIV .GEORGIA, ATHOS, USA A review of rock behaviour to shear over approximately 100 kbar of confining pressure and a speculative model for seismic disturbances. IIF,4T,27R. J .GEOPHYS .RES .V79,N8,1974, Pi183-1195. Recent high-pressure room-temperature torsional shear data on granodlorite, granite, quartz-biotite-plagioclase gneiss, and dunite are reviewed. A direct proportionality was observed during torsional tests between the magnitude of stress drop at failure and the volume of rock undergoing failure. Two mechanisms are proposed for shear displacement beyond the limit of simple frictional sliding and a previously proposed failure model is revised on the basis of new data on room-temperature strengths and observed microstructural changes, available data on strengths at high temperatures and pressures, t h e temperature profile within a cbwnmovIng crustal slab, and the spatial distribution of earthquakes within such a slab.

27. LAJJAI, EZ LAJTAI, VN FARRAR, NS The evolution of brittle fracture in rocks.-Also a discussion of the paper by E.Z. LaJtai and V.N. Lajtai, by N.S. Farrar, and a reply by the authors. 7F. J. GEO L. SO C. LOND. V130, N1,1974, P1-18. This paper concentrates on the process of fracture occuring under compressive loading. The problem is considered in two main sections: a microscopic view of fracture, and a preliminary view of brittle fracture in the nmcroscopic scale. A number of conclusions reached in this paper are based on experimental work using plaster of paris as a model material in the microscopic scale and as a natural material in the macroscopic scale.

28. AND~SON, TB QUEENS UNIV .BELFAST, GB The relationship between kink.bands and shear fractures in the experimental deformation of slate. 10F, 28R. J .GEOL. SOC .IOND .V130,N4,1974, P367-382. This paper describes a series of experiments on slate, at confining pressures up to 7.24 kb. The results establish distinct and separate failure criteria for kink-bands and shear fractures in the experimental material and also suggest that the authors of both the fixed.length segment and kink-plane migration hypotheses may be correct in that kink-band deformation develops differently at different confining pressures o Auth.

29. 24. OWENS, WH UN IV.BIRMINGHAM, GB Mathematical model studies on fracture affecting

BATDORF, SB Weibull statistics for polyaxial stress states.-Note.4R. J. AMER .CERAMIC SOC .V57,NI, 1974, P44-45.


The author briefly discusses his statistical theory for t h e fracture of isotroplc brittle materials, in which the flaws are assm, ed to be cracks and thus have the directional sensitivity of cracks to applied stresses. This theory permits a conversion from unisxial to polyaxial fracture statistics. 30. OIZSON, WA UNIV. ILLINO IS, URBANA, USA Microfracturing and faulting in a limestone° 4F, 18R. TECTONOPHYS ICS,V24, N3,1974, P277-285 • Microfractures and faults which have been observed in specimens of experimentally deformed limestone are described in detail. Data from standsrd triaxial compression tests on air-dried specimens of Crown Point Limestone are presented. Two distinct kinds of microfractures were found to be present: subsxial microfractures and microfaults. 31. HARTRANFT, RJ SIH,GC Three dimensional growth characteristics of a plane crack subjected to concentrated forces. 3F,

7R. TRANS. ASME. J. APPL. MECH .V41, S ~ E, N3, SEPT. 1974, P808-809. The stress intensity factors due to concentrated forces applied to the surfaces of a ha/f-plane crack are combIned with the straln-energy.density fracture criterion for the purpose of predicting the most likely direct. ion of crack propagation. 32. BROB~G, H A new criterion for brittle creep rupture. 2F,TR. TRANS. ASME .J .APPL .MECH .V41, SER E, N3, SEPT. 1974,

P8og-sn. A mathematical analysis leading to a new rupture criterion is presented. Rupture is shown to occur at finite stress and stra~m for both brittle and ductile behavl, ur.

36. HRMA, P CZ~CH.ACAD.SCI.AND CH~4.UNIV. PRAGUE SATAVA, V CZECH. ACAD. SCI.AND CHEM .UNIV .PRAGUE Model for strength of brittle porous materials.

6F, SR. J.kMEE. CERAMIC SOC .V57,N2,1974, P71-73 • Many porous bodies form by the growth and joining of individual solid particles into a network-like structure. Assuming that the distribution of particles in the porous body is random, the relation between strength and porosity was derived and compared with commonly used empirical relations. Auth. 37. LOH, kK HOLT,RT Directional variation in undrained shear strength and fabric of Winnipeg upper brown clay..Teehnical note. 9F,21R. CAN. G~0TECH .J .VI!, N3, AUG. 1974,P430-437. The undrained shear strength and the fabric of a lacustrine clay from Winnipeg, Manitoba, have been determined with respect to the orientation of the natural bedding plane. In undisturbed conditions the undrained shear strength and fabric were found to be anisotropic, yet the remoulded condition was isotropic. Observations of the failure plane were used to calculate the resolved shear stress on the failure plane. The variation of undrslned shear strength with orientation may be due either to the clay fabric, or to stratification, or these t~o factors may be interdependant.

Shear deformation characteristics 38. TAN,BK UNIV .MALAYA, KUALA LUMPUR MAL Deformation of particles developed around rigid and deformable nuclei. 5F, IT,17~. TECTOINOPHYS ICS, V24, N3,1974,P243-257.


Strength characteristics 33. BARON, LI KURBATOV, VM Estimating the resistance of plastic, soft, rocks to mechanical breakage. 2F, ~T, 5R. SOVIET MIN. SC I .V9,N3, MAY- JUNE, 1973, P279-283 • Eight rock types (weak limestones, friable sandstone, clay, shale and graphite) were tested in the laboratory and the following properties were determined: breaking poInt under uniaxial compression, relative breaking point under tension I static hardness, dynamic hardness, drilling resistance. These values were compared with the mean cutting force, which was calculated from experimental cutting tests.

34. HUCKA, V LAvAL UNIV. QUEBEC, CDN DAS, B LAVAL UNIV. QUEBEC, CDN Brittleness determination of rocks by different methods. 2F,4T,10R. INT .J.ROCK MECH.MIN.SC I .Vl!, NIO,OCT. 1974, P389-392 • 35. SHATOKHA, IE Change in coal and coke strength as a result of fluid sorption. In Russian. KHIM.TVERDO00 TOPLIVA, N3,MAY-JUNE, 1974,P68-72 •

REED, LJ NORTrHEASTERN STATE COLL.OKLA.USA TRYGGVASON, E UNIV. TULSA, oKI~. USA Preferred orientations of rigid particles in a viscous matrix deformed by pure shear and simple shear. I]Fj IT, 7R. TECTONOPHYSICS,V24, NI-2,1974, P85- 98. The behaviour of a group of rigid particles embedded in a viscous material which is strained by pure shear and simple shear is investigated by considering the behaviour of each of the Individual particles in the system using a computer program.

Time-dependent behaviour See also abstract: 32. 40. KINOSHITA, S Creep property of frzoen soil..In Japanese with English sun~nary. 3R.. LOW TE~P.SCI ..TEION KAGAKU-SE~ .A.PHYS.SCI .N31, 1973, P261-269. 41. NIKITIN,VN Single-channel seismic assembly for studying landslides and soll creep in the Zeravshau River Valley. -In Russian. 2R. VOPROSY INZHEN.G~0L. I GRUNTOVED.V3,1973, P357-363.