Welcoming comments and charge to the delegates

Welcoming comments and charge to the delegates

The Houston Conference on Specialty Education and Training in Clinical Neuropsychology 177 Wednesday September 3, 1997 WELCOMING COMMENTS AND CHARGE...

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The Houston Conference on Specialty Education and Training in Clinical Neuropsychology 177

Wednesday September 3, 1997


Dr. Hannay otllcially welcomed the delegates,recorders, and observers to the Houston Conferenceon SpecialtyEducation and Training in Clinical Neuropsychology.She then introducedthe other members of the planning committee:Linus Bieliauskas,Bruce A. Crosson,ThomasA. Hammeke,Kerry deS. Harnsher,and SandraKoffler.Dr. Hannaygave the followingchargeto the delegates: Thisconferencereflectsthefactthatwehavereacheda milestonein clinicalneuropsychology,recognition as a specialtybytheAmericanPsychological Association. In thehistoryof humankind, changeoreventhesuggestion ofchangeornewideasis oftenmetwithfearand opposition andthisconference is no different.Wehavean opportunity, inreviewingourpast standards foreducationandtraininginthefieldandinconsidering futurestandards toproduce a documentwhichwillnotonlyguideus throughthenextdecadeas theINS-Division 40 Guidelines havesoadmirablydonebutwilloutlineouraspirations forthefuture.I hopethat weareup to thetask.Thiseveningwelookbackat theeventsthathavebroughtus to this placein orderto providea contextforourdeliberations. WELCOMING COMMENTS BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON

Dr. Hannay introducedDr. Marco Mariotto,Chair of the Departmentof Psychologyat the Universityof Houston,who made a few commentson behalf of the departmentand the College of Social Sciences. Dr. Mariotto extended his appreciationto the sponsors and underwritersof the conference,the AmericanAcademy of ClinicalNeuropsychology,the AmericanBoard of ClinicalNeuropsychology,the Associationof Postdoctoralprogramsin ClinicalNeuropsychology,Division40 of the AmericanPsychologicalAssociation(APA), the Board of EducationalAffairs of APA, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, PsychologicalCorporation,and Swetsand Zeitlinger.He expressedhis specialappreciation to the majority underwriterof the conference,the Universityof Houston.The Provost’s Officeand, in particular,Dr. CharlotteTatewho is the ViceProvostfor AcademicPrograms and FacultyAffairs,as well as Dr. RichardRozelle,Dean of the Collegeof SocialSciences, and colleaguesand staff members in the Departmentof Psychologywere thanked. Dr. Mariottomade commentsaboutthe Departmentof Psychology’slong historyof supporting trainingin clinicalneuropsychology.He mentionedthat a freestandingdoctoralprogramin clinicalneuropsychologywas setup at the Universityof Houstonin 1973,one of the earliest of such programs. In 1993, the clinical neuropsychologyprogram was merged with the APA-approvedclinicalprogramand now is a formal,separatetrack in that program.There are five full-time clinical neuropsychologyfaculty in the departmentand more than 15 adjunctand part-timeclinicalneuropsychologyfacultywhose primary appointmentsare at theTexasMedicalCenterandotherfacilities.The stronglinkagesof theprogramto theTexas Medical Center and the general clinical communitywere mentioned.Dr. Mariotto then welcomed the delegates and also said that he would be attendingthe conference as an

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observerfor the Councilof GraduateDepartmentsof Psychology(COGDOP)sincehe has been involvedin educationat threeuniversitiesfor 25 years and has had an abidinginterest in the theme of the conference,the integrationof training. Dr. Hannay introducedDr. CharlotteTate, Vice Provost for Academic Programs and FacultyAffairs,who welcomedthe conferenceattendeeson behalfof the Provost.Dr. Tate mentionedthat she had perused the conferencematerials.Dr. Tate is from the Collegeof Pharmacy and noted that pharmacy is not as far advanced as clinical neuropsychology. Instead, pharmacy is trying to determinehow to educate doctors of pharmacy now that pharmacyhas developedsuchprograms.Dr.Tatesaidthatshewas struckby theconsiderable amountof work that we had set for ourselvesand the complexityof the questionsthat we wouldbe debatingin tryingto form a consensusconcerningthe trainingof clinicrdneuropsychologists.Shebelievedthat it wouldbe a daunting,challenging,and excitingexperience. Dr. CrossonintroducedDr. Meiersincehe had workedverycloselywith him in preparing the Division40 Petition(Meieret al., 1995)for specialtyrecognitionthat was acceptedby theAPA.FollowingDr.Meier’spresentation,Dr.Hannayintroducedthe graduatestudentsin clinicalneuropsychologyfromthe Universityof Houstonwho wereto serveas recordersfor each of the breakoutgroups,JenniferCass, RandiDorman,MelissaA. Friedman,Brian D. Hoyt, Melissa Wright, and Rosario Castillo. Ms. Manuela Kuffel, administratorin the Departmentof Psychologyat the Universityof Houston,was recognizedfor the invaluable help that she providedin makinglocal arrangementsfor the conference. Dr. Hannay expressedthe desire of ,theplanningcommittee to meet the delegatesthat they did not know duringthe receptionthat PsychologicalCorporationwas kindlysponsoring. She then introducedDr. WendyHuckeba,a ProjectDirector and a clinicalneuropsychologist,who was thereto representPsychologicalCorporationandwouldalsobe attending as an observer. Dr. Hannayintroducedthe clinicalneuropsychologistswho had agreedto serveas chairs of thebreakoutgroups:Dr.StanleyBerent,Dr.ThomasJ. Boll,Dr.EileenB. Fennell,Dr.Ann C. Marcotte,Dr. ByronP.Rourke,and Dr. Wilfredvan Gorp.The planningcommitteeasked to meetwiththe groupleadersat 9:00pm to answerany questionsthattheymighthaveabout theirresponsibilities.The takingof a grouppictureof the delegates,recorders,observers,and planningcommitteeprior to the receptionwas announced.