W E ST E R N D E N T A L C O L L E G E E Q U IP S D E N T A L M O TO R AM BULANCE. Under the direction of Doctors L. Hammil, Olathe, Kans.; J. A. Thompson, George Aiken, B. L . Worthley, M. W. Rice, Chas. Gillman, Perry F. Gilbreath, George Herrin, Emmit J. Craig, of Kan sas City, and Frank Webster, Carthage, Mo.; E. C. Glass, Independence, Kans.; T. W. Arnold, Butler, Mo.; G. C. Wallace, Shawnee, Okla., and the Board of Di rectors (Tanzey, Rinehart, Hillias, John ston, Lieut. Braniger) the Western Den tal College will organize and equip one or more DENTAL MOTOR AMBU LANCE UNITS, and present them to the Preparedness League of American Den tists, Kansas City Branch, to be turned over to the United States Government. This is the first college to take such a step and this Committee is in hopes that every Alumnus will avail himself of the very great privilege of making a generous donation to this fund. No greater opportunity presents itself than this one for our profession, and especially for our Alma Mater, to assist in relieving our brave and courageous brothers who are directly engaged in this terrible conflict. The profession that is favored as ours is, by being permitted to wait upon those who fight in the trenches, should re spond graciously and liberally. We are told that DENTAL AMBULANCE UNITS are doing great work for the sol diers and many are needed. One unit consists o f FOUR DEN TISTS, TWO ASSISTANTS, A MOTOR AMBULANCE and DENTAL EQUIP MENT for the four operators. The men chosen will be Western Den tal College graduates. Ten thousand dollars is desired for the work outlined by this committee. Funds left from the amount required for Ambulance Equipment will be used
for such work as assisting our gradu ates, if need be, who go to the front as Army Dental Surgeons, and the families of such members that might be in dis tress. Send $10.00 to $1000.00, or any amount you can, and it will be gratefully receiv ed. Those contributing will be publish ed in some periodical and an honor list made that will go down in history of the Western Dental College and on record with our Nation, and in fact the whole world. Increase your personal donation by reading this letter to your friends and patients and tack the enclosed card on your bracket table in front of your pa tients. They are interested and want to help. W e will notify you when the fund is closed and you will receive detailed statements of the money expended. Go to your newspapers and ask for a write-up, and if any liberal donations from grateful patients, or patriotic friends, come to you, ask for the privi lege of making it known. If desired, we will place the names of your friends who give under your name on the Honor Roll. The College and Committee have made a liberal start on this subscription. It is desired to have this money raised in ten days or two weeks so please send it in as soon as possible. It was the sense of this Committee that our Boys would respond enthusias tically to this much needed service. Folding operating chairs are wanted, —have you one to donate? Photographs of our Unit, when equipped, will be sent to all subscribers. Respectfully submitted by the Secre tary. R. J. RINEHART.