Gowrnmenr 0
Vol. 5. No. 3. pp. 357 - 359
Press Ltd 1978. Printed
in Great Britain.
WESTERN EUROPE AND OTHER COUNTRIES GLORIA WESTFALL Foreign Documents Librarian, Indiana University Library, Bloomington, IN 47401, U.S.A. and GAIL NICHOLS Foreign and International Documents Librarian, University of California Library, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. Unless otherwise indicated, the publications are in the language used in the title and are available directly from the issuing agency. If no price is listed, publications are free.
BOTSWANA 733. Report of the Census of !Webi-Pikwe. Central Statistics Office, 1976? 46 pp. + tables and appendices. $3.48. Available from Government Printer, P.O. Box 87, Gaberone. This census of the third largest town in Botswana was conducted in March and April of 1975 as part of a program to provide up-to-date information on population changes in urban areas of Botswana. It includes data on education, occupations and agricultural activities in addition to the usual demographic information. There is a full description of methods and tools employed. FRANCE 734. Project de loi de finances pour 1977; Document Annexe: Rapport d’exkcution du VW Plan. ffe partie, Les hdkateurs konomiques et sociaux. Imprimerie Nationale, 1976. 175 pp. 9.60 F. Available from Documentation Francaise. This volume is a good example of the wealth of economic and social statistics to be found in the annexes to the annual French budget bill. Indicators are grouped into five major categories: external economic relations; growth; employment; control of inflation; and French life. The last includes such topics as demographic growth, family income, overcrowding in housing, equality of access to education and ecological indicators. For each indicator, there are discussions and graphics
covering its nature and recent evolution, the references to it in Seventh Plan, and the statistical time series on which it is based. These indicators will be updated quarterly and annually in the INSEE periodical, Zndicateurs associt!s au VZF Plan, which began publication in 1977. 735. L.e Maroc, 1977. Ambassade de France, Morocco, 1977. 100 pp. Available from the Service d’brforrnation et de Presse, Ambassade de France, Rabat, Morocco. This handbook offers information on the administrative, judicial, religious and military organization of Morocco. It includes recent developments in foreign relations, technical assistance and the economy, with statistics in the latter two areas through 1975 or 1976. The descriptions of broadcasting and telecasting in Morocco and the directory of principal newspapers and journals are of special value. A lengthy bibliography offers a wealth of references on history and generalities, political questions, foreign policy, economic matters and social/legal affairs. 736. Nouvelles
ressources financihes pour (Etudes et documents no. 24). Minis&e de la Cooperation, 1976.79 pp. Describes the following institutions offering development aid to African countries: the African Development Bank and related institutions; organizations predominantly composed of members of the Franc Zone; multilateral institutions; and members of I’Afrique.
OPEC. Includes information on the origin of the institution, sources of funds, categories of beneficiaries, types of activities and conditions of loans. Includes detailed statistics on aid by members of OPEC.
737. Pratiques culture&s des Fran@s. Secretariat d’Etat a la Culture, 1974. 2 Vol., 120 F. Available from the Fondation pour le Dtveloppement Culture& 4 rue d’Aboukir, Paris, 75002. Volume I summarizes the results of a sample survey of the cultural practices of French men and women 15 years and over conducted in 1973, with volume II devoted to detailed tables of data. The survey covers a wide range of cultural activities, ranging from reading or watching television to participating in team sports or political demonstrations to attending concerts and theatrical performances. Of special interest are the sociodemographic data on those who participate in various cultural events.
738. R81e possible de la VaIlhe du !%nkgal dans les konomies de la Mauritanie et du S&gal (Etudes et documents no. 26). Minis&e de la Cooperation, 1976.41 pp. A study of the possible effects of Senegal VaIley development projects on the economies of Mauritania and Senegal by the O.M.V.S. (Organisation pour le Mise en Valeur de la Vall&e du Fleuve Senegal). In addition to a brief history of the O.M.V.S. and its projects and a description of the present state of the economy of both countries, it offers projections of the economic and demographic situations in both countries in the year 2000.
739. Tcbad; Don&s statistiques sur les activitks konomiques, cuhueUes et sociales. Ministere de la Cooperation, 1976. 179 pp. Since up-todate statistics on Chad are hard to come by, this compendium by the French Ministry of Cooperation covering education, health and cultural activities, as well as demographic and economic data, is especially welcome. Most tables include figures through 1975 or 1976, with time series back to the late 1960’s or early 70’s. Also included are brief summaries of the fust two development plans, a directory of government officials, and a map showing the administrative divisions of the country.
KENYA 740. Consumer Price Indices, Nairobi. Central Bureau of Statistics, 1977. 37 pp. $2.60. Available from Government Printer, P.O. Box 30128, Nairobi. Presents new cost of living indices based on the six-month period from January to June, 1975. Data shows consumer price index for three income groups (lower, middle, upper) for Nairobi, annually for 1971-75. and monthly from January 1976 through February, 1977. The commodities included, weights used in calculating the index, and the average monthly expenditure on various items are presented for each income group. Also includes an explanation of the methodology employed in calculating the new index and a description of the sample household expenditure survey conducted in Nairobi in August-December, 1974, on which the index is based. RHODESIA 741. Report of the Commission of fnquiry into Racial Discrimination, 1976. (Cmd R.R.61976). 116 pp. %R 1.OO.Available from Government Printer, P.O. Box 8062, Salisbury. A commission of twelve members was appointed on September 25, 1975 to investigate racial discrimination in Rhodesia. After hearing the evidence of 207 witnesses, the Commission presented its futdings and recommendations concerning discriminatory treatment to the President April 23, 1973. Among the areas covered were: land tenure, voting rights, education, employment, prisons, drinking hours, and the possession of firearms. The Commission also addressed the special problems of African women who had opted for civil rather than customary marriage and of the redress of grievances when the Declaration of Rights has been infringed. A list of witnesses is included; 2450 pages of evidence by them is available only in the National Archives. TANZANIA 742. 1973 National Demographic Survey of Tanzania. Bureau of Statistics, 1976? 4 Vol. 195.00 shs. Available from Government Publications Agency, P.O. Box 1801, Dar es Salaam. The Bureau of Statistics and the Bureau of Resource Assessment and Land Use Planning of the University of Dar es Salaam
Western Europe and other countries
have collected and analyzed data on fertility and mortality from a 2% sample of the population of mainland Tanzania in this survey. In addition to the general demographic characteristics of each household, detailed information on her own and her husband’s marital history, education, religion, occupation, etc. was collected from each woman aged 12 and over. Results are presented for the mainland as a whole and for regions in volume I; for so&d, economic and cultural groups in volume II; and for clusters (70 rural clusters and 22 towns) in volume III. The last volume discusses the methodology employed in the survey. UPPER VOLTA 743. Le Projet Haute-Volta-Unesco d’accis des
femmes et des jeunes fiies ri I’Cducation; phase exphimentale, 1967-76. Minis&e de 1’Education Nationale et de la Culture. 24 pp. Available from African Imprint Library Service at $2.50. This report summarizes the first nine years of a joint Unesco-Upper Volta project to give women access to education equal to that of men. Includes descriptions of the programs to improve work methods, hygiene, and skills in home and agricultural economics, as well as literacy. Contains a bibliography covering the project in general, the training of personnel, literacy and post-literacy programs, sociological investigations, seminars related to the project, and a 1974 evaluation of the project.