The Cheselden Medal is awarded in respect of a special exanon-resident medical officers; a medical and surgical registrar; all of whom are appointed by the weekly board of governors, mination in surgery and surgical anatomy. Clinical Mr. Newman Smith gives a prize of 5l. for the best essay on on the recommendation of the medical committee. " Neuralgia." clerks, and dressers, selected from the best qualified students. The Treasurer’s Gold Medal is given annually for general All the above offices are open to competition amongst the qualified perpetual pupils of the hospital, without extra fee. proficiency and good conduct to whichever student has passed Prizes will be offered in the classes of Clinical Medicine and through his pupilage in the most meritorious manner. The house-surgeons and resident accoucheur are chosen by Clinical Surgery to the students who shall furnish the best reports of twelvemedical or twelve surgical cases occurring in examination from gentlemen who have obtained their prothe wards of St. Mary’s Hospital between May 1st, 1857, and fessional diplomas; the former to hold office for six or twelve March 31st, 1858. months; the latter for three or six. All are provided with Practical Anatomy.-A prize will be awarded to the student rooms and commons. Two hospital registrars, at an annual salary of 80l. each, are who shall make the best anatomical preparation ; such prepaselected from gentlemen who have completed their studies in ration to become the property of the school. Mr. Spencer Smith offers a prize of the value of 10l. to the the school. These are appointed to hold office for one or two student who shall exhibit the greatest general proficiency. years, so that at least one new appointment may be made annually. Candidates for the registrarship must have been engaged at the hospital for at least three years and a half, and MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL. must have filled at least two of the higher prize offices. The hospital contains upwards of 300 beds,-of which 185 are for surgical and 120 for medical cases. The cancer estaUNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL. blishment receives 33 patients. Wards are especially approFrequent examinations are held in every class. ! priated to cases of uterine disease and of syphilis. The payments stated in the table for each class are made by 2268 in-patients were admitted during the past year. The ’, students nominated by proprietors: 5s. additional for every of to number out-patients during the same period amounted until this extra payment amounts to 4l. 10s., are paid 16,844. Out-patients are attended on four mornings in the pound, week by the assistant-physicians and assistant-surgeon. Those by those not nominated. A college fee of 10s. for one class, and ll. for two or more with uterine and infantile diseases are seen by the physicianclasses, is paid by each student every session; where, however, accoucheur on Wednesdays and Saturdays at twelve. In addition to ilie terms for attendance stated in the table- the course is of short duration, this fee is diminished. The matriculation fee of 2l, relieves the student, during the whole fee to apothecary, 11. Is.; fee to secretary, 5s. Clinical clerks and dressers are selected by the physicians course of his study, from the college fee. At the end of every session, the " Longridge" exhibition of and surgeons from the most deserving pupils, without addiis awarded as a prize for general proficiency. 401. tional fee. Pupils are eligible to become dressers to the inFellowes’ Clinical Medals, one gold and one silver, and furdoor patients after having practised dressing and bandaging in ther certificates of honour, will be awarded for the best reports the out-patient room and surgery. The honse-surgeons areelected half-yearly from the dressers; and observations on the medical cases in the hospital. The Liston Clinical gold medal, and further certificates of fee for twelvemonths, 211. They are provided with board honour, will be awarded for similar reports and observations and residence in the hospital free of expense. Cliitical Prizes. -Two, of the value of ten guineas each, will on the surgical cases. Competitors must be students of the be awarded at the annual distribution, to the students who college, and have complied with the regulations for competition. Analytical Chemistry.-The laboratory is open daily, from shall present the most approved reports of cases that have nine A.M. to four P.M., from the 1st of October until the end occurred in the hospital during the preceding twelve months. Lecturers’ Prize.-An annual prize, of the value of ten of July, with a short recess at Christmas and Easter. The the direction of the students by Henry guineas, will be presented by the lecturers to the most highly professorB.isA.aided inexclusive of the expense of materials, Watts, Fee, the distinguished pupil of year. A prize, of the value of three guineas, is also offered by O. twenty-five guineas: for three months, ten guineas; for a month, four guineas. Clayton, F,scl. , for proficiency in practical histology and pathology. single Instruction in practical pharmacy-fee, for three months, 3l. 3s. ; for six months, 5l. 5s. ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL, UNIVERSITY CoLLEGE HOSPITAL. -Every pupil pays, in adGray’s-inn-road. dition to the fees, 10s. apothecary’s, and 5s. office fees. The lectures at this hospital are suspended during the Physicians’ assistants, house-surgeons, midwifery assistants, completion of the various departments of the Medical School. physicians’ clerks, surgeons’ dressers, and ophthalmic surgeons’ Further particulars respecting them may be known from the assistants, are selected from pupils, being students of the house-surgeons of the hospital, Mr. W. Curran and Mr. Josiah college, and of unexceptionable moral character, without additional payments. The physicians’ assistants, obstetric assisSmith. tant, and house-surgeons, reside in the hospital, paying for their board. ST. THOMAS’S HOSPITAL. The professor of clinical medicine, Dr. Parkes, whose special on the first three of the is held Prizes, &c.-There days it is to train the pupils in the practical study of disease, duty session a matriculation examination in three divisions-viz.: a series of practical lessons and examinations on the gives phyin and ancient and In mathematics, classics, history; physics sical phenomena and diagnosis of disease to classes consisting natural history; in modern languages and modern history. of limited numbers, and meeting at separate hours. This inAttendance at these examinations is optional; but all matristruction is conducted in the wards. are or students at to in more liberty compete any one culating of them; and a prize of 20t. is given to the successful candiWESTMINSTER HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL date in each division. First- Year’s Students.-The Treasurer’s Prizes: A first prize The Westminster Hospital affords relief to about 2000 inof twenty guineas, and a second prize of ten guineas, are patients, and 20,000 out-patients annually. awarded at the end of the first year, in respect of general proPractical Midwifery. -When properly qualified, students will be supplied with cases from the Westminster Maternity ficiency in the studies of that year. Second- Year’s Students.-A first prize of twenty guineas Charity, (ohysioian, Dr. Frederic Bird; assistant-physician, (given by the president), and a second prize of ten guineas, Dr. William Ogle,) established for the delivery of lying-in are awarded at the end of the second year, in respect of general women at their own homes. In addition to the ophthalmic practice of the hospital, the proficiency in the studies of that year. Clinical clerks and dressers are selected according to merit students are permitted to attend the practice of the Royal from amongst the students of this period. Dressers are pro- Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, without additional fee. Practical instruction in pharmacy, with opportunities for vided with rooms and commons during their period of attendance in the hospital. dispensing, will be given by Mr. Newcomb. Three prizes of 51. each are given to the best clinical clerks Practical instruction in dental surgery three times a week. of the three physicians respectively. Clinical assistants, physicians’ clerks, and surgeons’ dressers, Third- ancl Fourth-Year’s Students’.-Three clinical assis- are selected from the most qualified students without additants are selected from amongst the past clinical clerks. Each tional fee. holds office for three months, and a prize of 157. is awarded to Prizes in clinical medicine, surgery, and midwifery, will be the two most meritorious of the year. awarded. _____________