Both n&coal atxi intematicoal g3xw3, espacial& the staxla& orgmizatims, rrw talk aba& reliability
in terms that are rmchbxadm in cmmtatim than before.
lnfluwce~a~arfac~,~t~new’~zulcads’havebeenminedto~~tisbalievedto be the answr in dealing with the nsw kind of ecaunic mvixnrmt w live in.
to have multiple organizatims staffed that deal with awry&y tasks of quality, reliability, a!xi lcgistic .¶qxxPt.
?heinpactthatcertaintrade~tshave~twiththanand~todo~iness, in obtr to satisrgr the custcnE?r. Theefforttobringtcgetbr
thevariars~thetareneededto~eacceptable~tsthat~~ticallyIs3~~ far their mtti
life cycle, is mking their way into evwyd3y life.
sin&J haKingtasks mlved seqwntially. m
RIt. this can not be acmrplished &
that is acceptable.
?his~~tweintheraliabFlityengineeringfieldwillmtsitattheendofthetablesalyma‘ewd~t mtil everythingis neatly in it8 place befare we sre sllcwed to antribute. willmwsittcgethePfkInstavttoend. m?nt’.
Sunetimesthis aplnoachhas been labled ‘integrated prxd!xt dewlql-
l%e ckfinitim cm be given as a systematicrgxcach to de&g of p3xxkt-aand their related prwxfws, All el6nmt.s will be cmsidwed fIun onceptim thrwgh disgceal,