Where have they gone?

Where have they gone?

EDITORIAL MOAL Finishing ,.~~ May 2000 Where Have They Gone? Volume 98/Number 5 Editor Michael Murphy [email protected] Auodetl Editor Patt...

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MOAL Finishing


May 2000

Where Have They Gone?

Volume 98/Number 5 Editor

Michael Murphy [email protected] Auodetl Editor

Patti Ann Frost [email protected] Orgl nlc COltl ngs Editor

Ron Jo seph [email protected]


he names are familiar-Allied-Kelite, Amchem, Binks, Canning, Gumm, Hansen, Harshaw, Herberts-O'Brien, M&T Chemical, Munning, Novamax, Parker, Pratt and Lambert, Sel-Rex, Van Winkle, etc. All were suppliers to the finishing industry. Some remain as tradenames but others are gone forever. What's become of them? The answer is simple-mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions have always been a part of the business scene, but merger mania has taken over. The newspapers are full of reports on the latest record buy-out. It's the Super Bowl of the business world. Who has enough equity to outspend everyone else? Finishing suppliers are not the only ones facing mergers and buyouts. The suppliers to the suppliers-manufacturers of basic chemicals and metals-are also the subject of mergers. Witness the consolidation in the copper industry and large acquisitions such as the purchase of Union Carbide by Dow, the merger of Mobil and Exxon, and the acquisition of Elf by Total Fina. Not all mergers, however, are among corporate giants. Small and medium-sized firms, such as plating job shops, are also part of the action. An example is Lombard Technologies, which joined together Alexandria Metal Finishers of Lorton, Va., All Metals Processing of Orange County, Calif., Gene's Plating Works of Los Angeles, Howard Plating Industries of Madison Heights, Mich., Mid-Atlantic Finishing of Capitol Heights, Md., and Whyco Technologies of Thomaston, Conn., to form a nationwide finishing company. Why merge? The reasons are several-increase market share, improve financial stability, diversification, improved productivity, etc. In smaller companies an owner may wish to retire, thus leading to an acquisition. The downside is that cuts in employment almost always follow a merger-50 to 80% attrition is not uncommon. In fact this is often the reason for the acquisition-to cut overall costs. Do mergers work? Mergers have been likened to marriages, some last a lifetime and others are "troubled."



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