W]dte ~rass.* By M. SOl,EL. A metallic alloy consisting of 10 parts of copper, 10 parts east ~ron, and 80 parts of zinc, may be turned, filed, and bored, does not adhere to the moulds in casting, and retains its lustre for a very long time ia moist air.--i~ol!/teehnie Centralblatt, 1859, p. 971. * F r o m t h e Lend. C h e m i c a l Ga z e t t e , N o . 411.
15.oeeedinus of the Stated Montld!t ~][eetinq, .December 15, 1859. John Agnew, Vice-President, in the chair. Isaac B. Garrigues, Recording Secretary. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Letters were read from the Royal Geographical Society, London~ and E. S. I'hilbrick, Esq., Cir. Eng., Boston, Mass. Donations to the Library were received from the Royal Geographical Society, and the Royal Astronomlcal Society, London ; L. A. HuguotLatour, Es% Montreal, Canada; the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C. ; the Boston and Worcester Railroad Co., Boston, Mass.; the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Co., Lynchburg, Virginia ; J. Smith Homans, Esq., and B. F. Isherwood, Esq., Eng. U. S. N., (~ity of New York ; the Fulton institute, Lancaster, 1)enna. ; A.B. Cooley~ Esq., the Hibernia Fire Engine Co., :No. 1., and Prof. J . F . Frazer~ Philadelphia. The Periodicals received in exchange for the Journal of the Institute, were laid on the table. The Treasurer's statcmcnt of the receipts and payments for the month of December, was read. The Board of Managers and Standing Committees reported their minutes. Thirty-seven resignations of membership in the Institute were read andt accepted. I . . . . ! C~n&dates for membership m the Institute (9) were proposed, and the candidates proposed at the last meeting (17) were d[tiy eieotecl. Nominations were made for Officers, Managers, and At~tltors of the Iustitute for the ensuing year. Resolved: That the polls for receiving the votes of the members at the Annual election for Officers, Managers, and Aud|tors for the ensuing year, to be held on the third Thursday of January next, be opened at 3½ o'clock P. M., and closed at 8 o'clock P. M. ; and that seven members be appointed by the President to receive the votes and report the results thereof. l' R. M,~rtin sent, through the Committee on Meetings, a sample of Hs patent m¢.~tallic steam packing. It consists of a ribbon of woven l~emp,rolled up into the form of a ring; whose inner diameter is some~vhat greater than the rod intended to be packed, and Whoso outer