966 Act may be, it cannot have been its intention to make each one of a number of medical men who may have seen an infectious case notify the same, su...

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966 Act may be, it cannot have been its intention to make each one of a number of medical men who may have seen an infectious case notify the same, such an obligation being neither in accordance with reason-Dr. Corfield admits that " he does not want more than one certificate of one case "nor with economy in the expenditure of rates The word " from the Act, commencing Every every’’ in the quotation medical practitioner " &c., may obviously be read as implying one of two things : (1) a provision that the Act shall not be frustrated by one man not notifying his infectious cases ; or (2) that every infectious case must be notified by each medical man who may see it even when two or three do so. The latter is certainly a strained interpretation and, with all due respect to Dr. Corfield, the authority that " every month sanctions payments to two or three medical men for certifying a single case " in my opinion by so doing opens the way to confusion in its returns and sanctions an unnecessary expenditure of public funds.-I am, Sirs, yours faithfully, G F. ELLIOTT, M.D. Oxon. &c. Hull, Oct. 15th, 1892.

WILLIAM HARVEY AT SUTTON PLACE. To the Editors of THE LANCET. SIRS,—The conjecture in your leading article of Sept. 24th, that the great William Harvey was sent for to Sutton Place, near Guildford, to attend a grandchild of the Countess of Arundel in 1619, is quite correct. I happen to have in the press a volume giving a history of the house, which has been for some time in the occupation of my family. When my father was making some alterations in 1875 a deed was found executed by Anne Countess of Arundel, April 13th, 1621. She was in occupation of the house during the absence abroad of the owner, Sir Richard Weston, who was a distant cousin of the Howards. Undoubtedly William Harvey stayed in the house, as did many other historical personages from time to time :-Henry VIII., Catherine of Aragon, Wolsey, Thomas Cromwell, Queen Elizabeth and her court, and many I am, Sirs, yours faithfully, others.


Westbourne-terrace, W., Oct. 14th, To the Editors




of THE

in your issue of



24th that the celebrated

Dr. Harvey is mentioned as having been called in from London to attend a child at Sutton Place near Guildford. Your article is very interesting, as I am now the owner of the property through my mother, who was a Weston. Perhaps you will be interested to hear that the history of this house is about to be published soon by Macmillan, with many I am, Sirs, yours truly, illustrations &c. F. H. SALVIN. Guildford, Oct. 12th, 1892.

NORTHERN COUNTIES NOTES. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.) The Food oj Seamen. AT a late meeting of the Tees Port Sanitary Authority the medical officer drew attention to the improper nature of the food served to seamen. In a case where he was present he saw that a crew was supplied with food consisting of "biscuits running alive and stinking meat. " It was agreed to bring the matter under the notice of the Local Government Board. Durham University Intelligence. the scholarships in arts, as the results of the late Amongst examinations issued on Saturday last, Mr. M. A. Archdall has gained the Medical Scholarship, value .glOO.

Relief Fund in zVe7veastZefo7- the Cholera in Hanib7irg. meeting has been held in the Mayor’s Chamber, Guildhall, for the purpose of raising a relief fund for the cholera sufferers at Hamburg. The meeting was very well attended A

have larger powers to control the men and their movements when they came into the river a few hours after leaving an infected port. It was the general opinion that the medical officer had discharged his duties well with his limited powers, but that it was impossible for him at present to trace hundreds of sailors after they had left their ships and were dispersed in various parts of the country, and at present they were in the position that if there was a probability of cholera being introduced they had to apply to an authority that knew very little about them. It was agreed, in view of the great importance of the subject, that a special meeting oj the Tyne Commissioners should be held shortly.

llmbulance TVork in the North. An important meeting connected with ambulance work a the Elswick Works was held last week. Some idea of the interest taken in the ambulance classes in these great factories may be formed from the fact that last session 230 students entered for instruction, the greater number of whom completed the full course of lectures and instruction under Mr. R. C. Clark Newton, of this city, who was highly com. plimented on the success of his teaching and work.

Sheffield Medico-Chirurgical Society. The opening meeting of the session took place on Oct. 13t!i, when Mr. Snell delivered the inaugural address. Having alluded to the establishment of the Shieffield Medical Journal, the President proceeded to consider some of the lessons. which he thought could be drawn from a glimpse at the life and work of the late Sir W. Bowman. It was, Mr. Snell said, Sir W. Bowman’s habit of exact observation that, placed him early in his career among the leading histologists of this century. Reference was made to his influence on ophthalmic surgery, which had been more the result of his oral teaching than of his writings. The distinct personality of the man, his dexterity as an operator, the charm of his manner were all alluded to, but the lecturer said that he was essentially an accurate and close observer, and it was on those characteristics that his enduring reputation rested. The method of Zadig as mentioned by Dr. Lauder Brunton was referred to, and from this Mr. Snell passed on to speak of an aspect in the work of our societies which he thought was worth following out-he meant the after-histories of cases. The time at which a case was recorded might or might not be the most interesting or most important. He believed the Ophthalmological Society was undertaking some such work. A study of the records of the Society had shown him that he had records of the after-histories of many of the cases he had at different times either related or shown before the Society. Some of these he proceeded to sketch. One was the case of a girl with recurrent third nerve paralysis associated with migraine. At the time this case was published (in 1884) only two other cases of the kind had, he believed, been published. He had followed up this case, and at the present time the attacks of migraine persisted and were still accompanied with ocular palsy. Allusion was also made to cases of Graves’ disease, to one of sarcoma of the eyeball, which had supervened after sclerotomy for glaucoma after a long interval, and whilst the interior of the eyebaB could be illuminated there had been no growth detected. Mr. Snell also gave further particulars of a series of cases of extra-genital syphilis, some of which had already been recorded. Remarks were made as to the lessons to be learnt from these cases. The possibility of ulcers in different parts being syphilitic chancres should be borne in mind. The cases mentioned had come under notice in the ordinary course in an ophthalmic practice ; the general surgeon had the opportunity of gaining a far larger experience from a much wider class. After referring to published statistics as to the frequency of non-venereal syphilis, Mr. Snell concluded an interesting address by saying that he hoped he had done something to show that the after-histories of cases were fraught with interest and value if founded on close and accurate

observal ion.

Medical Men



Dr. Page and Mr. H. W. Newton of Newcastle-on-Ty!2e have both been placed on the Commission of the and the sum of .S300 was subscribed in the room. While on the subject of cholera I may mention that the answer of the Peace for the county and city of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Local Government Board to the memorial of the Tyne Newcastle has always had in the ranks of the profession Port Sanitary Authority came up for consideration !men of public power and importance, and it is so still. at the last meeting of the Tyne Improvement Com- Mr. Newton has been mayor and may possibly be so again. mission and the answer, in short, refused to grant the There is a great public rôle for medical men, though it should Tyne Sanitary Authority increased quarantine powers in case be one well above the rough level of mere party strife. oi cholera. It was stated at the meeting that they ought to At a recent meeting of the rural sanitary authority at