263 tice administered towards his own appren. tices in excluding them? Surely as he perWINCHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL. forms even the slightest operation...

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tice administered towards his own appren. tices in excluding them? Surely as he perWINCHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL. forms even the slightest operation, dressing, &c., in the Hospital himself, it would be but fair and just to let them see every LANCET. To the Editor of The thing he does. Fortunately for the interest the of surgeons, though SiR,—As certificates of provincial lios- histhe pupils,in otherdotwo not imitate his exoffice, juniors the Lonare now received by pital practice on the contrary, their manners don College of Surgeons, (though at present ample, but, under impracticable limitations,) it has ap- and conduct towards the pupils are, genespeaking, totally different. Sir, if you peared to me proper that the medical world rally should know how unprofitably to the student can spare a niche in your LANCET to conthe surgical practice of this Hospital is con- tain this letter, you will not only make ducted by our senior surgeon, Mr. Mayo. Mr. Mayo stare, but it will also be of great This gentleman, whenever he comes to the service in exposing (though, I fear, not in these abuses, and will confer Hospital at the ordinary time, that is, be- correcting) tween’ten a. m. and one in the afternoon, an everlastingobligation on most frequently enters by the lower door of Your most obedient servant, the Institution, (intended for and used by .

in order to the patients, servants, &c.) escape the observation of the pupils, which

he could not do were he to enter by the front door. So great an aversion, apparently,’ nas he when goinground the Hospital to the company of the pupils, that he often runs from one ward to another, and shuts the door of the ward he has just entered in the faces of the youngmen following him, and this more particularly when he happens to have any interesting case

under his


October 24, 1827.



Square, St. James’s.


requires dressing.Very frequently is he to be seen at the Hospital before eight o’clock in the morn- CASE OF SLOUGHING SYPHILITIC BUBOES, ing, whereas no other surgeon, except on SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OF THE SOOTHING PEAN OF TREATMENT. emergencies, thinks of attending before ten. care


Some few weeks ago there was a patient in the house with ovarian dropsy, but who is now dead,, whom he successively tapped three or four different times, before eight o’clock, a.m., in the presence of one or two of his own pupils only. But his ill judgment in this respect is, I am sorry to say, for one surpassed by his unjust predilection or two individuals; as an instance of the latter the following may be cited:—Not many days ago he used Weiss’s speculum uteri on a patient in the venereal ward, who, from the ward she was in, was naturally supposed to have some venereal aflections ;the two other surgeons were, at his request, present, beside the house-surgeon, the junior hospital apprentice, and an apprentice of Mr. Wickham’s. The senior hospital apprentice went into the ward, expecting to see the instrument used, but was immediately ordered out by Mr. Mayo.— Now, without adverting in any manner to the right that he, and, in point of fact, both the hospital apprentices (who pay their prasmia in part to Mr. Mayo) have to witness the whole of his practice in the Hospital, was there not partiality shown in ordering the senior to leave the ward, when no ob. jection had been previously made by him to the presence of the junior and was jus-

received into the ago, for a syphilitic sore, situated on the prepuce, accompanied with two extensive, and very foul irregular cavities in the groins. The surface of each excavation, which extended to a great depth, was covered by a slough apparently of much thickness. Their edges were swollen, irregular and everted, and the surrounding integuments to a very considerable extent, were of a deep red colour, and highly painful. The sore on the prepuce was superficial and large, but had the appearance of the true Hunterian chancre. It yielded a small quantity of pus, and seemed to be healing. None of the inguinal glands in the neighbourhood of the ulcers were enlarged. From the inguinal sores he suffered constant and occasionally very acute pain. His general health wm; much affected. His pulse about 110, sllarp - he complained of headach, nausea and thirst. His skin was dry and hot, and he exhibited all the common symptoms of febrile derangement, in a very marked degree.=He stated, that nine weeks ago he be. came affected with a chancre in the situation of the present sore on the prepuce, in a week after, was followed by J.







