Further Information: ISALB'90, Danish Maritime Institute, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. Telephone: ( + 45) 45879325, Facsimile: ( + 45 ) 45979333, Telex: 37223 shilab dk.
WIND ENGINEERING SOCIETY INAUGURAL CONFERENCE Downing College and Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, September 2 8 - 3 0 , 1992 The Wind Engineering Society in the UK was formed in 1990, for research practice in all aspects of this subject, including structure of the wind, wind loading, structural response, wind environment, transportation, pollution, ventilation. There will be three special sessions with invited lectures on the following themes: Extreme wind loads and consequences of global climatic change, Wind effects on transportation, Wind-tunnel testing and applications for design: advances and controversms. Contributed papers are requested either for oral presentation or as posters (which will also be briefly presented in poster-discussion sessions). These may be on any aspect of wind engineering research and/or practice Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages and which may include figures) are required by 1 F e b r u a r y 1992. Both oral and poster papers will be considered for subsequent publication in a special issue of Journal of Wind Engineering
and Industrial Aerodynamics All correspondence should be addressed to the conference secretary: Dr. R.J. Holroyd Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd, 3d King's Parade, Cambridge CB2 1SJ, UK Tel. 0223-357773, Fax 0223-357492
Conference committee: Professor J.C.R. Hunt FRS (Chairman) Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Umversity of Cambridge Dr. C.J. Baker, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham Dr. R.H. Barnard, Division of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Hatfield Polytechnic Dr. R.J. Holroyd, Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd. Dr. R.P. Hoxey, Agricultural and Food Research Council Dr. L R Wootton F. Eng., W.S. Atkins Engineering Sciences Ltd