Workshop on data mining & multidimentional data analysis— methodologies, software and applications Naples, Italy: November 19, 1997

Workshop on data mining & multidimentional data analysis— methodologies, software and applications Naples, Italy: November 19, 1997

THE STATISTICAL SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER our fundamental understanding of life. However, the availability of an exponentially growing onslaught of relevan...

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our fundamental understanding of life. However, the availability of an exponentially growing onslaught of relevant data is only the first step toward understanding. There are many scientifically and economically significant opportunities (and challenges) for intelligent data analysis in exploiting this information. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the kinds of data available and the open problems in the field, describe a few successes, and speculate about the future. Dr. Lawrence Hunter is the director of the Machine Learning Project at the (U.S.) National Library of Medicine, and a Fellow of the Krasnow Institute of Advanced Study in Cognition at George Mason University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University in 1989. He edited the MIT Press book “Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology,” and was recently elected the founding president of the International Society for Computational Biology. His research contributions span the range from basic contributions to machine learning methodology to development of IDA technology for clinical and pharmaceutical industry applications.

Trevor Fenner, Department of Computer . Science, Birkbeck College, Malet Street; London WClE 7HX, UK. E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +44.17 1.63 1 6704, Fax: +44.17 1.63 1 6727URL: http://web.dcs.bbk. ac.ukida97.html m


Workshop on Data Mining & Multidimensional Data Analysis - methodologies, software and applications Naples, Italy: November 19,1997


scoring), to Marketing (sales estimates), to fraud detection (for insurance companies, credit cards and telephony), to production process control (for example analysing the defects in semiconductors, or in space-ships). The main aim of this meeting is to give a chance to discuss about MDA contribute to Data Mining. We particularly wait for people who, having to do with real problems, could suggest any new ad hoc methodologies. The workshop follows the “Neural Networks & Statistics” one (Naples, October 28th 1996), whose acts are being pubblishing by Franc0 Angeli Editore. Both workshops are part of the activities carried out by the PhD students in “Computational Statistics and Applications” within the Departement of Mathematics and Statistics of Naples.

Programme: Invited paper on: “Data Mining mensional Data Analysis”

and Multidi-

Free communications Round table: Mining” Constitution participants Tutorial: Mining





of a research network between the

use of SAS System software for Data

Participation: Whoever wants to present nal communication, a synthesis of his search on this subject, works in progress cations should communicate the title by than July 11th 1997.

an origiown reor applinot later

Aims: Data Mining belongs to the new generation of intelligent tools for data treatment and management, and awakes an increasing interest because of its great power in the analysis of large amounts of structured data, such as databases are.

The participation is free but, because of the limited number of seats, people should register not later than July 11 th by fax to the number 08 l/675 113 or by e-mail to the address:

The classical approach versus Data Mining is mainly oriented to fields like engineering and informatics, leaving in the background the Statistical aspects, in particular those concerning with Multidimensional Data Analysis (MDA) that could be revalued, especially considering the great number of applications: from the scientific field to Finance (forecasting the evolution of interest rate, credit

Carlo Lauro, Alfred0 Gianfranco Galmacci. Organizing Committee: Carlo Lauro, Simona Balzano, Francesco Palumbo, Domenico Vistocco.

[email protected]



Rizzi, Antonio Bellacicco,


Simona Balzano, Phone: +39.8 1.675 159, Fax: +39.8 1.675 113, E-mail: dmamd@



SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER, URL: http://www.dms.unina. it/dmamd.html (italian)

COMPSTAT ‘98 24 to 28 August 1998, Bristol, UK Scientific programme: Statistical computing provides the link between statistical theory and applied statistics. The scientific programme of COMPSTAT ranges over all aspects of this link, from the development and implementation of new computer-based statistical methodology through to innovative applications and software evaluation. The programme should appeal to anyone working in statistics and using computers, whether in universities, industrial companies, research institutes or as software developers. Contributed papers should belong to one or more of the following categories: Cl: Statistical Research: Development of statistical methodology, particularly aspects that rely on computers and computer environments for their implementation: areas of interest include Bayesian Methods, design algorithms, generalized linear models and their extensions, multivariate data analysis, nonparametric regression, resampling methods, spatial and temporal modelling, stochastic optimisation. C2: Computing: Contributions of computer algorithms, tools and environments to statistical computing: for example, visualisation and graphics, databases and GIS, symbolic algebra etc. C3: Applied Statistics: Innovative applications of statistical computing in areas of current interest (astronomy, biology, education, environment, finance, government, health, industry, medicine, physics, surveys etc.).

Submissions may be selected as either full contributions, short contributions or posters by the Scientific Programme Committee. Abstracts of up to two pages should be sent to Roger Payne, by post or e-mail, before 10th October 1997. They should include the main results and references, highlighting novel aspects and indicating their relevance to categories Cl-3. Full contributions are refereed and published, with the invited papers, in a volume of Proceedings by Physica Verlag. Short communications and posters are published in a second volume by IACR-Rothamsted and University of Bristol. Deadlines: Submission of abstracts: Notification to authors: Contributed papers for refereeing:: Final versions of contributed papers: Short communications and posters:

10th October 1997 28th November 1997 20th February 1998 17th April 1998 1st May 1998

n A

COMPSTAT 98, Professor Roger Payne, Statistics Department, IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts AL5 254, UK. FAX: +44.1582 760981, URL: /COMPSTAT/ section For IASC contact: Malcolm Hudson, Dept. Statistics, EFS, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia, 2109. Phone: +612.850-8555, Fax: +612.850-7669, E-mail: Malcolm. [email protected], or [email protected], URL: http:// I-mhudson n A