Xe+ ion beam cratering of Cu-Al thin film multistructure

Xe+ ion beam cratering of Cu-Al thin film multistructure

552 World Abstracts on Microelectronics and Reliability 9. ELECTRON, ION AND LASER BEAM TECHNIQUES Investigation of Ar ion implant gettering of gold...

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World Abstracts on Microelectronics and Reliability

9. ELECTRON, ION AND LASER BEAM TECHNIQUES Investigation of Ar ion implant gettering of gold in silicon by m.o.s, and Rutherford backscattering techniques. A. G. NAS$1BIAN and B. GOLIJA. lEE Proc. 127, (I, 1) 29 (February 1980). The gettering of Au in silicon has been investigated using m.o.s, techniques and Rutherford backscattering. Silicon wafers were intentionally contaminated with Au, and then Ar ion implant was performed on the back surface of the wafer and the damaged layer annealed at 1050°C for times of 15 and 60 minutes. Comparison of generation lifetime between gold wafers and gold implant-gettered wafers, obtained from the response of m.o.s, capacitors to a linearly varying voltage showed a marked improvement for the implant gettered wafers. Rutherford backscattering using 14N+ ions was carried out on the wafers, both on the implant damaged layer and on some 30-40/am in the bulk of the material. The Au concentration in the implant damaged layer was higher than in the bulk of the same wafer for both anneal times, indicating that Au had been effectively gettered. The backscattering spectra also showed other impurities such as Br, Cu, Fe, Sb, Sn and Te present in higher concentration in the implant damaged layer than in the bulk.

Description and use of electron beam accessed memory systems. DONALD O. SMITH. Microelectron. J. 10 (4) 5 (1979). EBAM systems having capacities in the range of 256 Mbytes, access time of less than 100/asec, and 2 Kbyte read transfer times of 424/asec, are currently under development. The unique technical features of these systems are described and a brief discussion of potential applications in computer systems is given: Future EBAM systems of much greater capacity are predicted. Xe + ion beam cratering of Cu-AI thin film multistructure. MARCEL JANDA, ALOIS KUBOVY and DUSAN STULIK. TESLA Electron. (4) 117 (1979). A thin film Cu-AI multistructure was prepared by vacuum vapour evaporation of four Cu- and four Al-films on glass substrate. The thickness of each film was 40nm. This multistructure was etched by an Xe + ion beam of 2.5 keV energy. The profile of the crater was investigated by electron scanning and optical microscopy and by the stylus method. The effects of different Cu and Al sputtering rates on the crater profile are illustrated.