Neuropsychologia, 1975, Vol. 13. pp. 385 to 386. Pergamon Press. Printed in England.
ANNOUNCEMENT XX&t International
Congress of Psychology
July M-25, 1976, PARIS (France)
the French
under the auspices of The International Society of Psychology.
of Psychological
Location The XXIst International Congress of Psychology will be held in Paris (France) from July 18 to July 25, 1976. The Congress will be opened with a plenary session on Sunday, July 18. Scientific sessions will begin on the morning of July 19. Membership The Congress will consist of Members and Associates (dependents may register as Associates). Applications for registration will be accepted in order of receipt of payment, to the planned capacity of the Congress. (a) Members must be psychologists or specialists in a science related to psychology, holding membership in national psychological societies or scientific organizations. They may participate fully in all activities of the Congress and will receive the publications of the Congress. (b) Dependents and other visitors must register as Associates in order to attend meetings and take part in visits, excursions and social activities. Associates desiring the publications of the Congress will pay the fee required of Members at the time of registration. ScientiJic program The Scientific Program will consist of symposia, lectures, and individual papers. English and French are the working languages. Simultaneous translation will be provided for symposia and lectures. (a) The greater part of the Scientific Program will consist of parallel sessions of invited papers organized as symposia. Each symposium will include two sessions of three hours each. The first part will be devoted to the presentation of the papers, and the second one to their discussion. The following are provisional topics for symposia: 1. Acquisition of motor skills. 2. New trends in psychophysics. 3. Attention and learning. 4. Information processing and memorization. 5. Semantic aspects of memory. 6. Evaluation of behavior modification. 7. Ethological observation of spontaneous behavior of the child: methodological problems. 8. Development of aggressive behavior. 9. Perception in infancy. 10. Sensitive periods of development in animal and man. 11. Development of cognitive structures in children. 12. Semantic and syntactic development in children. 13. Language perception. 14. Language in apes. 15. Language and cognition. 16. Artificial and natural intelligence. 17. Factorial structure and developmental theory of intelligence. 18. Physiological basis of learning and memory. 19. Physiological basis of motivation. 20. Nutritional 385
deficiency and its impact on later mental development. 21. Biological rhythms and behavior. 22. Where are we after two decades on “feature analysers”? 23. Asymmetric information processing in cerebral hemispheres. 24. Neuro- and psycholinguistics of aphasia. 25. Pharmacology and behavior. 26. Information processing and stress. 27. Factors determining work load. 28. Psychology and ecology. 29. Intergroup relations: laboratory and field research. 30. Social influence. 3 1. Cognitive processes in social psychology. 32. Observation and learning. 33. Prosocial motivations. 34. Personality development in two cultures. 35. Models of man in social psychology. 36. Psychology of art. 37. Contribution of psychoanalysis to psychology. 38. New developments in statistical treatment of behavioral data. 39. Heredity and environment: present position of the problem. 40. Consciousness and behavior. Those who think they can give an original contribution to one of these topics are invited to submit from now on and not later than June 1, 1975 an abstract of approximately 1,000 words, together with the list, if any, of their previous publications on the topic. All abstracts will be examined by the organizer of the symposia who will take them into account in their choice of invited speakers. Other papers accepted will be included in the Program; they will be presented by a reviewer and discussed in the second part of symposia. Abstracts should be sent to the Secretariat of the Congress, mentioning: Scientific Committee, Symposium no. The first page should give the full name and address of the author. (6) Recent advances in particular areas of psychology will be lectured. (c) Individual papers (15 minutes allowed per paper). Some sessions will be devoted to individual papers for which the list of topics is unrestricted. However, the Scientific Committee will select a very limited number of contributions, on the basis of two main criteria: scientific quality and originality. The full text of these papers and an abstract of 100 words should be sent to the Scientific Committee before December 31, 1975. Individual notices of acceptance or refusal will be sent before April 1, 1976. Communications Copies of this circular are being sent to the officers of each national society who are asked to distribute them to their members. Additional copies of this circular may be obtained from the Secretariat. All inquiries concerning the XXIst International Congress should be addressed to: Helene GRATIOT-ALPHANDERY, Executive Secretary of the XXIst International Congress of Psychology, 28, rue Serpente, PARlS 75006 (France).