02010 Coal mining and water quality

02010 Coal mining and water quality

15 Entimnment +FW’ y;pgua, (pdution, health pmtection, safev) CO, ramoval by hollow-flbor gaa-llquld contactor N. et a&. Energy Convers. Mgmt. Jun...

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15 Entimnment

+FW’ y;pgua,


health pmtection, safev)

CO, ramoval by hollow-flbor gaa-llquld contactor N. et a&. Energy Convers. Mgmt. Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36. (6),

The autlkrs have conducted a series of basic experiments for CO, removal from the flue gas of thermal power plants by use of hollow-fibre gas-liquid con&tom It was confiicd that the stability of PTFE membrane having a high degree of hydrophobic&y is more than 6,600 hours and that by of hydrophobicity on the surface of the membrane, improvin4 the de the durability anlr=performance of the membrane can be improved. They coofhcd that flow chtuacteristics of fluid in hollow-fibre can be estrmated based on Hageo-Poiscuilic law. The overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient Ka(=Kxa) of the hollow-fibrc gas-liquid contactor is more than 5 times larger than that of a conventional packed bed, which suggests that adoption of the present method has the advantage of making the absorber more compact. 9Sl02006 Thr COI l torago l fficloncy of aqulfrra yly e; Mcer, L G. Energy Convers. Mgmf., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6), Previous’ work on the technical feasibility, limiting geological conditions and consequences of carbon dioxide storage in aquifers demonstrated that CO, storage in aquifers is a realistic option. At the ‘First International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal’ held in Amsterdam on the 4-6 March 1992, it was reported that the volumetric CO, sweep efficiency for a given representative aquifer was in the order of 3%. The main objective of that study was to investigate the tech&al possibility and limitations of CO, storage ln aquifers, not to fmd the maximum stars e efficiency (or volumetric sweep efficiency). The paper presents TNO’S 6-N 0 Institute of Applied Geoscience, Delft, The Netherlands) present view on the COJ water displacement process. 96/02009 Coal mlna aafaty In Chlna la allva, dolng batter, and will do batter atlll Cool, May 1995, 100. (5). 36-37. Much maligned and little understood b the West, coal mine safety in China - at least in the Ministry of Coar Industries-controlled mines - is every bit as serious as it is in the United States. Reports on how it is now poised to spread its blanket over the entire industry. Coal mlnlng and water quallty 96/02010 Clarke, L B. IEACRI80, IEA Coal Research, Gemini Housq, 10-M Putney Hill, London SW15 6AA, f300.00 (non-member countrtes) f100.00 (member countries) Jul.1995. %I0201 1 Coda of Practlca for the mlnlmlaatlon of rafrlgarant amlaalona from rafrlgaratlng ayatama Inst. of Refrigeration, 1995, 13 pp. Sets out the best practical methods for minimising the release of refrigerant into the atmosphere. The Code of Practice is intended for use by anyone concerned with refrigeration or air conditioning. 9SJo2012 Coganaratlon concepts for CO aaparatlon from power plants for enhanced oil recovery appl/2catlona Q&&w&z, D. et al., Energy Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6), A large ‘amount of CO, is being produced from fossil fuel fued power plants and discharged into the atmosphere annually. As a result. the dis&arged CO4 is n&w suspected to have caused the-greenhouse effect and global warmmg problem. To overcome this CO, emission problem, there is a great interest, especially in Canada, to capture carbon dioxide and utilize it as a flooding agent for the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) process. In the past few years, a number of feasibility studies and a few testing pilot projects on CO, extraction from power plants were performed. However, then results have showed that even though it is technically feasible to extract CO, from power plants, its cost is high for the EOR application in the current crude petroleum market. Comparlaon of acologlcal noxlouanaaa of combua9Slo2013 tlon of dlffarant aolld fuala In a low-power bollar Szymczyk, J. and Sdek, A. Gospod Paliwami Energ., 1995, 43, (3), 16-18. (In Polish) Describes the test of three solid fuels which were carried out to compare their environmental impact. A criterion lo evaluate the ecological aoxiousness was proposed. Comparison of two approxlmata methods of aaroSStO2014 sol dynamlca . Butulrat. F. and Kielkiewicz, M. Ann. Nucl. Enerm, -. Jul. 1995. 22,.,,-(71 497-501: The method of moments and the method of sectional re resentation are used for the solution of the aerosol dynamics equation w f en coagulation and removal sre taken into account. The Brownian, gravitational and turbulent coagulation ls considered. The gravitational settling ls tsken as the removal mechanism. The moments and parameters of the obtained approximate solutions are compared with each other. Some conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the obtained results.


Fuel and Energy Abatracta

March 1996

9SlO2OlS Condltlonlng of flue gases to Improve the afflclancv of alactroatatlc ~racl~ltatora Garridb Ramirez, R. Ener& (h&id), 1995,21, (1). 67-71. (In SyW Describes how fly ash is removed from fluegases more efficiently w en the gases are conditioned with trlethanolamine, water, or sulphur trioxide. 96/02016 A contlnuoua amlaalona monltor for total, alamantal, and total apaclatad mercury , A. D. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem, 1995, by ADA Technologies Inc. of a continuous emission monitoring system (CEM) that measures the concentrations of qercury and volatile mercury com~un$ in flue gas. These pollutant spcties are ermttcd from a number of mdustrml processes.The lar.$estcootributors of these emissions are coal and oil combustion, mumcipal waste combustion, medical waste combustion, and the thermal treatment of hazardous materials. %I0201 7 Control of NO amlaalona through combuatlon modlflcatlona for rahaatlng &nacaa In ataal plants Teog, H. and Huang, T. S. Fuel, Jan. 1996, 75, (2), 149-156. A study of the emission characteristics of reheating furnaces shows that NO emissions can be stcadlly controlled through operational regulations suec as adjusting the air-to-fuel ratio, maintaining adequate furnace pressure and biasllg the combustion environment in the furnaces. Experimental results demonstrate that flue gas recirculation can be.used to reduce NO, formation when the emission standard cannot be met by operational adjusstmeats. Reducing the length of the combustion tunnels in the burners ln a reheating furnace is suggested as another option for NO, reductions. SSlO2018 Controllln affect of CO hydrate mambrana on CO2 dlaaolutlon Into water f rom the au&a of llquld CO Shindo, Y. et al., Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1495, 36, (a), 47944. Kinetic study on the dissolution of CO, from the surface of a liquid CO droplet ln water was conducted. It was proved that the dissolution rate o $ CO, into water is dominated by the decay of CO hydrate on the surface of the droplet. Kinetic studies on the dissolution obCO, from the liquid CO, pool, the diffusion in the ocean and advectioo of CO, by the bottom ocean current was also carried out. Thin membrane of CO, hydrate on the liquid CO, pool controls the CO dissolution into seawater, the depth of static layer between the surface oI. bquid CO, and the upper bottom ocean current reduces the CO, dlffusion, and the bottom ocean current dilutes the CO, concentration. Convaralon of CO, and CO In flue as from coal 96102019 combuatlon In the praaanca of a pulsed corona a ald Li, Q. et al., Huazhong Ligong Dance Xuebao, 1995,23, (4), 38-43. (la Chinese) Based on a comparison between the corona discharge characteristics ln the coal combustion flue gas and those in air, the decomposition and coaversioa of CO, and CO in the flue gas under the condition of pulsed corona as well as the affecting factors are investigated. SSlO2020 Dacommlaalonlng - Germany’s KKN - Back to graanflald alto Nuclear News, Nov. 1995, 38, (14). 46-47. Reports that on the 17th August, the Karlsruhe research establishment ln Germany, together with Noel1 GmbH, of Wurzburg, and NIS Iagenieurgesellschaf mBh, of Haaau, celebrated the completion of decommissioning of the 100-MWe KKN au&r power plant at Niederalchbach in Bavaria. SSlO2021


of aaroaola

and flna duata from flus

~:~::rdog, G. UTB, Wasser, Luft Boden, 1995, 39, (7). 46-47. (In German) Describes the design and operation of an ionization scrubber for the combined separation of aerosols and fiie dusts from flue ases.The method is suitable for the se aration of adhesive hydrocarbons $tars, soot) and aerosols with a size 0 P 0.1-l urn. The daalgn parapactlva In resource and anvlronSSlO2022 mental aconomlca ;;;ybyl, A. A. Resource & Energy Economics, Dee. 1995, 17, (4), Despite the fact that most regulatory problems in resource and eovironmental economics are design problems, rarely have resource economists explicitly adopted the design perspective in modelling such roblems. In this note the author argues that the design rspectlve shoul t be adopted. Highlights the merits of the design approacr by studying an old problem the regulation of an open accessfishery (OAF) - in a new wa Shows that the design perspective has important implications ror fisheries management. Daaulfurlzatlon of flue gaaaa for removal of harmful 96/02023 aubatancaa Kawamura, K. et al., (Assigned to) Chiy& Chem. Eng. Construct. Co., JAP. Pat. JP.O7,194,934, Aug. 1995.