04316 Carbon dioxide utilization in aqulfer: Method for mitigation greenhouse effect

04316 Carbon dioxide utilization in aqulfer: Method for mitigation greenhouse effect

15 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety) Air pollution, health and exercise: A review 96104300 Jenkins, S. and Hay, D. Energy & Envir...

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(pollution, health protection,


Air pollution, health and exercise: A review 96104300 Jenkins, S. and Hay, D. Energy & Environment, 1996, 7, (l), 51-56. The effects of air pollution on health are complex. Carbon monoxide, ozone sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide have received most attention from scientific research. Until recently, however, the role of particulates has been much neglected. While there is a good understanding of the effects of certain pollutants in isolation, there is a poor understanding of the combined effects of different pollutants found in ambient air. The interactions between air pollution, allergic respiratory disease and excerise are the focus of this paper. Epidemiological studies suggest that allergic diseases such as asthma and hay fever have become more common over the last 50 years. Anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewaters 96104301 Annachhatre, A. P. Resources, Conservation &Recycling, Apr. 1996, 16, (I), 161-166. Anaerobic processes are widely used for treatment of organic wastes. Fixed-film anaerobic processes are capable of handling high organic loads due to higher biomass concentration in the form of biofilms. Anaerobic biofilm reactor startup is greatly influenced by environmental, cellular and surface factors, and is often hindered by low growth rates of anaerobes and their strict environmental requirements. However, these obstacles can be overcome by applying appropriate startup strategies. 96104302 Appalachian coal-mining health and safety trends Fotta, B. et al., Min. Eng. (Lirrleron, Colo.), 1995, 47, (12), 1115-1119. The paper discusses Appalachian coal-mining health and safety trends. Apparatus and method for wet-type desulfurization 96104303 of flue gases using solid desulfurizing agents Kikkawa, H. et al., (Assigned IO) Babcock-Hitachi KK, PCT. Inr. WO.95,31,272, Nov. 1995. 96104304 Apparatus for desulfurhation of gases from coal aasiflcation (Assigned to) Ishikawajirna Harirna Heavy Irld., JAP. Pat. Abe, T. JP.O7,331,260, Dec. 1995. The apparatus contains a rotation body filled with desulphurizing agent of zinc oxide to form a desulphurization zone and regeneration zone for continuous desulphurization of gases. Application of poly-ferric flocculation clarification 96104305 process in coking plant wastewater advanced treatment Zhang, F. ef al., Shuichuli Jishu, 199.5, 21, (6), 355-358. (ln Chinese) The paper discusses two advanced treatment processes of poly-ferric clarification on coking plant wastewater. Assessing long-term impacts of increased crop 96104306 productivity on atmospheric CO, Cavazzoni, J. and Volk, T. Energy Policy, May 1996, 24, (S), 403-411. A full assessment of the impacts of land clearance and crop production on atmospheric CO, requires a systems approach. By considering long-term soil carbon changes and fossil fuel energy inputs, the authors show that increased crop productivity will alleviate CO, release to the atmosphere primarily by preventing additional land cultivation. Each hectare of cropland undergoing a stmulated threefold crop productivity increase here prevents a net release on the order of 150-200 Mg C to the atmosphere over 100 years by avoiding additional land cultivation which would otherwise be required. 96104307 Assessment of CO, reduction by technological usage of terrestrlal ecosystems - Reforestatlon and blomass enerav Goto,-N. and Yanagisawa, Y. Energy Cortvers. Mgmt., Jun.-Aug. 1996. 37, (6), 1199-1204. A mathematical model, focusing on carbon emission from land-use changes and carbon uptake due to CO, fertilization effects in terrestrial ecosystem, was developed to describe carbon cycle among atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems and ocean. During 1961 and 1991, the terrestrial ecosystems have removed a net amount of 12.0 GtC from atmosphere, resulting from 26.1 GtC of emission due to the land use change and 38.1 GtC of removal by the fertilization effects. This model can predict atmospheric CO, concentrations according to the land use changes in future.

Biocllmatic design as the core of environment 96104310 programmes Radovic, D. Energy & Buildings, 1996, 23, (3), 271-275. There is a recognised need for an integrated approach to new professional challenges of sustainability, and for coordination of all environment related subjects within the curriculum of the University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture and Planning. The new Environment Programmes developed during 1993 and started in 1994 will offer courses on the theory and practice of sustainable urban and architectural desing, with an emphasis on bioclimatic urban and architectural design. In addition, the Programme will engage in research on the development of environment-responsive, regional approaches to urbanism and architecture in different parts of Australia. Biological mine drainage treatment 9610437 1 Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Apr. 1996, 16, (l), Umita, T. 179-188. Drainage from sulphur mines contains a high concentration of ferrous iron and it is strongly acidic. The mechanism of acid mine drainage formation was briefly explained. As a case study, successful measures taken at the abandoned Matsuo mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, for preventing the pollution in receiving rivers is presented in the paper.

Blood antloxldant enzymes as markers of exposure 96104312 or effect in coal miners Perrin-Nadif, R. ef al., Occup. Ewirorl. Med., 1996, 53, (1). 41-45. Discusses a study of whether blood Cuz’/Zn2’ superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and total plasma antioxidant activities could be markers of biological activity resulting from exposure to respirable coal mine dust in active miners and of pneumoconiosis in retired miners.

Brown coal and environmental protection 96104313 Milojcic, G. Braurzkohle Bergbautech., 1995, 47, (8), 43-46. (In German) The paper discusses the problems of lignite utilization in Germany in terms of environmental protection and greenhouse effect.

Calculating the consequences of a CO,-plpellne 96104314 rupture Kruse, H. and Tekiela, M. Energy Comers. Mgtnr., Jun.-Aug. 1996, 37, (6), 1013-1018. Focusing on the costs and consequences of large-scale CO, transport in steel pipes, transport in liquid form is superior to gaseous form. A modelling study was performed on the basis of a 350 MWel coal-fired power plant, with CO, removal amounting to 70 kg CO, per set for disposal. An aquifer disposal site at an injection pressure of 200 bar and a transport distance of 30 km is the study baseline. Both economic evaluations and a risk assessment of a pipe rupture showed that liquid transport of CO from the power plant to the injection site was optimal at a pressure of 66 bar.

Can hard coal take environmental requirements 96104315 into consideration? Semrau, G. Glue&auf; 1995, 131, (9), 451-454. (In German) The paper discusses the positon of hard coal as an energy source in industrialized and developing countries with reference to the CO, minimizing potential of the current available technology for power stations in Germany.

Carbon dloxlde utlllzatlon In aqulfer: Method for 96104316 mltlgatlon greenhouse effect Kelebeev, A. S. er al., Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Aug. 1996, 37, (6), 1143-1148. The paper deals with a concept of CO, utilization in deep aquiferous layers that are considered to be tremendous ecologically pure reactors for synthesis of non-organic raw, primarily, sodium hydrocarbonate (nahcolite). For this purpose an interaction was forecasted by thermodynamic simulation method taking place in process of leaching nepheline, albite as well as albiteianorthite blend by carbonic acid at temperatures of 298K, and 323K and pressure of 300 bar.

Avoldlng IAQ problems In new bulldlngs wlth an 96104300 emphasls on hot, humld climates Dubose, G. H. and Light, J. M. Proc. IAQ 95, Pracrical Eugineeriq for IAQ Conference, ASHRAE preprirtf, 1995, 107-114. The paper outlmes the strategies for avoiding indoor air quality (IAQ) problems in hot, humid climates and summarises the findings of an IAQ evalation for two buildings in a south Florida government office complex.

Carbon monoxlde levels and sources found In a 96104317 random sample of households In Chlcago durlng the 1994-1995 heatlng season Conibear, A. A. er al., Proc. IAQ 95, Practical Engineering for IAQ Conference, ASHRAE preprint, 199.5, 79-86.

96104309 The basls for a method to integrate work envlronment In llfe cycle assessments Antonsson, A. B. and Carlsson, H. J. Cleaner Prod., 1995, 3, (4), 215-220. A method is proposed for including work environment in life cycle assessments. The method is based on five quantitative and two qualitative impact categories.

96104316 A case study In the use of mechanlcal lnsulatlon repalr coatings Haugen, P. DucTales, Jan. 1995, 7, (l), 16-18. Discusses a study designed to show that mechanical insulation repair coatings offer the building manager an effective indoor air quality tool that will repair and enhance damaged fire glass insulation plus combat microbial contamination in HVAC systems and ductwork.


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